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Everything posted by LurkingHorn

  1. He’s found his was permanently to the bench for me. He’s been a major disappointment. Get to 120 and this game is over.
  2. This. Blatant foul. Have no idea what the ref was looking at.
  3. What a run without luka on the floor. Bench really came through in the 3rd.
  4. Really wish luka wouldn’t have picked up that tacky 3rd foul. Have to be smarter there.
  5. This is simply not true. Trump won because of old, white men and that base is about to start going away in a hurry. The GOP is going to have to pivot really hard to avoid losing an entire generation of voters. I think that is likely to happen which will be a good thing. Yes, the fact that our republic elected Trump says a lot about us, but it will also be a sign of the strength of our system when his fat ass is ousted after only 1 term.
  6. Man, just call the game even. Bad calls happen but this shit needs to go both ways.
  7. Wtf am I watching? You have the benefit of replay and still get the call wrong?
  8. Man the clips were probably gonna beat us anyway, but they share as hell don’t need any help from the refs. Load of horse shit.
  9. Worst part was it bailed the clips out on the other end because the shot clock was out.
  10. KP turned this game around while luka was sitting. Just want to give him props as well.
  11. Worst start imaginable but we’re tied. I’ll take it.
  12. That's more in line with what I thought was reality. Still, if you look at that number in context, the trend is not going in the GOP's favor.
  13. This. It sounds stupid to say in a pandemic, but voting by mail is way more risky than doing it in person at this point. Take advantage of early voting and you’ll be absolutely fine.
  14. Don't over think this. He is in a massive hole in the states that matter. As someone who worked an election poll in July, the enthusiasm for the Ds was amazing to see in my suburban neighborhood. Combine that with groups like LeBron's nonprofit, turnout should be more than enough to get this guy out of office. Voter suppression is the last resort and that's what makes me most worried.
  15. Mavs play the Jazz tomorrow and we’re resting our two best players. That ought to take care of that.
  16. Sounds like we’re resting Luka, KP, and Doe Doe. We’re resigned to the fact we’re not moving up.
  17. I think the Clips take us in 5 TBH. I would be ecstatic with 6 games.
  18. And of course we’re getting slaughtered in crunch time. Unfortunately this is not likely to change come playoff time.
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