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Everything posted by JohnnyRage

  1. Can someone please go on Tucker Carlson’s show and pronounce it ‘Two-ker’?
  2. Can someone please go on Tucker Carlson’s show and pronounce it ‘Two-ker’?
  3. SIAP, https://www.foxnews.com/us/california-police-officer-wheelchair-man-train-rescue
  4. So how are his constituents going to wrap their brains around wanting a 'Law & Order' president vs. the narrative that Biden supported the 1994 Crime Bill and Kamala Harris' aggressive efforts as a state Attorney General? Oh wait, they won't have to put in that kind of effort. (not saying that the crime bill or Harris' political ambitions were morally justified) Side note lazy crime derail question... Shouldn't all the people that have the signs and door mats that say, "We don't call 911" with the picture of a gun pointed support de-funding (reducing police budgets to save tax payer dollars)? Seems logical
  5. So this next UFC seems pretty weak sauce. It must be tough to put together ppv cards putting sometimes multiple events per week and travel still being limited. Also, the atmosphere sucks. But here I am bitching about having sports back.
  6. As baseball has already demonstrated games will need to be canceled. So you will have to build open makeup weekends into the schedule timetable.
  7. Any conference, including the Big 12, had the opportunity to step out in front and pool together a leadership panel of logistic and medical experts from within their schools or areas to brainstorm how to kick this situation in the balls as safely as possible. Instead everyone is just reacting, watching, and hoping.
  8. That's fantastic. I'm happy for you.
  9. Jesus dude. If she's hot, you kinda should re-friend her.
  10. @BurntEyes I've been more offering counterpoints to a few sweeping statements of fact and generally when use of deadly force is legal. And that's on me, this isn't necessarily the right thread for that. I haven't been hyper focused on this case because so much is still unknown and it's too hard to glean information from dark grainy videos. But I've never defended either of the shooters nor the open carry protestor.
  11. I have never said the driver provoked, but he did run a red light to turn off of a road with no protestors onto a road with protestors. Does the clause about being 'recovered' include just repairing the dents on your car with your insurance or out of pocket? I have previously heard to defend property it has to be unique and irreplaceable to use deadly force. But I could be wrong.
  12. Separately from my posed question, one thing possibly about Castle Doctrine and vehicles...let's assume people were not trying to gain access to the car by either pulling on door handles or smashing through the windows. I would assume in that situation, where people are not trying to access to get you out of the vehicle or to due harm physically to you, that you don't have castle doctrine to protect damage to your vehicle. Vehicles are common, repairable, and replaceable.
  13. So you got Surly in the divorce? Respek.
  14. Gaw, I really don't want to do this...but dumb question. If the wheels of the the shooter's cars were moving, does it automatically make it an illegal shoot? I've hear that only LEO are legally allowed to shoot out of a moving vehicle.
  15. I’m not here to speculate, I’m just disputing some of the ‘facts’. Someone that is armed should always do the prudent thing and avoid trouble like the plague, be the worlds biggest pussy. But if you want wild speculation, this guy was scared or angry, and he had his gun chambered on his lap. It’s hard to get off shots that accurately, that quickly, through a car window, in a real situation where lives are on the line. But he shouldn’t have even been in that situation, and that’s on his judgment and research.
  16. Well, I can't help you with driving unless you live in DFW and pay by the $40/hr...and don't touch my thigh.
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