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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by SuckitKevin

  1. This game is hard to predict for me, I’m not sure how good or bad either team is based on the mixed results so far. Texas should definitely win based on talent and home field but I’m not sure I have much trust in them after Arky, we’ll see.
  2. This brings up something interesting from the Texas vs Arky game. I wasn’t sure if hitting low was also a penalty at the college level. If it is, we got double fucked on that late hit on Card. Sorry for the thread derail.
  3. They led 30-0 before the 3rd string guy came in. GTFO with this shit.
  4. My Dad was a poor farmer who joined the army because he couldn’t afford college. He was stationed in Arkansas and saw the ‘59 game. After that he was hooked. We grew up rooting for the Horns. My earliest memories are watching Earl in the mid 70’s. Then one of my best friends from high school was a walk on 89-90 season. I’d go up and party with him quite often. I was a student at UTSA. Now my son is a freshman at UT living the dream.
  5. Will you please return to the loving arms of sweet lil sissy, it’s getting lonely in that big ol’ single wide.
  6. Colorado, who we handled pretty well last year was a cunt hair from beating big bad SEC aggy. But you’re right we can’t compete. I’m tired of arguing with some of you. I think Flood is a good coach with a fantastic track record and maybe he hasn’t had enough time to teach properly. I believe there is more talent there than you do. We’ll agree to disagree. Other than Georgia and Alabama, SEC ain’t shit. I ain’t sucking their dick.
  7. Our best O-lineman opted out at the end of last yr in case you didn’t remember.
  8. Outtalent everybody? No. Outtalent Arkansas. Yes. Whittington is a five star recruit that is very talented, Worthy is pretty good too. Most of this O-line played pretty well towards the end of last year. This year they suck shit through a straw. Bottom line, my statement wasn’t that we could outtalent everybody, it was that Arkansas didn’t do that. I’ll stand by that.
  9. So Texas beat Georgia 2 yrs ago, hung with National Champion LSU better than anyone that year, but now they need to get to that level. This is just lazy excuse making. Texas has talent that needs to be coached up. If you’re saying we need to get to that level with our coaching staff, sure. Arkansas didn’t out talent us. That’s ridiculous.
  10. SuckitKevin


    He said it is because of our large athletic budget, land thieves budget isn’t small. My point is that is not the reason for the way they play with a chip on their shoulder.
  11. Not every coach has to be like Nick Saban but you do need some Ass kickers on a staff. It’s been over 30 yrs since I put pads on but I remember the coaches that got our adrenaline pumping and got us playing with some anger. I believe there is value in that. You could see the difference on the field Saturday between our intensity level and theirs, it matters.
  12. SuckitKevin


    If you are a Rice grad, you should be smarter than this. As much as I hate to admit it, OU is just as much a blue blood as Texas. Coaching and culture are the differences.
  13. My name is no longer orange, did my payment not go through?
  14. I just don’t agree with this. This I what the “ SEC, SEC” crowd want you to believe. They were bigger at some positions and smaller at others. As a team we are probably faster. Did they play faster? Yes. Were they more physical? Yes. That is the problem.
  15. As to the OP, I’m not surprised we lost, I am surprised we got embarrassed.
  16. I’m ambivalent on the qb change, but if you’re replacing that position and not any of the obvious worse offenders from that shit show of a game you’re doing it wrong. Also, Sark basically said at the presser if he yells guys don’t listen and get the point of the teaching. Okay, but after you teach and before the game someone needs to crawl up their ass and make them breathe fire, no more orange slices until you learn how to play like a BAMF.
  17. I work for a large metropolitan fire department and was in my 2nd year on the job. On the 11th I was working with our training staff to put together a CPAT (Candidate Physical Ability Test). We were hearing initially about a plane flying into the WTC and all figured it must have been a small Cessna or similar plane. When the 2nd one hit we knew something was wrong. My FIL was on Texas Task Force 1. He deployed immediately and was in NYC on the 12th. He doesn’t talk much about it but has told us a few stories of finding bones or body parts and hoping it gave some families at least some closure if they had something to bury. It was a brutal time for my wife because I think she finally realized the dangers of our profession.
  18. Exactly, saying we don’t have the talent yet to compete with this offensive line is laughable. Coburn, Ojomo, Broughton, and especially Collins were all highly coveted by most major programs. They are plenty good enough to beat Arkansas. Scheme, coaching , and especially attitude/intensity are much bigger issues.
  19. Bring Kasey Studdard in as an assistant to show these dipshits how to play with a mean streak. I’m not even kidding. There should be zero tolerance for playing like a pussy.
  20. This right here is why I don’t think many of our O-Line problems have anything to do with talent. Please find me a starter that when recruited most if not all major programs in the region wouldn’t have given their left nut for at the time, and yet they all have better lines than we do. It’s development and coaching. When an opponent’s cheap shots anger fans more than the players, the right kind of attitude is not being developed in practice.
  21. Damn Urban, you could have come to Texas and lost by 20!
  22. SuckitKevin


    We didn’t lose this game because we were out talented , we didn’t lose because recruiting sucks, we lost because of a shitty game plan that didn’t adjust and players playing soft. I saw on the first few drives when a defensive player made a tackle they would push our guys in the face mask on the way up just to disrespect them, I saw the same from their offensive players. They played with a hate fueled intensity from the beginning and that helped to set the tone physically for the rest of the game. Our players weren’t ready to play and that is on them to a degree but moreso the coaching staff.
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