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Auto Driller

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Everything posted by Auto Driller

  1. Why should middle to upper management be paid more? Equality?? Perhaps the qualifications and job roles are very different. I don’t know though. I have it on good authority that “real” work can only be done after you commute 1 hour each way to and from your McMansion.
  2. So the only advantage to having US-based employees is their ability to physically show up in an office? Indian contractors are otherwise equal - is that right?
  3. Boomers clamoring for a return to the office worried that they won’t be able to sexually harass college grads and get forced laughs from middle management to their stupid jokes. Face it - no one cares about your vast experience. You can embrace WFH now or you can lose your best employees and then the company will move to WFH once you get forced into retirement in 3 years.
  4. Belarus GDP: $60.26 billion Coming in slightly behind world economic powerhouse Rhode Island ($61.08 billion). A master strategist indeed.
  5. Card needs to prove that he can handle pressure and not self-sack before the conversation around his willingness to take risks even matter. I hope that he developed that poise during the off-season but we won’t know until we see him out there. I have a feeling both QBs are going to play early season no matter what.
  6. Re: Azovstal surrenders Clearly surrendering to Russian captivity is one of the worst fates you could have. My only guess is that those who surrendered were so badly injured that they were almost guaranteed to die if they didn’t. The only thing that have going for them is that the Ukrainian military knows who was there and therefore should be expected to be alive. However, I’m sure the Russians will say that many of them “did not survive their injuries”. This is based on the idea that the “healthy” defenders are still holed up in the bunkers, which I think is the case.
  7. This guy seems to be the one sane person on Russian TV.
  8. This was such a shitty strategic decision by Putin. All-time bad.
  9. When is someone on the Russian side gonna get the courage to tell Putin that they need to stop or they literally won’t have an army in 4 months.
  10. These “Luhansk People’s Republic” traitors are learning the hard way that Russia never gave a fuck about them. Useful idiots.
  11. Russia is spending a lot of time and effort renaming streets and schools and opening banks in occupied territory. I guess it’s a coping mechanism.
  12. Finland and Sweden “home to many terrorist organizations”? What the fuck is this guy talking about.
  13. No hearing protection. Guy doesn’t give a fuck.
  14. Re: Belarusian tanks Seems like an obvious bluff to try to keep Ukrainians from further concentrating their forces in the East/South, right? They couldn’t be stupid enough to launch an attack, right?
  15. Best update is from the Institute for the Study of War on twitter. Basically, Russia is making little to no advances and are losing ground around Kharkiv in the northeast. If Ukraine can successfully take this area, Russian troops in the Donbas will be largely cut off from resupply. Kherson is also being actively contested. The “all out offensive” by Russia is failing, to no one’s surprise.
  16. I believe we could do that very legitimately. Chinas loyalty to the dollar is much stronger than Vladimir Putin. They don’t want nuclear war. If anything, it benefits them more for Russia to be defeated so they can feed on the carcass. If we threaten, they will not do business with Russia.
  17. Ask yourself this - would we, given the resources available to any football staff at UT, have produced worse results what we have experienced over the last decade. I’d argue the answer is no.
  18. I’ve said it from day one - whoever has more Precambrian metamorphosed sedimentary rocks rich in iron ore is going to win this in the end.
  19. It would make sense that Putin launched an ill advised invasion and refuses to back down even in the face of mounting losses if he feels like he’s going to die or become incapacitated soon and needs to cement his legacy before then.
  20. I personally don’t give a fuck that we didn’t have anyone drafted. I wasn’t operating under the illusion that we had a bunch of talented upperclassmen on the roster.
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