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Everything posted by Mdhorn

  1. Please do not normalize the stupid so that the bar drops even lower. I don't know how, or what that would look like, since it's probably still dividing and multiplying at the top of a pond somewhere, but it's out there and electable.
  2. Let's not forget he was fined 2 million for misusing charity Trump Foundation funds and was shut down, along with Trump University $25 million fraud settlement, and the scumbag filed for bankruptcy 6 times. Dotard's the queen of fraud.
  3. Ah, the hits keep coming...
  4. Shit, Hillary was being publicly dragged by the DO right up to Election Day. Meanwhile the guy having affairs with whores and huge loans from a foreign bank while not disclosing his taxes gets crickets. It wasn't treated the same at all. Then when he's elected, he's told he's immune from prosecution. Now that he's a civilian again, he still wants immunity from any past or future crimes. Yeah, I'd start here. Publicly disclose his crimes that he's being investigated for, let his court trials continue or fast track so that America doesn't elect someone compromised by a foreign government(s), and then treat him the same way any private citizen by definition should and would be prosecuted--jail the motherfucker, freeze his assets, and start holding him accountable. Yeah, start there. Why is this hard? Investigate 2 billion Kushner got shortly after he left office. Also, maybe look into emolument clause violations.
  5. Because nothing needs to be taken for granted. Doom and gloom until he's beaten. If people let up thinking this is won with or without me, then the orange fuck gets elected.
  6. It's a nothing burder, as some would say. Really, this is what they have to distract from the case against Trump, which is based on actual evidence.
  7. Running his patented how to bankrupt a casino routine--can Trump file for bankruptcy on the Republican party?
  8. The Hispanic grocers get their produce after everybody else here, and/or don't have as much bargaining power as larger retailers. I think a big part is just Capitalism--can't blame a shortage, transportation issues/costs or mass bird flu chicken slaughter. Covid showed what people are willing to pay. The DC metro region is seeing the rising costs as well. But that's not going to change with a new president, and certainly not with more tax cuts for the rich.
  9. I just wish Dems didn't attack their candidate. He's not broken. Everything is working and people in place to run things are competent. We can do this all day long. The idea that Trump even comes up with his own attacks is hilarious. He still doesn't know how government operates, and when he does talk on his own, it's painfully obvious. I'm not a betting man, but I'd wager with near certainty he doesn't know what NATO stands for.
  10. Don't know if this nugget got missed but seriously, wtf: "The Capitol Visitor Center has reported Rep. Rich McCormick to the House sergeant at arms, according to an email reviewed by POLITICO, accusing him of “unsafe actions” while on a tour of the Capitol’s dome Tuesday and doing pull-ups on railings suspended hundreds of feet above the ground. The Georgia Republican went beyond a posted sign reading “no person permitted above this platform under any circumstances,” according to the email, and went over a safety railing at the “Tholos level” of the Capitol dome, more than 200 feet in the air. Staff photographed him straddling the railing and pretending to fall or slide over, the email said, and recorded him bypassing the safety signage. He also reached up above the Tholos level to grab a crossbar and do multiple pull ups while his staff filmed, according to the account. McCormick told reporters Wednesday that he "didn't do anything dangerous. 'I used to get paid to jump out of perfectly good aircraft — this is nothing dangerous," McCormick said. He added that he has been in touch with House security personnel but maintained that "nothing unsafe was done."' ...Tour guides in the Capitol Visitor Center don’t have the authority to intervene in any actions by members of Congress, but the guide leading McCormick’s tour did pass along his and his staff’s behavior to superiors, who then alerted the House sergeant at arms. It’s unclear what punitive steps the sergeant at arms could take against McCormick." https://www.politico.com/live-updates/2024/01/31/congress/republican-reported-for-unsafe-actions-00138833 These people are unhinged.
  11. Amazing how evidence works. So the no camera's part was the next goal, so he could reinterpret the scene from Birth of a Nation. And for those still thinking Trump's not racist, that's how the portrait the film Birth of a Nation portrayed black congressmen. Trump is blowing on his dog whistle again. "Some opponents of Reconstruction tried to erase black officials from the historical record altogether. In Georgia, after the Democrats regained control of Georgia’s government, Alexander Abrams, who compiled the legislative manual each year, announced that he was going to omit black lawmakers from the biographical sketches. He wrote, “I am not going to include these Black legislators because it would be absurd to record the lives of men who were but yesterday our slaves and whose past careers embrace such occupations as boot blacking, shaving, table waiting, and the like.” A quote like this reveals the combination of racism and class prejudice that went into the opposition to Reconstruction. It wasn’t just that these men were black, but that they were poor, that seemed to mark them as being somehow ineligible to be part of the public world. Historical accounts echoed these charges. They were also perpetuated in cultural representations. In the film Birth of a Nation, for example, there is a scene in the South Carolina Legislature with black members taking off their shoes and putting their bare feet up on the table to show how ridiculous and incompetent they supposedly were. Gone with the Wind has similar scenes."
