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Everything posted by Bozo_Casanova

  1. So ... we have a Delta employee in the family: --------- Wife: I can't believe I'm asking you this but Bozo* wants to know about the Diarrhea plane Cousin: Oh my gosh do not be embarrassed. I've had like 10 people ask me about that flight via text. It was a flight coming in from Madrid and the guy actually had a major medical. He was sitting up at the front not in first class but in comfort plus, and pretty much just lost control of his bowels so he literally pooped from one into the plane to the back labs on that aircraft which are halfway in the middle of a widebody. So there was poop all in the plane which causes a biohazard issue so they had to turn around it landed. Wife: Poor man. Okay - I think Bozo is satisfied** with this explanation <later> Wife: Okay my 12 year old husband wants to know how so much poop got past his pants Cousin: Because it was a major medical emergency. Basically poop waters. Like an enema. ------------ *my real name ** Not even a little
  2. That’s exactly right- @Wulaw Horn you’ve done amazing work on yourself and you want it to stick, but you need to get your mind right, and a big part of that is getting to a place where you can enjoy things. And they probably will be different things than before, but you can enjoy them just as much or more. You alluded to fajitas instead of enchiladas but it’s not just substitute foods. It’s your relationship with food and how that impacts other things- for example, liking the way you look in the mirror and the way people treat you and how your clothes fit, and internalizing the way eating right connects to that feeling.
  3. OK - you've mentioned this a couple of times and it's not getting enough run, because everybody wants to congratulate you for your achievement. That's great, but this needs some attention too. You can have and deserve a healthy and positive relationship with food. I would strongly recommend seeing a therapist or psychologist who has experience working with people who have had bariatric surgery or transformative weight loss. Can your doc recommend somebody?
  4. Co-sign. Almost no reason to visit the retail location.
  5. @TwiceHorn @troph Thank you for the good advice - agree it's standard and FTR I am looking for reasons to sign as is. The part that concerns me is that the language of the remedies clause. Essentially the recipient (that's me) agrees that any violation or threatened violation will cause them irreparable harm and entitle them to relief without showing damage. Top of mind are two situations I am aware of in my industry where a company disclosed information to a prospective exec, didn't hire them (in one case he wasn't offered, in another he decided to go a different direction), and then sicced their outside counsel on the new employers. In one case that I have direct knowledge of, the offer was rescinded. cc: @Brisketexan
  6. I'm up for a senior executive (C-suite or SVP, negotiating) position with a company that competes with two of my former employers. Obviously if I was hired I would have to execute an NDA, and I'm familiar with the issues there. However, I'm being asked to sign an NDA in connection with the interview process, and I have a few concerns related to what happens if I am not offered or do not accept the position. They are asking me to sign so that they can disclose enough for me to go through a strategic exercise with the other senior execs - mainly me creating strategies, plans and recommendations that I would lead if I come aboard based on my understanding of the business and their disclosures. First, I'm concerned that to a certain extent about my knowledge of my recommendations - not because I'm worried they will take them and not hire me, but the optics if I wind up competing with them somewhere else. Second, I'm concerned about the contents of the NDA - their remedies to protecting their disclosures include entitling them to injunctive relief in addition to all legal remedies without showing or proving any actual damage. I don't think anybody has anything but good intentions, but the fact is that this industry is a small pool of experts who move though multiple stops and we all know each other. If this doesn't work out I want to be able to land an another spot and compete with these guys in good faith with no hard feelings or gotchas. Thoughts?
  7. Now explain this one to me - I get the benefit of corporate ownership, but if I don't want to personally share or leave NFA items to anyone, is there any benefit of a trust over individual ownership?
  8. I agree with you in principle but many of these cases are highly staged. For example, Homer Plessy boarded he whites only train car and violated the separate car act he did so in a sort of cooperation with the railroad company, who opposed the law and understood that the Committee of Citizens intended to use his case to challenge it. In fact, the detective who arrested Plessy was hired by the Committee to ensure that he would be arrested and charged for violating the act. I don't like the practice and to me the court shouldn't be taking up non-problems (as opposed to the very large problem at that time of legal segregation), but it's not new.
  9. I don’t know what’s funnier- Bobby trying to soften the question by saying high school coaches are “split” on the topic of school choose, or Abbott claiming that good athletes will play for their local school, and then name checking SOC.
  10. Is he kneeling in front of the Supreme Court while pretending to pray with a football? Either he has truly been paid his reward in full, or I don't have a good handle on the 6th chapter of Matthew.
  11. fify - Iraq obviously mattered, but the 2001 and 2003 tax cuts changed our trajectory permanently, so when Iraq ended we didn't get the peace dividend we would have collected. fify - Iraq obviously mattered, but the 2001 and 2003 tax cuts changed our trajectory permanently, so when Iraq ended we didn't get the deferred peace dividend we would have collected.
  12. Is it really though? I mean I’m ostensibly sort of a liberal (‘Cabal’ charter member), and obviously we picked up a handful of actual lefties along the way but most of the longtime “liberals” on this forum are disaffected former Republicans who were defending George Allen and the Bush Tax Cuts 20 years ago.
  13. It’s insane, this guy‘s taint!
  14. That location was better when it was a Grandy’s
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