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Burnt Ends
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Posts posted by irishtexan

  1. 19 hours ago, Surly Bevo said:

    People who say they will take the cold have clearly never experienced long deep cold.


    On 7/16/2018 at 12:16 AM, Shmitty said:

    I'll take cold winter temps over this nasty heat any day.  Cold is alot more comfortable than hot and nasty with that "not so fresh feeling."

    On 7/16/2018 at 7:47 AM, T’Boo Ted Marshall said:

    Hell yes. You can layer when cold.
    Not much you can do at 100+

    Sure, you can layer when the high is 32. You can layer when the high is 20. No amount of layering accounts for -5. The "rather have 105 over 32" comparisons aren't apt because 32 isn't extreme cold. The question is "would you rather deal with summer highs of 105 or winter highs of -5?" I've done both but I prefer living in Texas where the blast furnace is on for two to three months (with the exception of the rare summer of 2011) and the rest of the year is comfortable to when I lived in Chicago where the weather was perfect for three months, hit-or-miss for three months, and then winter for 6 months.  

  2. 13 minutes ago, El Diablo said:

    Whatever happened to the good ol' anonymous tip to the popo that a guy was dealing drugs out of his house? Or that he had dead bodies stashed in a crawlspace? And if he actually IS on meth then there's a dealer somewhere. Take up a collection among the neighbors to hire a private detective, get the goods on this nutcase, pay the dealer to set him up.

    Or just do as Whitman suggested and let nature take its course with some assistance.

    Dude has already been arrested about a dozen times since he moved in a few months ago. I don't think simple possession charges are going to do the trick, as he seemingly has a ton of cash to keep paying his mortgage and bailing himself out of jail while not working.

  3. Dude is obviously legit crazy, drugs or not.  Does he own the house outright?  Is there a way to contact lien holder if not?  If the cops were called for a welfare check does that give them probable cause to go in seeing the house vandalized like that?  One of rare times I am glad to be under an HOA.

    Don’t think he owns outright. Says Lein is held by Wells Fargo. Who do you call in this situation? Customer service?
  4. Immediate neighbors have said family, maybe a brother, have come out to try to talk to him, but he won't open the door. He sits on his porch screaming at people all day. People came to look at the house next door and he's screaming "you can't buy that house motherfucker! get the fuck out of here!" They leave and then he screams for anyone that sees/can hear "can't tell me what to do on my property" and makes the "washing of his hands" gesture. 

    Cops get called and he just goes inside and there's nothing they can do. When they leave he goes back on the porch and starts his insane ramblings again. This goes on pretty much all day. It's absurd.

  5. Guy buys house a block away from us in south Austin. Everything seems normal at first. Then some weird shit starts happening. Here's how things went down:

    • He's got a bunch of flat decorative xeriscaping stones in his front yard that he keeps reorganizing in the middle of the night.
    • Then he starts stacking them up in large piles in his front yard like the dude in Close Encounters does with his mashed potatoes
    • We notice that a bunch of garbage is piling up behind the chain link fence on the side of his house.
    • Then he starts spray painting the inside of his windows with random purple lines.
    • Then he starts spray painting the trees with single purple lines. (All of this is happening around 3am while people are sleeping).
    • Then he starts tagging the curbs and the fire hydrant on his curb (he's in a corner house)
    • Then he starts leaving plastic easter eggs full of trash in his neighbors' mailboxes
    • His car gets repossessed
    • He starts riding his bike around the neighborhood offering kids playing outside easter eggs filled with ripped up dollar bills and other trash
    • He starts putting upside down crosses in his front yard made out of sticks, Jason hockey masks on his door knob, and fake molotov cocktails on his driveway.
    • Then the shit hits the fan - He COVERS the front of his house in insane alt-right bullshit - KEK = GOD (The O was an Anarchy sign); "No Welfare Checks - Pay Me Cash" along with a bunch of bullshit satanic/pagan garbage.
    • He starts knocking on neighbors doors at 10pm. They don't answer. He leaves a trail of full beers from their porch to his.
    • He starts screaming at people when they're walking down the street and threatening them
    • He lays down in the middle of the street screaming at the top of his lungs at midnight (neighbors keep helping him up and getting him to go back to his yard. I suggest they let him get runover)
    • One neighbor says he spit on her. 

    The neighborhood, as you can imagine, is fed up. The cops say there's not much they can do to evict him because he owns the house.  They do keep coming out to arrest him for drunk and disorderly conduct. Mental health services have come by a few times, and I think they took him in once, as he was gone for about a week. But he keeps getting out, keeps coming back, and keeps acting like a deranged lunatic. According to his immediate neighbors, some of his friends have come by to check on him but he won't see them. They said he's been doing meth. There are three immediate neighbors that are trying to sell their house and it's never gonna happen with him there. They're essentially being held hostage to this motherfucker. I feel terrible for them.

    So the question is, what can we do to get him the fuck out of the neighborhood? Do you have any experience with anything similar? How did you rid your neighborhood of an insane neighbor? Someone on nextdoor mentioned that house sales are public record, and they found out that his mortgage is through Wells Fargo. The best we can figure is that the dude inherited a lot of money and can just keep making his mortgage payment. But if the bank knows that he's destroying the house that they own, they might intervene? Can we contact the bank? 




  6. 20 minutes ago, texasstrong12 said:

    LSU didn't take a single CB in the '18 class? 

    Damn, coach O is dumber than I thought. Good luck with that. 

    Normally I would share about 3% of satanyash's bitchassedness about recruiting kids from BR. But when you're recruiting against a coach as incompetent as Coach O, your chances for success improve drastically!

  7. 3 minutes ago, Hornius Emeritus said:


    Hudson is 6'2", 170 .lbs and is not yet a junior.  That's the same size as Colt was in March of his Sr. year. In other words, 20 months before March of his Sr. year, he's already the same size as Colt was.

    But if you want to piss your pants because a 16 year old kid who is 2-3 years from playing a game at UT isn't big enough, be my guest.

    Where do you get that I'm "pissing my pants" dumbfuck? I'm pointing out that you can't assume other beanpole high school QBs will put on weight the same way Colt did. If every single high school QB followed the same path as Colt, we woudn't have sucked shit through a straw for the last decade. 

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