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Posts posted by Mdhorn

  1. 52 minutes ago, Bruh Man said:

    you east coast elitists in your ivory towers sure do have a disdain for the hardworking american farmer.


    when the dems vote against this, the attack ads will say exactly that.

    Ironic that they'd have to ignore the man that literally builds himself towers all over the world through which he also funnels money from the government into his accounts.  It's like we have this self created plague of stupidity that continuously threatens those with functioning brains.  This should be a tv show that starts off every episode with the bad guy threatening the world every morning from the sh'tter and the good guys have to deactivate whatever bs plan he enacts.  Whereas it could all end by just deactivating his social networking account, we'll instead get a four season Dotard in Chief: Impending Apocalypse. 

    • Like 1
  2. 1 hour ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    My interpretation from reports on Manafort is he is still in denial.  He really believes he is the victim in all this and will get out of it when the dust settles. 

    He’s not making any deal. 

    He’s a ride or die spy.

    Then he'll get ridden till he wishes he were dead. 

  3. 54 minutes ago, NameAlreadyInUse said:

    I was wondering what has kept Tahoe busy enough that he's not been posting here.  I guess now we know.

    Apparently the League of the South has a lot of coffee drinkers. 

  4. 2 minutes ago, longhornmatt said:

    But as a silver lining, at least your tax dollars don't have to pay for our end of life medical care while we're ejaculating ourselves to death.

    On Comey, while I do think he's right in this case, he in general, this whole time, has just needed to STFU.  The guy is almost as big of an attention whore as Trump.

    Comey, Spicer. all the people that are selling books now get to act like they're suddenly doing the right thing and fighting corruption.  Maybe what Congress needs are book deals before they act for the good of the nation.  Somehow, they're going to write themselves like heroes.  

  5. 1 hour ago, zork said:

    Is that a whatabout trump jr or a but trump jr?

    I think the Feds are letting the obvious cats like Kush, Don Jr. and Page walk freely intentionally to entangle the head guy.    

    • Like 1
  6. 1 hour ago, zork said:

    When is Page going to be charged with the accusations that led to the FISA warrant?  Or did I miss that?  Is Mueller still building that part of the case as well?

    when are they going after Donald Jr who everybody knows was busted with his pants down f'g the cookie jar?

  7. 2 minutes ago, 4th&Five said:

    Long ass audit. 


    My problem with the tax returns is there's a lot elsewhere that really doesn't require them.  If they base everything on his returns, isn't there risk of a "if the glove doesn't fit, you must acquit" scenario which then exonerates Trump and creates enough wiggle room for him to storm tweet up his witch hunt accusations.  The Republicans will use this like a battering ram to discredit all the other arguments. I fully understand his returns aren't going to list his overseas assets because why would they--what would be the point of offshore accounts (already existing evidence) and assets?  Everything seems to have loopholes so wouldn't some exist here as well?  

  8. 5 hours ago, HOOK'EMHOOAH said:

    No they don't and as well they shouldn't. No one should just take anything on faith because it's not a reliable pathway to the truth.

    but that'll be another fork in the road for these types-when they lose their jobs because of a tariff created recession.

    • Like 1
  9. 5 minutes ago, HOOK'EMHOOAH said:

    He will force them to make an appeal to faith, which you know his base will do because that is the only lens through which they observe reality. Unfortunately for them, when it comes to that way of thinking, there is literally nothing that can't be taken on faith if that is the only way one accepts as their pathway to truth.

    Bill collectors don't accept faith as compensation.  

  10. 1 hour ago, SubliminalHorn said:

    He’s an imbecile and is his own worst enemy. He’s going down in flames and it’s gojng to be glorious. 

    It'll blow up because he doesn't give a shit about his base.  He'll eventually get around to telling them in a way that they'll understand.  

    • Like 1
  11. Alright, we have had a cabinet of several cucks and wife beaters headed by a lets make fun of #me too dotard.   Beautiful.  Wanna know what Trump absolutely doesn't care about?  Female assault.  

  12. 1 minute ago, Mojo Hand said:

    I'm sure the daughters suffered mental abuse as well.  It's not easy growing up or making decisions in that environment. 

    Daddy's never home and when he is, he brings a lot of other frightening bs.  Makes me want to take a 9 iron to the whole cabinet of this fat, wretched, bloated, orange ball of puss.  

  13. all the new cuck information is going to make issuing out those pardons extra special with the public.  Trump makes great decisions with his hires of the best cucks.  I think the existence of the pee tapes are back on again.

  14. Just now, Mapache said:

    Putin Says Trump Gave Up Crimea And Other Parts Of Ukraine During Private Summit

    Russian President Vladimir Putin says U.S. President Donald Trump willingly gave up Crimea and other parts of Ukraine during their private closed-door meeting at the Trump-Putin summit.



    This should play well with military vets.  Remember when you were fighting against the spread of Communism?  Well, fuck it.  

  15. 1 hour ago, Mapache said:

    Don't forget about the treasonous "feet on the desk" disaster. He should have been impeached for that disrespect of the office

    Trifecta if you add the flag pin fiasco.  How Obama ever completed his term is proof of Deep State conspiracy.

  16. 1 hour ago, FondrenRoad said:

    What makes you think someone like that will succeed in early vocational school?  There are plenty of people who don't "want" to do anything until they are thrown in the water of having to work and make ends meet.  They then either sink or swim.  Vocational schools are mostly filled with people like this who realized the hard way that they need to buckle down and better themselves.  Its also better to have these type of people in vocational schools rather than lazy 14 year olds who don't want to do anything as long as mama keeps a roof over their head.

    My cousin was a complete waste in high school.  You couldn't have made him open a book or rebuild an engine.  Dropped out, got kicked out, worked and got fired from some shit jobs for a while.  Then finally cleaned up, got his GED, went to vocational school to be an auto mechanic, and now is doing okay.  If you had put him in auto mechanic school at 14, he would have failed right out of it too, however.

    True but you can't have them making sex videos in the bathroom or cussing in class. Really, they brought in a behavioral specialist who said to just ignore it so that you don't bring attention to a student swearing out loud in class.  Also, the low is a 50--no zero's.  If they go to sleep and do nothing, they get a 50.  That's daycare and only hinders those actually taking classes.  None of this belongs in the Trump 2018 thread though.   

  17. 1 minute ago, Mojo Hand said:

    Yes, but that is part of the problem.  We need to change the way we think of education as a society.  There are plenty of jobs that don't actually require a university education but will only hire (or will prioritize) college graduates because there's so many of them, and why would you choose a high school graduate over a college grad, all things being equal.   It has become a self-fulfilling thing where you need college to be successful because people have decided that you need college to be successful.   There needs to be a broad societal change on this.  

    Aside from college, there are a lot of kids that don't want to be in school either.  Really, they are being forced to attend school and being passed regardless of whether they complete the work or not.  I'd be all for vocational training at an earlier age as well.

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