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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by SuckitKevin

  1. This tirade should have happened after the Arkansas game, but I agree with Sark, next time it should be a player ( or 3 or 4). Bo Davis is a gd national treasure!
  2. Loved the Outfield, the wife and I saw them at an 80’s concert in San Antonio in the early 2000’s. I used to crank my stereo up at the beginning of Bangin’ and get peoples attention, underrated song.
  3. If players had half his passion we wouldn’t have lost 4 in a row, fuck the haters.
  4. Disagree, I thought his body was on top of his own player and therefore past the line to gain by the time he was down, but no review was definitive.
  5. How well has KU looked the rest of the season? This board is a beating with idiot sticks sometimes.
  6. Now somebody screenshot Overshown getting face mask blocked by the wr on the same play. I believe there were 3 different choices for holding on that 1 play.
  7. Wrong, and the last egregious holds were on the last running play.
  8. Not everybody is saying it’s fixed but it’s damn sure incompetent. The receiver clearly stepped out of of bounds on his own but that play stood and eventually led to 7 points. The fumble by their QB should have been 7 pts for us. OU holding at least 3 people obviously including the receiver who nearly pulled Jamison’s helmet off by the face mask led to the last touchdown run. But you’re probably right. If you’re upset about this you’re just a big pussy. GTFO with this shit. That was 21 points of bullshit in a 7 point win. I left out a lot more shit. Please post all the point negating penalties/ non penalties they missed on the Sooners. I’ll wait. I’ll give you this, even with all the fuckery that happened, Texas still should have won if they’d avoided dumb mistakes of their own. That doesn’t take away the fact that Texas has a right to complain and their fans have a right to be royally pissed.
  9. If the ball is loose before his arm goes forward but still in his hand, the ball will still go forward but it is a fumble.
  10. I realize the Big 12 gives zero fucks as well as these officials but tweeting that Fowler response and the images in this thread to them and these incompetent officials would at least cause some embarrassment wouldn’t it?
  11. I agree he’s good but if he plays against a secondary that is taught to turn their head and look for the ball, he will throw several interceptions. He is fast and powerful. He has a cannon. He also throws a shit ton of balls up for grabs and got away with it yesterday. That along with some terrible calls/ non calls made me very ragey.
  12. I’m not completely discounting what you’re saying but aggy O line got bitchslapped by Arkansas 3 man front too. They haven’t been very good all year until last night.
  13. I wouldn’t say I’m content, but I get what you’re saying.
  14. Their initial score was bogus too because the receiver ran out of bounds, they even reviewed that one. Idiotic refs caused a lot of our issues but not all of them. We still should have won that game.
  15. Don’t know if this was a hold or face mask or both, according to the refs, neither
  16. Your sarcasm meter might need an adjustment.
  17. Jacksonville better start practicing the coin toss.
  18. Not a Texans fan at all, but it seems like this coach might be alright. He has this team playing better than I thought they could.
  19. Aggy has some great rb’s, I think their ability to run will tell the story of this game.
  20. I was on the Card train initially because I felt he had a higher ceiling. Maybe he still does. That being said, it appears that the players are more behind Casey and have more confidence in him. I work in a profession where leadership is critical and that is what I sense in Thompson. The play where he tried to go and lead block for his running back is a perfect example. That was instinctive and speaks to why the team appears to be behind him. There have been a few supervisors I’ve worked for that I would run through a brick wall for because of the level of respect I had for them. I’m hoping that is what Casey brings to the table (especially when it comes to the o line), inspiration and intensity.
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