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Everything posted by Bobby_Batronic

  1. Perhaps they think China would join them as Player 2 in that scenario.
  2. They exist. Other than that I haven’t heard any good or bad. ULCC model, so expect to pay for anything beyond your base fare. They also do a fair bit of cargo flying. Just got a nice raise which compensates their crews competitively with the legacy operators. Should be fine.
  3. Attractive,scantily clad female calls television repair man to fix her tube. Which he does.
  4. I swear they are usually measured in cleats, on concrete with their helmets on.
  5. I dare say someone used the trim cutout switches on him.
  6. I agree that they kinda suck at modern warfare, but quantity has a quality all its own, and the ground becoming passable might allow them to actually fan out and screen their force with APC’s and dismounted infantry. Yeah, it won’t be Patton’s third army rolling through Germany, but the current environment has neutralized the advantages of numbers and equipment. The Russians are attacking and the Ukrainians are defending a series of Thermopylaes because the Russians are road bound for the time being.
  7. Shouldn’t the question be about mud? Because the face of this thing changes a bit when the ground dries out and the Russians are no longer constricted to narrow, defined and predictable avenues of advance and logistics.
  8. I think that’s Wookie dependent. It’s not threatening when you’re 8 feet tall. Yoda sized, minus the force, is another matter.
  9. He’s parsing words. Yeah, he’s not actively packing a gun, but that laser crossbow otoh…..
  10. I could definitely be wrong, but the kind of lead time and distance to make a course correction at that speed in addition inertia and heat makes me dubious of anything approaching maneuverability. ICBM’s can essentially travel down the interstate and hit gas stations on either side, but their footprint is pretty much restricted to the service roads if you follow that analogy. Does maneuverable mean hitting a block deep off of that into neighborhoods or simply making 500 mile wide turns at different points along the flight path to make them less predictable?
  11. It’s essentially out of the atmosphere if it’s going that fast, and there is no maneuverable at those speeds. Perhaps able to have a bit of a footprint like ICBM MIRV’s do, but they’re not changing course substantially. You’re getting into physics and heat that make that pretty unlikely unless they Bob Lazared that shit up.
  12. Yeah, it’s hypersonic at those speeds, but it’s also in intercontinental ballistic missile, and not something roaming the atmosphere. Mach 5-7? Sure. I’ll buy that. Mach 17+. Nah. Certainly nothing able to maneuver at all.
  13. Agreed. Clean, iconic and immediately recognizable. As opposed to the TWA castoff look that Trump favored.
  14. Ask for pain medication after stent removal if they end up doing the laser/Galaga removal. Your ureter spasming will hurt as bad the stone blockage itself.
  15. One of my favorite coworkers commanded an Apache squadron in Iraq 2. Later became a personal pilot for Petraeus. He has the craziest stories about “servicing” their targets and the most deadpan delivery and biting humor of anyone I know. Really good man. One of my best friends was a Ranger interrogator before becoming an Alabama state trooper where he flew their Hueys and then Bell products among other things. Stone cold killer if need be, but an extremely generous crazy man most of the time. Great stories. He taught a member of the band Alabama to fly and soloed him in a trooper helo. I can’t do it justice, but he was pretty sure he’d be one of the most hated men in Alabama if it didn’t go well.
  16. Miracle flights. Jetway Jesus heals all when the jetway canopy touches the cabin and the lame walk again. West Palm is notorious for it.
  17. If you ever work with a career helo head it becomes clear that the continual vibration does something to them. Particularly the old Huey/Cobra big thumpers. The stories are worth the price of admission.
  18. I guess the footprint issue would be with regard to how many are needed to carry a comparable load of soldiers as a Blackhawk if it’s 1-1 then clearly the thing has a larger footprint. If it can carry more then that makes sense. I would think the -22 is more of a Sea Knight replacement, and as you noted can swivel all sorts of stuff to get small for parking. It is interesting that what is essentially Cheyenne tech is making a comeback of sorts.
  19. I didn’t imply they won it or any preference. Just that said program uses the same principles and is part of the Blackhawk replacement program. I would think Bell’s entry would face a footprint problem on ships and LZ’s as its primary drawback. The Defiant is cool as shit, but that’s a lot of gearing and stuff going on. Maybe no worse than the transmission for the tilt rotor. I don’t know. I fly 40 year old tech that competes against 60 year old tech.
  20. They haven’t told us other than it’s probably a PR, liability and safety issue if said asshole is going to really act up in addition to not having people posting videos of people getting dragged off Spiri…well pretty much any airline these days posted on social media and making the news. We’re told to secure the flight deck and lock the door at the first sign of any disturbance so good luck to the cabin crew and stuff.
  21. The make would be the same. I’m sure IFF was off if installed. If they were detected they would have a familiar radar signature. Possible.
  22. Same principle with the Blackhawk replacement Defiant program.
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