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Posts posted by Mdhorn

  1. 17 hours ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    Rick Gates admits he may improperly submitted personal expenses to Trump's inaugural committee.

    Coming clean helps undermine his lack of credibility issues.

  2. 3 hours ago, jimmyjazz said:

    Two different "machines" -- those that individuals use to cast votes, and those that are used to tally those votes.  The latter have been shown to be ridiculously easy to hack.

    Also remember that the Russians wanted to observe the elections in person but were denied (supposedly). 

  3. 18 minutes ago, Nivek said:

    That and Putin could not have subverted an entire political party and a powerful lobbying organization on the left by sending only a 5 at best.

    Still think they hacked the votes.  When Trump said if Hillary won it was rigged, it was because he knew the votes were coming.  


    • Like 5
  4. Think also that Trump has already told Paul that he'd pardon him but the more that comes out, the worse it looks as far as real criminal intent as well as exposes their criminal enterprise.  Think this is why Trump is unhinged. 

  5. 25 minutes ago, Dahobbs said:

    The oil companies admitted that the science is settled in federal court--humans and fossil fuels have driven climate change. They had a whole presentation on it earlier this year. There is no real scientific debate on this issue. 

    science fuels the left and denialism the right.  It's basically smoking all over again except those that don't wish to inhale are stuck inhaling permanently.  

    • Like 1
  6. 45 minutes ago, ChiTownDoc said:

    Nobody is fiscally conservative.  And the side that used to claim it, can’t anymore.  That side should STFU.  

    been saying this for awhile--hasn't been a fiscal conservative in my lifetime.  

  7. 16 minutes ago, GSU&UT said:

    Let's be frank, extended droughts and rainfall are becoming more of the norm here too which is no doubt contributing to the problem. I know unfortunately so many of you want to act like this isn't human caused by burning fossil fuels, but the vast VAST majority of scientists agree on this.

    I totally think man can alter the environment.  There was a period when acid rain was a problem and that certainly was man created and solved.  One of my corporate lawyer friends before they bailed represented businesses that willfully knew they did harm but weighed it against the amount of fines as the price of doing business.  If they garnered 3 million in fines but earned 12 million in profit, then it was a win.  

  8. 23 minutes ago, WhatTheBuck said:

    It almost seems like we're already there. 

    Initially, they didn't know any Russians, then did but didn't meet, then met but didn't collude, didn't collude but it's not against the law if they did, talked about adoptions but then only about Hillary's emails but not about anything else and didn't get any information.  There's so much actual tweeted and RECORDED bullshit.  It doesn't point to ignorance or a disinformation smoke screen, it just spells LIES.  It all shows he lies continuously.  The Russians don't generally meet in a foreign country to present nothing and get nothing in return.  That's just empty bullshit.  It was hidden until it wasn't for a reason and it certainly wasn't to hide it from Donald Trump in his own gotdamn hotel a floor beneath him.  Not everybody is his moronic base.  

    • Like 1
  9. 10 minutes ago, pyrohornIII said:

    There are some pretty solid theories about wildfires being worse than they used to be because after we clear cut a lot of forests, we just let all vegetation come back and fight it out.  What we ended up with is a lot of underbrush that serves as a fuel source the old forests didn't have.  With that extra brush and mid range vegetation a fire has enough fuel to reach up higher into the big trees which eventually works into the crowns.   

    Old forests survived lots of fires because there was not this thick layer of fuel, as the taller trees blocked the sun from those smaller plants, thus preventing them from growing.  So if a fire did roll through it only had a thin layer of leaves and pine needles to burn.   Not enough heat to reach the lower branches.

    So instead of using good forestry management and clearing underbrush before hand, we let it grow.  Many blame the environmentalists on this, because they supported laws that prevented cutting anything down, due to habitat threat issues.   Maybe that is true, but there isn't any money in the scrubby stuff, so unless good forest husbandry was written into the contract for the timber cutters, then it wasn't going to be done.    It's a lot like miners going in and stripping out resources and leaving behind a creek that's now a superfund site. 

    So I don't know what the hell he is talking about when it comes to the water use situation, but i would bet his thoughts on "bad environmental laws" are based somewhat on what I have explained.  But of course he only understood part of it, the liberal part. 

    As far as "tree clear"  I guess he is talking about cutting a fire line, to cut off the head of a fire.  But once it gets in the crowns these things develop their own weather fronts, as big fires draw oxygen to them, causing wind up and out, carrying firebrands for miles sometimes.   Maybe he means they have laws that prevent cutting the underbrush in some areas.  I am not sure.  

    But like everything else, heaven forbid explaining things.  That can't be done in a tweet. 

    The book Collapse, by Jared Diamond does a good job describing these forest management theories. 


    Pretty sure places like Yosemite already did control clearing and maybe even burning.  I know they do this in parts of Africa too.  There's very little prevention to those that are going to set fires, especially during extended droughts.  

  10. 3 hours ago, jimmyjazz said:

    So because we spend too much in areas not called Medicare and Social Security, you support a tax cut that will be financed by cuts to Medicare and Social Security?  

    That's some A+ fucking thinking right there, hoss.

    They may want to spin that by their base first. I'm pretty sure they'd say hell the f'k no and gfy when asked.  In fact, I know they would--they're primarily olds.    


    59 minutes ago, mdmost said:

    Well California hasn't been fair to him so it's okay that they burn because they have bad environmental laws. 


  11. 4 hours ago, Orca of Peace said:

    Lebron is quite smart, remember how he can recall like 15 consecutive plays at any point in a game when grilled by reporters? Lebron's raw mental horsepower is much superior to Trump, Bron is naturally mentally sharp, Trump isn't. 

