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Posts posted by Mdhorn

  1. 17 hours ago, Bojack said:

    I often ask people why they dislike Hillary and quite a few people can't really say why. Voting for Iraq is most often the answer given by liberals like myself. I was nowhere near voting 3rd party or for Trump but fuck anybody whose judgement is so terrible that they thought the Iraq War was a good idea. Bill's metoo baggage doesn't help. I agree that a great deal of the dislike for Hillary is due to her being a target of the right for so long but we'd be better off if the Clintons just went away, fair or not.  

    on board 100%

  2. 18 hours ago, deech said:

    I am not saying Obama didn't play the game.  I was just not a huge fan of the Clinton presidency for a lot of different reasons that aren't worth going into on the Donald Trump thread. Then she cherry picked a Senate seat, voted for the Iraq war, and the hits just kept on coming.  So yeah, I felt that the Iraq war was the stupidest fucking decision in modern history and I despised anyone who voted for it.  If that makes me retarded.  Sorry.


    You didn't even list 3 things to dislike about her and I doubt you could reasonably continue.  If the hits kept on coming, the Republicans wouldn't have had to manufacture bs.  Everybody believed the Iraq war--as the Republicans put it, you were un-American if you didn't.  America was a disturbed hornets nest that wanted to strike anything associated with 9-11 which is when our good pals the Republicans do what they do best and manufacture bs.  They pushed for a rushed vote to capitalize on the public's shock and anger which would have turned on each other if someone like Trump had been in power.  He would have mopped up during that time. I remember being fully on board until I actually collected my damn mind.  But none of this was held against the Republicans, only Hillary who did what most did and voted along with the current hive mind.   

  3. 44 minutes ago, atomheartbevo said:

    And he has no idea how this plays with mainstream America, because Miller has never been around them

    Even W wasn’t this tone-deaf. 

    They should know what a terrorist starter kit looks like.  

  4. 6 hours ago, Dbeasy said:

    90% approval by Republicans is absolutely ridiculous.

    But that base is eroding. They're showing up in less than prior numbers for their own primaries. There are more Democrats showing up for theirs.  So 90% in 2018 isn't the same number as 90% of their followers in 2016.  And where do the Independents stand?  Without them, neither party has a real shot. 

  5. 4 hours ago, Pods said:

    I can understand liking those things, but are you not concerned that Trump is a chronic liar and likely criminal, even setting aside any of the Russia stuff? Look at how Trump is shitting his pants over Manafort and Cohen possibly flipping. That is not the behavior of an innocent man. 

    Do his violations of the enoulments clause and corruption not concern you? Do his constant attacks on a Free Press not concern you? I suspect you like those, because of lib tears, but think about where that goes in the future if it continues. It's not a place any of us want to live and it's not the United States of America. 

    In a best case, his sycophantic behavior towards Putin shows extremely questionable decision making. His alienating trade partners and allies is going to burn us for at least a decade if it isn't checked, which it won't be. 

    Even throwing Russia out, there are giant red flags all over the place in this administration that people are ignoring. 

    he lost me when he said he said he liked Scott Walker types.  Trump is a Scott Walker type--guess who Scott Walker enthusiastically voted for.  The Scott Walker types helped pave the way for Trumpism.  

  6. 4 minutes ago, Dbeasy said:

    I am stunned that Sanford lost to a candidate who so clearly aligned themselves with Trump. I thought that in today’s environment that would be impossible, even in South Carolina.

    Nope, just have to be stupid to share something in common with their electorate. 

  7. 2 hours ago, kevwun said:

    All that money saved from cancelling the maneuvers can now be spent at Trump properties!

    and parade for our chief negotiator and golf aficionado. 

    edit: Beaten to the punchline--see above. 

  8. 1 hour ago, bolverk said:

    Fucking tent city-styled internment camps for kids...in the gotdam desert. If this goes through, it'll forever be a shameful blight on the soul of America.

    These are the same evil idiots who drummed up fantastical fears about Wal-Mart concentration camps as a result of standard military training exercises.

    No Gestapo in Bastropo! How 'bout Gestopo in San Angelo?

    Same idiotic group that insists we 're a Christian nation but only in scripture with which we agree and practice notwithstanding.

    • Like 3
  9. 4 hours ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    Elizabeth Warren is the closest I’ve seen to go straight for the fucking jugular on Trump.

    because she'd reverse every gd thing he's instituted and we'd all benefit--even the rich would continue to get richer.  That's the kicker, they can try and get it all at once and more or gradually.    

  10. 4 hours ago, GW Hayduke said:

    I agree. Lies, dishonesty, hypocrisy, adoption of un-American values aren’t going to be tolerated by the Democratic Party. 

    Trumpism has bought into tribalism, us-vs-them, identity politics that put winning above country.

    Democrats need to be the alternative to trumpism. 

    Fox was touting that well before Trump though.  He just followed suit.  

  11. 13 hours ago, GRHorn said:

    Trump was the result of a unique storm, but if establishment politicians had been doing an adequate job he wouldn't have been near the threat he became.  Then when it came down to it, a sufficient amount of Americans chose the total wildcard over the standard for the establishment (HRC).  I interpret that as people being fed up with the usual.  Otherwise why choose such uncertainty?

    you contradict yourself so many times in your posts that you have to be a troll.  You're not even following your own spewed bullshit.  You earlier stated that Trump won the presidency so his is the will of the people.  Then it's shown that he actually didn't win the popular vote so you go with yeah, but he still won. Now you're in a unique storm phase. F'k you and your stupid posts--I'm not playing your tired, lame ass game anymore.  Ignore.  

