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Everything posted by SuingToGetAMessageBoard?

  1. I feel like we haven’t been getting Garrison stuff as much any more. EMAW?
  2. wonder if it is easier to pick up on his pitches because of how unobstructed of a view they get of his grip.
  3. And we'll weep for him . . . in the press.
  4. this is what happens when the cartoonist has a deadline
  5. these polls are getting me too excited and proud of my country. if the final election looks like those numbers above and we end up with some electoral wipeout that rids us of this sort of stupidity for a generation, it will all be worth it.
  6. the whole thing was gold. the jussie smollett stuff had me rolling
  7. the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, neither yet bread to the wise, nor yet favor to men of skill; which should be clear from the fact that someone dumb enough to believe this is a successful guy
  8. Holy hell. Brother in law comes running out of the woods when the media is set up reporting on the murders. You can watch his naked arrest. https://www.wric.com/news/virginia-news/manhunt-underway-for-armed-very-dangerous-19-year-old-wanted-for-killing-3-people-in-pittsylvania-county/ Dude chock full of bath salts or some shit.
  9. my theory: that is a non-story, but the media wants to write about it so we will all remember Matthew Peterson's embarrassingly failed nomination to be a federal judge.
  10. i grew up in a tiny town. things get insular awfully fast. i would challenge anyone to fight that.
  11. that's going to translate into about 5 changed votes.
  12. just looked and he's leading the league in HRs. i would have guess just injuries would be his undoing, not plain old garbage.
  13. I know the Cubans there are Rs. Anything that says the Puerto Ricans are too?
  14. Looks like she's ahead 50-50. But at least she's not tied 50-50 like Harris.
  15. a story for the low low price of a $400 dollar ticket? i'd never forgive myself if I passed up this offer.
  16. if it's like the state fairs i've been to, it skews very heavily.
  17. actual lulz. pres tweeting about bedbugs.
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