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Posts posted by KaiserSoze

  1. On 7/27/2022 at 11:39 PM, Anastasis said:

    I haven’t been invited in for a fourth draw. They’ve probably heard the rumors of my elite level antibody response and just marked it >2500. 

    I got my 4th draw invite yesterday, so it looks like they're still working their way through the list (last draw was early-mid April). I haven't yet had Covid according to any of my previous draws- I guess we'll see if that has changed (I've certainly been exposed plenty). I had the booster in early November 2021 (regular booster, not a full 3rd shot) and in April my S antibodies were still out of range. 

  2. I don't have kids so I might not be the best judge of it but I think it'd be fine for a 17 year old... not for a 14 year old though- I think it might be a bit much for that age. There's no nudity or sex, but there's a bit of brutality (in case that matters). 

    Great movie, but I found it to be VERY intense. 

  3. On 6/10/2022 at 3:37 PM, Sandman said:

    My friend's wife was at her boot camp workout place today and one of the guys in her class had a massive heart attack and died, right on the spot. There was a nurse in the class and they immediately went to work on him but he was a goner. He was in his early 50s. My friends and I are all late 40s and we're freaking out a bit. Fuck!


    11 hours ago, HouTex said:

    Sounds like the widow maker heart attack.  Often no warning and it’s very hard to detect even with scans, stress tests, etc.  I’ve just had my third friend die from one.  


    10 hours ago, Sandman said:

    My dad had the widow maker in 2016. He was at the grocery store but he managed to drive home, get the "cold stuff" put away and then had my nephew take him to the hospital. Why he didn't get an abulance at the store is beyond me. One triple bypass later, he's still hanging around. No clue how he made it. The doc told us at the time that it wasn't looking good. 


    10 hours ago, HouTex said:

    Sandman, glad he made it.  One of my friends died in his sleep and the other two basically died instantly.  One was on a date and dropped dead and the other was driving with his wife and he slumped over and was gone.  Luckily, she wasn’t injured.  They all were otherwise healthy with no known issues and did their routine physicals and generally took care of themselves.  When your number is up, it’s up.  


    10 hours ago, dcbc said:

    My sister's ex husband was working out in his home with a trainer and had a massive heart attack.  Trainer tried to revive him to no avail.  He was 51. 


    55 minutes ago, Not a cat said:

    That's exactly what happened a few years ago to the guy whose fake ID I used in college.  That was one of the first indicators I might be getting old.   


    Lately this has become way too common of an occurrence and I fucking hate it. I'm just shy of 50 and recently mentioned it to a friend of mine who is a handful of years older than me. The first part of his response was, "Prepare for it to get exponentially worse".  

    Good times

  4. 12 hours ago, deadshank said:

    "If you come to Chiny you can stop digging," Augustus called after him.  "That's the place where the men wear pigtails."


    11 hours ago, Kennythetiger said:

    If it wasn’t for you I’d be halfway to the Matagorda by now. 


    Well first man that comes along that can read Latin is invited to rob us as far as I’m concerned. I’d like the chance to shoot at a educated man once in my life.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  5. On 6/27/2022 at 7:37 AM, NoName said:

    isn't there some BD show about adventures that isn't even on the water?

    Yes, but you have to enable it through the parental controls. It's called Below Deck: South Austin's Mom

  6. On 6/21/2022 at 4:09 PM, Mittens said:

    I haven't been to Iron Works in I don't know how long...15+ years?  Is it actually a legit option?  I haven't been because it was terrible the last time I went, and not much better the times previous.  Never have understood how it's still open, other than preying on unsuspecting tourists/conventioneers.


    It is not. They're still doing mediocre bbq on their best days and as you mentioned in your experience above it just isn't good (that hasn't changed since your last visit). I get that Cooper's isn't an all-time great and it is popular to shit on it (and I also agree with the salty comment), but it is immensely better than what Iron Works puts out.

    More to the point, and the reason I mentioned it, is that it is ~100ft from the conference location. 

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