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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Sbbruin

  1. Cal may be the worst power 5 team I have ever seen.
  2. You should get a club wrapped around your skull for yelling out “baba-booey” after a shot.
  3. I just recently started Opdivo immunotherapy infusions. Intent is to kill any remaining cancer cells using my own immune system. We’ll see.
  4. If I can offer one piece of advice, don’t look too far down the road. I found trying to comprehend everything I was going to be facing was overwhelming. It was much easier to just focus on “what’s the next thing?” What’s the next appointment? The next treatment session? The next test? Keep your horizon short. Then one day it’ll be behind you. I’m not there yet, but getting there. You got this. One day at a time.
  5. This thread hits home. We sailed to French Polynesia is 1982/83. Hit all of the Marquesas Islands over a couple of months, 4 of the Tuamotus, and all of the Societies, including Maupiti. I’ve got pics I’ll post if I remember. It was an incredible experience. It would take pages to describe.
  6. You better believe I would (have).
  7. Pussing out the way Michigan did with us this year.
  8. Nah. No one wants to sit through a 15 inning game on Tuesday night.
  9. Bruins have outscored Oregon by 15 in the 2nd half
  10. Yeah, the “but everyone was doing it” defense in this case will go a long way
  11. First time laying my eyes on her since October 29th. Glad she's still floating
  12. Damn, surprised that first blow wasn't lights out for Joe Dirt.
  13. I can abide the chicken chili statement, but shrimp fajitas are damn good done right.
  14. Not bad considering. Glad we won’t have a pick in my lifetime. What could go wrong?
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