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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Sbbruin

  1. DeBoer is going to be a good one. Bright offensive mind, and the enthusiasm to recruit and get real buy-in from players. He was the brains behind Indiana’s one good season and was great at Fresno. Would love to have gotten him to UCLA.
  2. I can’t recall an opt out player watching from the sidelines while his teammates are busting ass to win without him. Odd.
  3. Field looks shitty. Big Gophs fan here. Pops did undergrad and law school at Minnesota. Go Gophs! Ski u mah!
  4. Buddy of mine had his flight canceled to El Paso for the Sun Bowl. No other options from local airports. Bummer. I imagine this will happen to a LOT of Bruin travelers. Maybe the AD can get a charter put together to salvage the trip.
  5. I would look at a variety of hip hotels in West Hollywood. Then you can just shoot down Sunset to LACC. The W in Westwood is good. Santa Monica has good options, but even though it’s close, it can take a LONG time to get there
  6. Whenever,possible, I fly out of Burbank Airport. I avoid LAX like the plague. And SWA must have 60% of all traffic out of there. Probably 50% of my flying is via SWA. Fortunately the airport is adding a terminal to get more airlines in. Wow what a mess for SWA.
  7. The whole command structure of the Russian army is laughable. The highest ranking of them are only there for either being steadfast yes-men to Vlad, or have bribed their way through the system. The best leaders and strategists are left in middle command, and they are the ones getting whacked.
  8. Just remarkable how clumsy so many high ranking officials or outspoken dissidents are. Fascinating.
  9. I’ve never eaten at Waffle House in my life, I don’t think I’ve ever actually seen one in real life.
  10. I just watched a “Dean Martin Celebrity Roast of Bob Hope” that occurred sometime in the 70’s. They had Kissinger on a remote from DC. Damn, he seemed fairly senior then. And still kicking. Amazing.
  11. Please don’t put Reagan or even a Nixon in the same universe as Trump. Trump is not only in a class all by himself as the worst President in our nation’s history, but in my mind is the most damaging person to our nation’s soul that has ever lived.
  12. Yeah, Dobermans can be great dogs. But they can also be complete nightmares. They require an incredible amount of dedication and training (we had 2 Rottweilers growing up, and while very different in personality from Dobies, still very demanding dog to own). And the seller obviously knows he’s the latter. It’s just not the right dog for you.
  13. There really is no basic starting point to negotiate from. Russia is acting like they are negotiating with some sort of leverage. They are not. There really isn’t any place to start from.
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