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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Sbbruin

  1. See that’s the “my time is more valuable than yours or anyone else’s” mentality that is so pervasive. Fuck that. You have 17, the next guy has 15, then next 16. The whole thing gets fucked. Or you think, “only I can have the extra items, not anyone else”
  2. “Old Man Kelsey’s ocean!”
  3. We live in a society with rules. Follow them. It works best for all.
  4. Bullshit. It's a dick move to knowingly jump in the express line with more items than allowed. People get in that line to move quick. It is their business if you fuck that up.
  5. And Vlad will rail against the US for escalating. And he can get right fucked.
  6. With Soledar providing zero strategic value being a ghost town in ruins.
  7. We’ve had very Frank discussions with our 19 & 17 yo. Tried scare tactics plus just reality. You just simply can’t take pills or snort coke. Fentanyl is everywhere and you just never know. We know several people who’ve lost kids to fentanyl. Horrific.
  8. Nah. https://www.instagram.com/reel/CmWXiCbuFXN/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=
  9. I was listening to a US General talking about the battle for Soledad. Said there is absolutely zero strategic value as it is essentially a ghost town that has been obliterated. Russia is expending way too much effort (and bodies) to secure it for strictly PR purposes. Ukraine is is going to dig in, and will take it when they feel they have the resources. Zero hurry to secure it. and shoutout to @MillerEP and others for all the updates. I get all my Ukraine war updates every night spending 10-15 mins perusing this thread. Much appreciated.
  10. Agreed. Skylar Thompson ain’t winning a playoff game. Watched a bunch of that Jets game and it was absolutely brutal. No the Ravens are playing this smart. Lamar is completely overvaluing himself.
  11. OK, answer me this. Both Barney and Andy are in civies. Who's the law in Mayberry? I'd knock off that cracker box Mayberry Savings Bank in a heartbeat.
  12. That show is my jam. Wife thinks I’m a weirdo. Andy Griffith on MeTV
  13. Ms. Courtney looks stuck up, but wood, to be very clear.
  14. Watched the 4th qtr and both OTs. Luka was clutch when the Mavs needed it most. That’s the mark of a star player. And he definitely is.
  15. Lakers trying to hang on to a 1 pt lead v Dallas
  16. The UC campuses have the market for wokeness cornered.
  17. And I noticed Baylor is 0-3 in league. Shit, I thought our loss to them wasn’t too bad. Looks ugly now.
  18. I was just noticing all the cowboy hats in the crowd. I’d be pissed sitting behind some big ass Stetson
  19. So they want to protect one’s right of insurrection?
  20. BTW, it’s “statue”. And it reads pretty clear that what he did was exactly what the law describes.
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