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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Sbbruin

  1. I did not see UCLA, SC, and Utah all losing
  2. Tell me there's a better college football setting than that and you'd be wrong.
  3. No, I was roughly your age when this annual thread started I think. I thought y’all were a bunch of loose assed heathens. But Father Time was quick to remind me I was not immune to the ravages of age.
  4. I think almost every team in the country would
  5. Is it me or is Beilema significantly fatter than he already was? He’s approaching Mangino level, if he’s not already there.
  6. The southern hospitality was wonderful. Allowing us to receive the kickoff at the beginning of the game AND the second half was quite gracious of UT and Charlie Strong.
  7. I should be rooting for conference mate Trojans, right? Yeah, that ain’t happening.
  8. Only went to one college football game at Jerry’s. I agree, not a good CFB environment. But I nevertheless rather enjoyed the game.
  9. Wow I would never have figured that out.
  10. Do they do a good waffle at least? There’s a fine line between too soft and too crispy.
  11. Honestly I have a pretty pervy mind, but the idea of tag teaming one chick with a whole bunch of dudes just doesn’t get my motor going.
  12. I’d definitely throw Max Muncy in there too.
  13. OK, you’re saying you put the first one on the board? Details. still getting much of my nutrition from liquid goo (son calls it Soylent green). Haven’t had a firm shit in almost a month. So I’m always riding the razor’s edge. But I know way better than to try to squeak out any gas. Odds would not be in my favor.
  14. Lotta dicks in there. But you do you.
  15. I celebrate his fandom. No matter who someone roots for. If they’re into it, good for them.
  16. Ha, you couldn’t be more wrong. All the douchiest of LA are all imports. They come here to embrace that. Natives are typically a far cry from that.
  17. He is clearly getting significantly fatter. My hopes for a severe cardiac event may be realized after all.
  18. For all of you lamenting the vapidness and douchey culture that has enveloped Austin, I invite you to come to LA, where you will find real, down to earth people who don’t judge books by their cover and who don’t flaunt consumerism and image. Real salt of the earth types. Few places like it left in the world.
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