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Everything posted by SuingToGetAMessageBoard?

  1. And what if the closing scene is a plucky young red headed boy staring at twin setting suns, dreaming of getting off his desolate planet and fighting the evil empire while his uncle and aunt yell to him "Willy Hux! You need to come in and do your chores"
  2. i like that hux hasn't appeared in the preview. maybe they'll jar jar him and make his role tiny in admission of how shitty he is.
  3. He could have quit in the middle of a play for all I care. The machine is going to survive just fine. Fuck the fans that are so removed from reality that they can’t accept it when a dude says he doesn’t want to stick his skull in a vice anymore because they might not get to cheer as loud the next few months.
  4. Nate Silver: Zogby is “the worst pollster in the world” https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/worst-pollster-in-world-strikes-again/
  5. when we will eventually find out the homeowners never fired a weapon, will felony murder be changed to just murder murder?.
  6. I sort of think the same thing. After he's out, all our allies will look at each us and say What the hell was that all about?, have a good laugh, then be back to business as usual.
  7. telling Q rating jokes while the economy burns is the new fiddling nero.
  8. he is absolutely going to be president some day.
  9. back to the OP. AP agrees. https://apnews.com/1ad13f32984a4480a45738ead2b4c0d8
  10. why come were we electing senators and president in 1913?
  11. Whew. This is a tough one. Should we or should we not murder 100,000,000 people.
  12. Whew. This is a tough one. Should we or should we not murder 100,000,000 people.
  13. the 'tide' is just the economy. the negative views of trump have hardened over the last 12 months to an immovable mid-50s percent. those will never come back. the positives are just those along for the low unemployment. once that is gone, the bottom falls out.
  14. they need to have some sort of state fair style gravitron where you sit on a pot and spin around ass outwards 5 times a second and the turds are just centripetal forced out of your ass into space.
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