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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Sbbruin

  1. PLEASE tell me she was expelled. There can be no other response, aside from assault charges
  2. Thanks for the insight. There have been studies that have shown that Opdivo can work in conjunction with Remicade. And to answer your question, I have a real smorgasbord of autoimmune issues. The biggest is ankylosing spondylitis, but also UC and psoriasis. But both the UC and psoriasis are pretty tame. The AS is a motherfucker if I stop taking Remicade. My whole spine from neck to butt just starts locking up. Had to pause after surgery, and it was brutal. But back on it. And we've decided that if complications arise, the Opdivo will have to go, as the Remicade is an absolute necessity for quality of life. Man my shit's all fucked up when I type this out. My wife oughta just Old Yeller my ass if she knows what's good for her.
  3. Outstanding. I just got my first Opdivo immunotherapy infusion yesterday to try to get my immune system to kill any lingering cancer shitheads. Challenge is that I am also on an immunosuppressive drug, Remicade, for an autoimmune condition. So I have battling forces. But they think it will still work. Give 'em hell, RD.
  4. Mookie Betts is attempting to qualify for PBA's US Open. Apparently tied with the #1 bowler in the world. Dude has bowling skeelz.
  5. A dream boat if ever there was
  6. Pumping what I have and am into my kids' educations, I sure hope it remains a requirement.
  7. The looser the waistband, the deeper the quicksand, or so I have read...
  8. She needs an attitude adjustment. Her rudeness is off the charts.
  9. Sbbruin


    When I got my first batch of goodies from the dispensary, I was getting chemo and radiation. Told the guy what my deal was, and walked out with a couple hundred bucks worth of edibles, tinctures, and other goodies that have worked well. He did seem very educated on the topic.
  10. https://www.instagram.com/reel/Cn2ng6lpLOO/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=
  11. Sbbruin


    Getting our rescheduled trip for early March booked. Virgin Atlantic or American? Same price, basically the same times. looking to stay in the Kensington area. Food recs in the area?
  12. Sbbruin


    So haven’t been a big part of this thread, but did have a 25 year run of, well, enthusiasm. Much less frequent with kids and life. Alcohol filled that void. But during and post cancer, been struggling with nausea and shitty stomach issues. And alcohol is kind of a non starter. Booze may be in my rear view mirror, which is a weird thought. But you know what helps get through the stomach stuff though? A bit of thc. So I may be here more often. If you’ll have me.
  13. The horns up rep is particularly appropriate here.
  14. Watched season 1 but can’t get the wife to get going on season 2. May have to fly solo if she doesn’t get on board.
  15. Stop being a deadbeat and pay the man. Pay heeem hiss money.
  16. I had painkillers like that in the hospital. Awww yeah….
  17. Oh you think so? Bruins up 12 on the Toejams at half
  18. I've lost about 25 lbs in the last 50 days or so. It's a pretty tough regimen though. Start by having 2/3 of your esophagus surgically removed, along with 1/3 of your stomach. Then go on a feeding tube diet exclusively for a month. Then transition to some food, some feeding tube, the to all food. You'll be regularly nauseous and puke periodically, but I've found it to be effective. Some may call it extreme. I call them pussies. Of course the other benefit is I hopefully won't die from cancer anytime soon, so there's that.
  19. TBD. Wifey hasn't been too turned on to the feeding tube hanging off my belly. He still stands at attention. That I can confirm.
  20. I have major ad aids. Tree fiddy doesn’t get you what it used to I guess.
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