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Everything posted by SuingToGetAMessageBoard?

  1. As pointed out in the comments, the oddest thing is this seems to be some manual cut and paste of the Facebook warning of the same. Boomer^1000. Someone took a different warning and physically dragged the word “Instagram” onto the warning covering up “Facebook” instead of taking 2 minutes to just retype it. As as we’ve been saying: dumb instead of corrupt and dumb. Which is a MASSIVE improvement.
  2. https://www.espn.com/mlb/story/_/id/27428135/clemens-nixes-political-run-citing-climate
  3. isn't it amazing how familiar we've gotten with this shit? we not only know particular polls by name, but we know their discounts.
  4. interesting article about evangelical support on 538. shows the evangelical yoots are moving away from the olds vis-a-vis their Trump opinion at the same rate as the rest of the country. It doesn't matter for the election itself, because that data is already baked into the "70% evangelical approval", but it has interesting future implications. https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/could-trump-drive-young-white-evangelicals-away-from-the-gop/
  5. Problem is all the Tillersons and Mattises are long gone. It’s only Stephen Millers.
  6. Title: NO TIME TO DIE https://deadline.com/2019/08/james-bond-movie-title-no-time-to-die-1202672324/ sounds very back to basics.
  7. i have watched her violence and most importantly words. kinda undercutting that violence claim, no?
  8. i think that's the GOP one. [check notes] my mistake. it says the Reich training.
  9. https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/458031-arizona-poll-shows-kelly-overtaking-mcsally
  10. Fuck. When Sam Rayburn and LBJ turn into Cornyn and Cruz, this is what you get.
  11. Sounds like admissions are going to start getting easier.
  12. If you can get to the hall of fame as a defender, and you openly refused to tackle people you are the greatest.
  13. I remember being a super Cowboys homer and trying to justify to my friends the day after the draft why it was smart we didn't take him.
  14. Yikes. That’s a tag line that hasn’t aged well. Like any good 90s kid, my dorm had the Usual Suspects line up poster and Indy staring at the cobra.
  15. If you don’t love rage fueled bipolar guys walking up to kids parties armed to the teeth, you need to leave America.
  16. Lulz at the Olds there. Biden: yoots: xxx middle: xxxxxx dads: xxxxxxxx cog decliners: xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  17. i'm not familiar with that unwritten rule.
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