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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Bevo14

  1. Do their uniforms actually scream "state" across the front like that?
  2. At the risk of getting pmderka'd, from the context clues i assumed he took a javelin to the ass? Maybe a spear?
  3. I'm starting to worry about Nespresso's future prospects.
  4. Dan Scott embodies the true aggy spirit.
  5. You could slide his college highlights into that video pretty seamlessly.
  6. CharLIT? Tim Brewster is gonna feel threatened.
  7. Hey, a lot of bonding can take place over a week.
  8. Hold up, having kids can get you out of going to weddings? Guess I better get to work.
  9. He's not that good but you're glad he's not going to tay uuuu? aggy logic doin' work
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