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Posts posted by Mdhorn

  1. 52 minutes ago, atomheartbevo said:

    Cross posting.  

    In the belly of the beast (Oklahoma) visiting relatives.

    And FNC was on this evening.  Muted, but on.

    And Good Ole Tucker was on.

    And judging by the main banner hanging over the feed of his guests, they were discussing why Mueller didn’t go after Saudi Arabia after 9/11.

    Tomorrow’s Shitter Tweet?

    What's the Surly pool look like?  I'll take 3 year old stabbed to death at own birthday party by black immigrant to justify torturing all immigrants.  

  2. 5 hours ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    Very sad to report Alan Dershowitz is being ostracized from his social circles.


    Hang with shitbags and normal people expect you'll stink. Trumpanzees stink.  Republicans stink.  If Dershowitz doesn't care and sees this as a game where he can garner attention and praise in the sewer, then why cry about people sensitive to stench.  Dershowitz stinks.  He should man up and enjoy his new fecal pals.  

    • Like 1
  3. 35 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    The government should be afraid of its people, not the other way around.  You stand silently in power while the foundations of genocide and tyranny are being set, best prepare for the reckoning and it will be up close and personal in your face.

    Deal with it.  This is the stuff people fought and died over to prevent in this country.  Hound these motherfuckers.  Make them uncomfortable. The tables have turned. Peaceful but extremely assertive opposition is warranted IMO.

    Their goal was to get away it without people caring.  They guessed wrong.

    You have systems in place.  If they don't work, then it's a civil war.  But right now, you continue to let Mueller do his job.  They're already being made uncomfortable--50 Republicans are walking away and several have been indicted.  Trump is nervously tweeting his guilty ass off but the thing is, he's deadening his own base to his bs.  The boy who cried wolf is exactly that--a liar that numbs those around him to his antics so that they don't respond.  His base has fringe people like fringe crazies that exist in any group.  The rest can cheer all they want but they can't sit in the sun very long or go without their prescription meds either.  I'm not for their shit, but I'm not taking up arms when there are actually already systems in place for such occurrences.  Let it play out through November and see.  Hell, if you want to drive people with pitchforks, start with the Latinos in my neighborhood that are mad as hell with the current situation but when asked if they voted, will tell you no.  It's difficult to have sympathy for some of this horse shit too.  It nullifies whatever advantage demographics provide.  Of course Maryland is completely Democrat too and we do have a moderate Republican governor that has been pretty decent.  

  4. I'm not for hounding these people.  It only justifies their actions and gives those like Zimmerman an opportunity to shoot people when they feel threatened, regardless of whether they instigated it.  Actions like this only get innocent people hurt.  There are other avenues for action and public shaming is of the type that will only get worse.

    I love being macho and brazen at times when I get pissed off, but I also have a wife by my side that's also going to bear the brunt of my actions regardless of right or wrong and she's a great person and teacher that really does make a difference. In some ways, it's more selfish for me to put those kinds of peoples lives in jeopardy.  Do what you can as an American and respect other peoples views in public.  Lead by example.  It sucks, but it's the right thing to do.   

  5. 2 hours ago, Ghost of LL said:

    I've said for a long time that I'm really worried about what happens after the Democrats take control.  And get ready, because they're taking control in 2020.

    Because whether you agree or not, the Democrats are convinced of several things: (1) Trump supporters--which is now to say "Republicans"--are racists who use their purported ideology (whether on immigration or religion or whathaveyou) as a cover for their racism; (2) The Republican Party, which is therefore an inherently racist institution, is a minority party that can only achieve power through anti-democratic means; and (3) Trump used the pinnacle of anti-democratic means--i.e., collusion with Russia--to gain power.  And if you accept those three premises, then in the name of "democracy," that'll justify all manner of anti-democratic actions.

    So yeah--you think the Republicans are good at gerrymandering?  Wait until you see Democrats do it.

    And you think you like voter id?  Wait until there's not a DMV office in a town of fewer than 500,000 residents.

    Oh, and Puerto Rico and DC--isn't it time y'all got statehood?

    Oh, and all y'all immigrants--don't you think being separated from your kids deserves a make-good?  Maybe in the form of an accelerated path to citizenship?

    And if you've been convicted of a felony and had your voting rights revoked?  You're probably going to get them back.

    And anybody--and I mean anybody--who gives money to a Republican-leaning group is going to be identified and publicly shamed.

    Mind you--I don't agree with any of these measures.  And I don't agree with most of the Democrats' policy positions.  And for that reason, I'm very very worried about what the post-Trump era is going to bring.

    A pendulum swing in the opposite direction.  If we can get affordable healthcare, the ability for social security to not pay for a tax cut for the rich and an affordable college education, that would be a win.  What I don't like is that absolute power corrupts absolutely.  I think you always need a strong watch dog party, especially in a Democracy.  The Republicans really are bringing their brand above ground which I'm glad to see.  No longer are they hiding behind sheets.  It's great to get an assessment of what they finally stand for.  

