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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Longhorn_Fan68

  1. I believe 8 is the new record. We had done 7 like five or six times before. Mavrik Bourque called up. Not sure why, but maybe someone needs a maintenance day. Guess we'll see if anyone is scratched tomorrow
  2. is there something that someone that has $100 to throw at this can do to help tank the stock?
  3. 'splain. I don't want war - ever. I'm a pacifist at heart. And spare me the "the US isn't innocent" bullshit, but Russia openly attacked and plans to completely consume an ally and now member of NATO. we are compelled to do something and I am in favor of doing everything short of sending our men and women over there. So fuck yeah, throw money at the problem because if there is any nation in the world that can afford it, it's us. but quit with the piecemeal shit - send everything Ukraine needs to win and send it now. we could literally see Putin's regime toppled in our lifetimes if we armed Ukraine (and maybe a few other territories wanting independence) properly. Give them our toys and let them go to town. I simply don't see how any of that is bad for us. Quite the opposite from everything I can tell.
  4. can you just summarize it for us? 🤣
  5. yeah, that's how that works. we give them money to send their old shit to Ukraine to make way for new shit for us. what's the problem here?
  6. how do I always forget this? and please for the love of god, don't repost their pics. they're already seared into my brain
  7. dafuq is going on in here? Any American upset over the PENNIES we are spending to support Ukraine absolutely pants Russia is either an idiot or a traitor.
  8. especially when 2/3 of his wives were imported. oh, but they white, so it's ok. we're not talking about THOSE immigrants, are we?
  9. the late start sucks but it's a national broadcast and all eyes are gonna be this game. best player vs best team? we shall see!
  10. lol, having never taken that test before I hopped on the site and took 8 sample questions, got all 8 right. good thing I'm too old (I think) to be recruited or I might expect a call in the next few days.
  11. It's not the "third" on this board that are mostly highly educated people that need this blasted in their face. It's the third or so of Americans sitting on their fucking thumbs, doing nothing to plant themselves on the right side of history; it's those people who will be marginalized first and when they're adequately pacified/indoctrinated they'll shift their attention to us. By then we'll be outnumbered. It's happened before. It's happening again. We can stop it. Time will tell if we will.
  12. maybe it's a protest and he's hanging the flag upside down. also, very possible it looked right in the mirror and he didn't think anything of it. in fact, now that i have typed that I'm sure that's it
  13. add him to the list of punchable faces
  14. Tanev just moved up a little in Stars lore. Let's hope that continues
  15. Severe Torture still banging out greatness.
  16. let's hope that's a harbinger for November
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