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Posts posted by irishtexan

  1. 8 minutes ago, Newy25 said:

    It’s not bad timing. They had bad information. A recruit does not go from wanting to go to Texas to a Stanford lock if admitted that quickly. They were either too optimistic in their interprepation of the information or they had bad info to start.  

    So you're all worked up because people who sell gossip about college football recruiting and the whims of 17 year old kids might exaggerate from time to time? Well no shit Sherlock. They aren't the fucking New York Times.

  2. Damn. There’s a lot of good stuff in there. Michael Knight dropped a legitimate “we’re Texas.” cdt (RIP) defended taking a bunch of commitments at Junior Day because we’d lose them otherwise. 
    Also, I guess this is because I didn’t read recruiting boards until the late days of Mack, but I’ve never seen that much deference to coaches. I mean I get that from some people when I don’t like a particular recruit or criticize the coaching decisions sometimes, but holy shit, that was like 70% of the entire thread.

    It’s easy to forget that at one point we were pretty good. And at that time we had reason to trust the coaches. ctj gonna come in with a heaping helping of “I told you so”
  3. On a related note, Miley Cyrus seems to do a lot of these backyard cover things. I always kind of disregarded her as a manufactured kid pop artist, but then i heard her sing Jolene here and realized she can bring it. 


  4. I mean, I like the idea of those three people singing that song. And I know that Laura Jane Grace is actually living that song. The Mats version conveys the struggle of androgyny and the shit people who society called "a freak" had to deal with. But this version just feels wrong. It's FAR too upbeat/happy for my tastes. I suppose it's a reinterpretation to put a positive spin on the transition transexual people go through - that it doesn't have to be depressing and it's a beautiful thing to embrace your true identity. It just sits wrong with me


  5. 17 hours ago, jimmyjazz said:

    He's definitely a mega-talented singer, and he's written enough classic lyrics to be called one of the greats as a songwriter.  But man, when he misses ("Get Over It"), wow.


    17 hours ago, tbone_ said:

    I don't get the Henley hate. I mean yea he's kind of a prick but he's talented af. And he is from Texas.


    15 hours ago, tbone_ said:

    Good point. I forgot what thread this was. Lol at Don fucking Henley being a bad artist.

    I absolutely think he's a bad artist. Don Henley writes self-indulgent soft-rock schlock that espouse all of the absolute shittiest values of the baby boomer generation. Boys of Summer included. BoS only kicks ass because Mike Campbell wrote the music. Don Henley is a shitty artist, and an even shittier human. #HotTakes #ComingInHot

  6. 1 minute ago, Hank Scorpio said:

    There's a simple solution to stopping Stanford coming into Texas and cherry picking players we want. We just need to improve UT's academic ranking until it is on par with Stanford. All we need to do is maybe double or triple the amount of money that the legislature allocates to UT. To do that, we just need to elect a new governor, lieutenant governor, and most of the legislature. Then UT just needs to start recruiting top academics to come teach here and slash class sizes etc. I think all of this can be accomplished in 30-50 years. Think how sweet it will be in 2060 when UT academics are top 10 and we can finally stop Stanford from stealing our football players. 

    That, or field a competent offensive line once in a decade or so.

  7. 2 hours ago, henrygandorf said:

    rescue me, archer, nip/tuck, oj/versace, damages, atlanta, louie, fargo, always sunny, better things.  fx knows what they're doing. 

    I think FX is behind only netflix in terms of the volume of quality content its distributing, and has the best batting average of any distributor out there. And that includes HBO.

  8. 11 minutes ago, OnAComputer said:

    Jeez y’all. I’m not infallible. Y’all can make fun of me and rib me for fucking up. I don’t expect everybody to like me and I don’t expect myself to be perfect.

    It’s just like how I outed myself over on shaggy. Humble pie. Thanks for the criticism. I’ll learn from it and move on.


    We don't "learn from it" around here. We dig in our heels and loudly argue our poorly-informed positions with hyperbole and vitriol. You should already know this. 

    • Like 4
    • Haha 1
  9. I think they will suck. But the last time I thought they would suck was Johnny Football's freshman year. 

    Realistically they're probably 7-5, with an outside shot at 8-4. I think they break the LSU streak and beat Ogre because he's a bungling moron. Automatic loses to Clemson, Bama and Auburn. They'll probably lose two to MSU, Ole Miss, Kentucky, Arkansas, or South Carolina, but have a chance to only drop one of those. 

  10. You know how I knew you were stupid even before it was revealed that you were posting under your secret username?
    "There are a few things..."
    You're not an athlete. You're not a random poster. You get paid to write in English and yet you don't even know when to use Singular vs Plural when conjugating the verb "to be" after the word "There".
    More and more athletes, who do NOT get paid to write in English, say "It's a lot of people who want me to..." and they say that because they are uneducated and/or stupid. But again, they don't get paid to write in English, nor really to speak English.

    Now, back to recruiting... tonight, once again, we basically see once again that #undefeated is a hashtag that never loses.

    Coming out swinging!
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