    And Lebron is a proven champion and a player that everybody wants on the their team.  By God, he brought a championship to Cleveland!

  12. 29 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:


    So much campaigning.  He literally can't campaign enough. It's hard to campaign for his fellow Republicans as much as he is doing.  It would help if they all just met him at his golf resorts.    

  13. 15 minutes ago, Gap03 said:

    I was following the Washington Post's summary of the trial as it's going down, and if the bolded part is accurate, I find it a bit disconcerting:

    Is it just me, or does the fact that Judge Ellis is summarizing the defense this way seem to legitimize it as a viable defense?  As we've seen all too frequently these days, the "nobody would really be that stupid" argument should seem to hold very little water with Trump and his followers these days.

    Prisons are literally full of idiots that did stupid stuff with the belief they'd get away with it.  

  14. 22 hours ago, triplehorn said:

    more from courthouse brandi:


    "Building on the prosecution’s theory that it was Manafort who approved finances, Washkuhn recounted an email chain she shared with Gates.

    In March 2016, Gates emailed her saying “Paul wants to add accrual information [to a profit & loss sheet]. Can you resubmit [the sheet] as a Microsoft Word document since the PDF sent is crooked?” Gates told her he wished to send the updated info to a loan offcr at Bank of CA

    Washkuhn told him NKSFB couldn’t send him the Word document because it wasn’t company policy. She offered instead to rescan the document but Gates kept at it. “I’m confused, why can’t you send? Your scanner doesn’t work,” Gates wrote.

    She offered to send a hardcopy but Gates declined the offer. “Poor system. If it creates electronic records it should be able to print,” he wrote. Finally he asked her if she could add a $2.6 million accrual to Davis Manafort Parnters International for 2015.

    “I told him I couldn’t add it that way since we go by cash accrual only,” Washkuhn told prosecutors. Raising his ire for a third time, Gates shot back an email to the accountant. “So, none of your corporate clients have accrued income. Doesn’t make sense,” he wrote.

    Now, I'm not an attorney, but it seems pretty obvious to me - why would Gates want a word doc? Cus you can alter them. If you were so inclined."

    you can alter pdfs pretty easily too...just not as easily as a word doc.

  15. 42 minutes ago, jimmyjazz said:

    I'm going to go ahead and answer this as if you weren't "just asking questions" and are actually interested in a response.

    Trump's economic and trade policies are retarded.  The consequences of his lunacy are yet to be even marginally realized.  I am confident things are about to get worse, because he's too stupid to just stay the course and ride the gravy train he was gifted.

    Regardless, my concerns about Trump's economic policies pale in comparison with my concerns that the wipes his ass with the Constitution on a daily basis, couldn't tell the truth if you paid him $1B to do so,  and is an absolute moron with zero knowledge of history or law or international relations and he's jacking off all over the globe.  The consequences of his foreign "policy" are potentially grave.  The consequences to our system of government are absolutely dire.

    The fact that he's rolling back qualifications for judges, destroying consumer protection agencies along with other federal protection agencies and passing tax cuts for the rich that will be paid for by our social security, medicare and medicaid should be enough to bring concern from any citizen.  Then add the restrictions that were imposed on banks and stock markets for fraud and predatory lending which lead to the housing crash being removed and history repeats itself.  

    • Like 1
  16. 40 minutes ago, TornACL said:

    Lagging indicators + I don't think we as a society are strong enough to pull together through a crisis.

    I think if we had our power grid shut down for 72 hours it would be Lord of the Flies by the time we saw the second sunrise.

    The threat of a snow storm that only lasts a day or two totally wipes out grocery stores in the East.  It's maddening how cray people get. 

  17. 1 hour ago, Tony Soprano said:

    Those 7 on 7 coaches got some egos. I'd hate having to deal with them. Got to kiss their asses along with some of these pampered kids. The Jimbo love in that article was nauseating.

    It's always about money.  

  18. 9 minutes ago, DixonHur said:

    Watching Ken Burns' Civil War doc...starting to think the Union should have let the Confederate States secede. 

    nope--should have done what Sherman suggested and destroyed the South.  All the healing did was allow them to regroup.  

  19. 18 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

    Then it’s over.

    Which may be even better. The sooner we face the fact that we can’t all live here together and we’re gonna have to fight it out, the better. Might as well get on with it.

    Agree but it'll be over as soon as the government stops their pharmaceuticals and welfare payments while food prices increase.  Shut down their power and they'll die from heat stroke.  They're not going to march anywhere.

  20. 59 minutes ago, jimmyjazz said:

    These are the people who serve on juries.  Let that sink in a bit.

    True but Manafort is sitting in front of a jury pulled from Northern VA means it's a more educated, Democrat and less radical peer group.  There's a reason they wanted to move the trial.  Or I'm hoping my logic is correct.  

  21. 19 minutes ago, HOOK'EMHOOAH said:

    ...so I guess he's gonna change what a week means now? How is he gonna golf at least 37% of every week with those numbers?

    He's not.  He's going to tweet a whole lot from the golf course.  He makes a lot of money billing the government for those stays and when it comes down to it, it's all about Trump.  He'll ruin their brand like his own and they'll allow it to happen, most likely because they're criminals too.  

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  22. 36 minutes ago, Gengs1 said:

    Screw her, she has been lying for a while now and it’s taking a toll on her, she choose to do this job 

    Yeah, but she comes from a selective Christian upbringing.  

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