  12. The same guy that touts to never admit when you're wrong and continue saying the lie until they believe it, will also not admit to defeat. The person that won't admit to losing because that's for dogs, and soldiers, apparently, has painted himself into a corner. But then again he always does this and his sycophants bail him out. Grab 'em by the pussy out front should have shown us.
  13. The government is too inept at running anything except elaborate deep state, long game schemes. This is why Republicans won't appear on gotcha public television/radio programs. They don't want to be fact checked in real time.
  14. And we recently had a fight regarding the right to limit the spread of misinformation. How did that go and who does this aid? I wish more Americans asked this question, along with dissolving federal protection agencies and deregulation. And yet again, dark money now funds lawmakers, which is essentially US law. The United States of America is on its way to fragmenting and it begins with allowing a few to continue their quest to destroy Democracy.
  15. If the feds do nothing, then even more service members will become a problem in the future. Police are kind of doing their own thing in a lot of places--do we need military personnel doing the same? Why would they support a national cause rather than their own home state's deeply seated religious or recently changed laws to propel aggression? The feds are supposed to say, sure it's alright to lock up women who may have had or sought an abortion, no matter the reason. And what constitutes privacy inside of state lines from local and state governments? Probably no longer need to integrate schools either, since states should be able to make up their own laws regarding education, assembly and the welfare of its citizens. I mean, all the gun nuts that have been so worried about a slippery slope regarding their gun rights while furiously masturbating to Red Dawn for decades now, may finally get their opportunity to take on the government. Because none of this stops at immigration.
  16. So let me get this straight, Kennedy Jr. would destroy the business model of the cartels, which is American consumers? Because that's largely why drugs and hookers exist. The same applies to the American industries and businesses that employ immigrants under the table, because they can do that now without securing the border. Just go bust some businesses and industries? Or maybe they'll adjust their child labor laws to allow 14 year olds to cultivate and harvest crops and hold down industrial jobs. I mean what are the full-time benefit packages for 14-16 year olds? Vacations? Where would they go--they can't even drink? Minimum wage is already shit in those states and healthcare is just more socialism. No time like the present for the youth to learn valuable future job skills. I can see farmers and processing plants lining up to pay top dollar for young teens to work. OSHA smosha, we don't need no stinking laws, rules, industry standards, regulations, or taxes. They'd employ even more poor and probably grow the military at the same time. I'm sure the wealthy will send their kids to a factory floor to soak up some of this valuable experiences, in addition to school.
  17. Especially in comment sections--shitty foreign governments found out early that the comment sections were a way to sew discord. After reading an article and reviewing comments for reactions, for all I know, I'm reading scores of Iranian generated bots going at from both sides.
  18. Not much, no, unless Texas is playing and it's March. I stopped watching when I could no longer tell a foul or travel, since the refs didn't call either on star players/teams, especially in pro sports. Fuck basketball, fuck the changing strike zone in baseball and fuck all the targeting, PI and hold calls against Texas but nobody else. Thankfully, we can all wash our hands of anything in the Big 12.
  19. My use of they didn't stop unraveling women's reproductive rights, citizens united and several other harmful cases. I believe Thomas, Kavanaugh, Alito are definites and Roberts ignoring SCOTUS ethics along with his ruling on Citizens United ruling makes him questionable. That's almost half which is all that's needed. Until Roberts takes a firm stand on ethics, unless I missed it--fuck it, Republican appointees judges. They had to have more than just ideological beliefs to be appointed by Trump. Trump is a mobster, and mobsters prefer people with blood on their hands for blackmail purposes. But I am probably pretty far on the ledge at this point, especially since timing is everything now.
  20. I wouldn't watch a game where the rules change depending on the conference or team. What's the point? Maybe people need their medicare, medicaid and social security taken away before they stop playing teams and start playing reality.
  21. Why do they care? They've proven that they just want to get paid by accepting bribe after bribe. They'd essentially just be getting a severance package, instead of extending it over time, and payment would have to be up front.
  22. Haven't read this whole thread, but for me it's when real estate changed and also, as you said, the hidden gems went away. I enjoyed it when food and alcohol were cheap, housing was super affordable, and tuition and really everything for the academic year could be paid just by working full-time all summer, and a part time job on campus during school. Once MTV had Real World Austin, it was over. Went back around 2012 and swore I'd never return. Haven't missed it. I don't want to contaminate my memories with what's there now. Kind of like remembering your old dog when you hung together, rather than right before he passed and he can barely move, is missing teeth, and blind.
  23. Thought Dotards appeal to MAGA dipshits was that he was like them, against the wealthy elites and their swamp? Guess they drive rolls royces and tanks too.
  24. They believe they're united under their disdain for government, while failing to understand that not matter what, they're not Anglos, and that's a major crime.
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