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Sgt Hulk

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Everything posted by Sgt Hulk

  1. I shit you not. I just got a phone call my grandma died. Texas opens up in top of 9th im going to finally see after 40 plus years my rangers may win it all when grandma passes
  2. Damn no one threw a chair like him
  3. Bottom of the lineup doing work. Everyone gets to play. Keep bats warm Jobu like
  4. Keep cycling through pitchers. Inwanna see the diamondback center fielder pitching in the 7th
  5. Guys I’ve waited 40 plus fucking years for this
  6. Oregon and Washington would pass for 500 yards on us The refs have called 2 holds all year on us. They’d rape our d line and our non existence secondary would get skull fucked
  7. I hate to see all this anger and negativity directed at one another. It’s tearing this family apart
  8. I can’t wait to see him flex out and never be thrown the ball
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