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Gut Wagon

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Everything posted by Gut Wagon

  1. And can't always avoid getting drilled by our own hitters. Maybe we should lower our average exit velocity.
  2. I'd love to have back half the baserunners we've lost so far this year.
  3. USC I think is deserving. Maybe Iowa is, but I have doubts. Presumably it will all sort itself out as the tourney progresses. Still annoying that we made it easier on the committee by twice losing to OU. Ugh.
  4. The way the men's season has gone just makes me even happier we have Vic Schaefer guiding the women. He's been so good for years, but this year's coaching job has been simply masterful.
  5. So-so team, so-so coach, so-so season. My high hopes for the year were based on better play than we got from several guys. Sadly, from the opener until now we've been a bewildering example of inconsistency. No matter what happens in the dance, I can't see any reason to think next year will be better.
  6. Guess I'm lucky I had the start time wrong in my head and missed all but the last 21.7 seconds. Then again, I wish I'd missed that part, too.
  7. I'm not expecting our guys to get any new hardware from that weasel Yormark, but we're playing well enough that we shouldn't get run out of the gym against whoever we face this week. OK, maybe Houston. Of course, I'd welcome a chance to see. Seems a 7 seed in the NCAAs is about our ceiling, but after this up-and-down season, I'll take it.
  8. Are we liking our chances with her? I haven't heard anything lately to suggest a strong lean toward any suitor.
  9. Gotta love Vic's genuine love for his team. Everyone says they're proud of theirs, but you can tell this guy really means it. No surprise he's been able to get so much out of them.
  10. Seldom have I heard so many gushing plaudits for a team that just got run through a meat grinder. Where's Yormark?
  11. If Booker takes half our shots in this final quarter, we're champs. Probably are anyway, but I want her shooting.
  12. Need a steady diet of Booker. On of off the ball. They can't handle her at all tonight.
  13. Once again the announcing crew is so depressed. There's only so much you can say about the Cyclone center's "bubbly personality" before admitting they're getting run out of the gym.
  14. Calm down, Taylor. Need to get deeper and quit rushing everything, whether Crooks is in there or not.
  15. I question that Maloney is good enough to help us. I feel like I'm watching Burke all over again.
  16. I'm not really complaining that we've returned to earth lately. Youth is hard to overcome, especially without a bunch of strikeout artists to cover our sporadic defense. It's on the coach to earn his money fixing this squad, but mainly to shore up our weaknesses through better recruiting .
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