  12. 13 hours ago, GRHorn said:

    Sounds about right.  Anybody who's been in any kind of board meeting or other contentious scenario can attest, you usually can get a feel very quickly for how things are gonna go.

    How many meetings do you go to without preparing?  Or admit to making up shit because it sounds right? Or bring a totally unrelated skill set in the likes of a basketball player to the world stage for diplomacy talks.  It's all a petty cry for attention.  

    • Like 1
  13. 13 hours ago, MaybeACoordinator said:

    Baby Boomers: blaming the next Generation since 1985.

    I am Gen X. We were slackers, even though we entered the worst job market in years and it has set our career earnings back for a generation.

    Milennials are more or less forced to go to college and rack up debt that was unimaginable for Boomers. Housing prices are through the roof. Those smug fucks killed the American dream, and still beat off to Crosby Stills and Nash jams, because, like, they were so enlightened, and they all did such great drugs, and we all fucked each other, and it was sooooo cooolllll....And then we got our corporate jobs and calmed the fuck down and destroyed the middle class and look at those lazy kids over there. 

    Fuck 'em all. I am glad I was mostly raised by my grandparents and my non-Boomer dad. My mom was the boomer in the family and she ME-ME-ME'd herself into alcoholism and heroin addiction and an early grave, but at least she didn't talk down to us as lazy slugs. 

    It wasn't just the hippies that f'd us.  There were some conservative value bullshit artists that f'd us as well by trying to cheat a bigger part of the pie.  The hippies with their free love weren't creating cigarettes with tar, nicotine, arsenic, ammonia, benzine, uranium and formaldehyde.  

  14. 14 hours ago, GSU&UT said:

    Should I applaud them for doing their job and putting the country's best interests first instead of their party's? Sure I will, but our Republican congressmen/women need to be able to grow a backbone and shouldn't have to be constantly reminded to do the right thing.

    Doesn't even depend on who's paying because they'll do whatever for the right price.  Remember when politicians talked about how much time and money it took to campaign?  Wasn't long before they didn't care who paid or where they got the money.  

    • Like 1
  15. 14 hours ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    And let’s suppose the Republicans do act.  Will you applaud them for doing the right thing or will you vilify them for not doing it sooner?  

    Which will you do first? 

    Depends on when they do it, if they do it or if they continue to vote one way while tweeting another.  Right now, it's all hypotheticals because tweets aren't stronger than votes.  

  16. 22 hours ago, longhornmatt said:

    He is a male prostitute.  He actually made $500,000.05 last year.  I asked him, “Tennessee, I don’t understand.  You’re a phenomenally successful gentleman of the night, the Memphis Men-fister ... who gave you five cents?”  

    He replied, “Every one of them.”

    Coffee is for closers and since Tennessee closed on every one of 'em, Tahoe brought him coffee...and a nickle, every damn time.  

  17. 17 minutes ago, Chooky said:

    And if the DNC had anything resembling a collective direction or a goal they'd seize the popularity of the policy and force him to either co-opt the issue and jeopardize portions of that base or lose out entirely on the popular issue.  

    I stay fairly informed, lean a bit to the left and I still have no idea what point the DNC firmly wants to communicate.  Patting yourself on the back for not being an ignorant, orange buffoon isn't moving the needle.  Kissing your partner in a political ad isn't cutting edge.  Those large swaths of red that they lost right through the middle of the country aren't interested in a debate about gender pronouns.  Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi as the sun and moon of your universe won't carry the torch.  If the goal is to turn a wave into ripple, then the current stagnation is right on point.      

    I don't think they need a collective voice--just one for each race.  I don't think every race presents the same challenges so why run the same ads?  The Republicans ate it in Virginia and New Jersey going all in on MS13 narratives. Another case in point is Alison Friedman is running some good ads against Barbara Comstock in Virginia and Texas has their own with Beto. 

    The collective voice will land once the Trump admin gets dealt some blows and they're coming, they always do no matter who's in office.  He's been a turd in the punchbowl without crisis which he invents.  Wait until a real one presents itself and he has to deal with all the self inflicted chaos he creates.  I don't wish it on anybody, but the voters that put him in office will fare the worst.  

  18. 10 minutes ago, Hank Kingsley said:

    I'm pretty sure any Dem nominee will be in support of removing the federal ban on marijuana. 

    And he will walk back on this once the private prison, alcohol/tobacco, and Big Pharma groups get a hold of him. 


    Trump will cave like he did on the Dreamers but if he followed through,  I think the Democrats have more to fear from the apathetic non-voter that an issue like this would create- - especially with young and minority voters.  

  19. 11 minutes ago, Jive Turkey said:

    Damn. This is probably the meanest thing Trump has done to Sessions.  I mean, straight through the heart  


    Trump does this and he'll make 2020 competitive.  

  20. 38 minutes ago, retread said:

    The Trumpkins have gotten a taste of payback, as they see it, and they love it. The Libs are getting their comeuppance, and the orange horde will likely get in line for Trump 2.0.

    Wait till they get their health care rates increase or it flatlines.  That'll be a lol moment.  

  21. 1 minute ago, Longhorn_Fan68 said:

    Not gonna lie, I teared up a bit seeing ovi's pure, unadulterated joy when he was handed the cup. Good for him, and the Caps.

    I love hockey so hard

    I'm just glad to root for a Washington team that didn't tank once again.  Loved it when I lived in Dallas and the Stars won.  And this is sweet. Love Oshie too and great to see him win even though he's only been a recent Cap.  

  22. Just now, Brisketexan said:

    You have faith in the electorate.

    It is misplaced.

    Truly.  They haven't learned a damned thing and should we all survive, it would only prove that the position is fool proof so they could do it all again. 

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