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Gut Wagon

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Everything posted by Gut Wagon

  1. We're favored by double digits? Is Hunter out?
  2. We're less than a full day into the 2024 season and already are 2-0 with a road win over an elite program. Show me a loss!
  3. Maybe that was White's one test to see how Kavan would handle the stress. But I wish he'd yanked her sooner.
  4. Hunter seems somewhat mentally fragile. Hard to be sure, as that's by definition not physical, but he plays a "glass half empty" kind of game. When he misses a couple open shots or gets stuffed at the rim, as we saw the other day, he seems to crawl back into his shell. I'd hoped his coast-to-coast buzzer beater might get him going again, but so far no signs of that.
  5. Sounds like another day to be glad I don't have LHN.
  6. Being at the dome for a series in which JR, Niekro and Ryan all started was comical. Visiting bats never could really settle in. Those were the days.
  7. K.J. Adams is one of the most physically impressive bad players I've ever seen.
  8. If JWhitt had the heart of a bunch of less accomplished Texas recruits, he'd have added to the long list of busts. If a bunch of those guys had his heart, they'd now be much more favorably remembered.
  9. I do see Gerry's point about Abmas being "today's" kind of college PG. I just wish we had a distributor who could penetrate and kick it to him for some relatively open looks. Sad that Hunter can't do it consistently well. Maybe Weaver can.
  10. We're playing so much tougher since Vic's tongue lashing after OU. That message evidently was taken to heart.
  11. Satisfying win with contributions by many. Things got scattered late, but that's why you want to build a big lead while you can.
  12. Ball in Booker's hands with Jones getting into good rebounding position is clearly our best offense from here on out.
  13. Our inability to get Abmas better looks in the flow of these big games is puzzling. He's one of the best catch-and-shoot guys out there, but he's having to settle for so many highly contested shots. I know other teams are focused on him, but still. Just one or two extra open looks per game could alter our season.
  14. Too bad Onyema hasn't panned out. I'd envisioned him being able to at least grab some tough boards, spell our starting bigs and absorb a few fouls that otherwise would be limiting Disu down the stretch.
  15. That outburst by Max made Mt. St. Helen's seem like a popcorn fart.
  16. Have to give Disu the ball and let him go.
  17. Coles' old-man game might will TCU to an undeserved win. If Hunter doesn't do it all by himself.
  18. You knew when he made all those Curry bombs a few weeks back that we'd pay for them later. Welcome to a continuation of later.
  19. When even that clown can see it, you know it's blatantly obvious. TCU played some horrible ball for a long stretch there, to the point it kept our sloppy ball handling from being fatal. I wouldn't count on that generosity to continue. Need to push this out to a gap of 20 and then make our FTs.
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