    • Like 3
  6. 2 hours ago, retread said:

    What happened to "I'll sign anything" and then Schumer offering him most of what he demanded? He shot that down, and he owns the DACA crisis.

    He decided to hold children hostage in cages to get concessions from the parents and from the Ds in Congress. He owns that, too.

    You're discounting the Miller/Kelly effect as well. 

  7. 1 hour ago, atomheartbevo said:

    McConnell ain’t gonna do shit to piss Trump off.

    Mrs. Mitch pulls down $200,000 a year as long as Turtle keeps Trump happy. 

    Drain that swamp. But make sure and hire the Senate leader’s wife so he can’t fuck you. 

    Wonder if Mrs. Mitch gets paid by the NRA along with Mitch?

  8. 17 hours ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    There are only a few thousand kids missing.

    U.N. Just called out Trump for human rights violations 

    Nothing to see here.

    And he was so close to getting a Nobel prize this year.  

    • Like 1
  9. 7 minutes ago, Hank Kingsley said:

    Trump is Lex Luthor.

    Gene Hackman version. 



    Any version of Lex Luthor is was way too smart.  He's the Hulk without all the strength, muscles and green tinge.  Plus he can't jump but they both share the same vocabulary and deal making attributes.  

    • Like 2
  10. 2 hours ago, Aqua Buddha said:

    Because their schools will have more money.....?

    We have to pay for things somehow.

    I guess Trump's going to go after Amazon/WAPO again while giving himself a free "smart" pass.  

  11. 1 hour ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    Hillary needs to shoot someone on fifth avenue and see if she can get away with it.

    According to the mob, she's already killed several people.  They just lack any and all evidence.  

  12. 7 minutes ago, TornACL said:

    It's been how the definition of "elites" has been distorted to often include anyone with an education. 

    But in the traditional sense, Trump is the epitome of the elite that his supporters claim to loathe. I am still to this day amazed that flyover state folks actually felt like Trump was one of them. 

    Well, they all have big New York apartments apparently or respect one of theirs that does.  Bernie Madoff could have been somebody on the Republican ticket.  

  13. 1 hour ago, Bevo14 said:

    You think those people are capable of critical thinking? Homeboy can say whatever the fuck he wants and then throw in something about puttin dem durn immigrants in their place or dem durn Democrats tryin ta keep them down and those morons will lap it up.

    We're lucky he's still using words.  He could just spout off a string of consonants and sounds and he'd be in their good graces--one of them, language challenged vs those English speaking liberal elites.  I don't know why he bothers to wear pants to these things.  

    • Like 4
  14. 1 hour ago, Francisco 2.0 said:


    thanks--this made me laugh out loud.  This is some quality grade A asshattery.  A president is literally saying he has a better apartment than Democrats or "elites."  Is the WH considered an apartment or a hostel these days?    

  15. 1 hour ago, JohnRedHorn said:

    The coming civil war will be messy. There's no division of north versus south to draw battle lines on. 

    One thing is for sure... The world will rejoice

    and the Rush Limbaughs will sit in their basements fanning the flames.  

    • Like 1
  16. 17 hours ago, Bojack said:

    I often ask people why they dislike Hillary and quite a few people can't really say why. Voting for Iraq is most often the answer given by liberals like myself. I was nowhere near voting 3rd party or for Trump but fuck anybody whose judgement is so terrible that they thought the Iraq War was a good idea. Bill's metoo baggage doesn't help. I agree that a great deal of the dislike for Hillary is due to her being a target of the right for so long but we'd be better off if the Clintons just went away, fair or not.  

    on board 100%

  17. 18 hours ago, deech said:

    I am not saying Obama didn't play the game.  I was just not a huge fan of the Clinton presidency for a lot of different reasons that aren't worth going into on the Donald Trump thread. Then she cherry picked a Senate seat, voted for the Iraq war, and the hits just kept on coming.  So yeah, I felt that the Iraq war was the stupidest fucking decision in modern history and I despised anyone who voted for it.  If that makes me retarded.  Sorry.


    You didn't even list 3 things to dislike about her and I doubt you could reasonably continue.  If the hits kept on coming, the Republicans wouldn't have had to manufacture bs.  Everybody believed the Iraq war--as the Republicans put it, you were un-American if you didn't.  America was a disturbed hornets nest that wanted to strike anything associated with 9-11 which is when our good pals the Republicans do what they do best and manufacture bs.  They pushed for a rushed vote to capitalize on the public's shock and anger which would have turned on each other if someone like Trump had been in power.  He would have mopped up during that time. I remember being fully on board until I actually collected my damn mind.  But none of this was held against the Republicans, only Hillary who did what most did and voted along with the current hive mind.   

  18. 44 minutes ago, atomheartbevo said:

    And he has no idea how this plays with mainstream America, because Miller has never been around them

    Even W wasn’t this tone-deaf. 

    They should know what a terrorist starter kit looks like.  

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