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Posts posted by atomheartbevo

  1. 14 minutes ago, MoJames said:

    Mental health issues are not isolated to this country and the tools available in other countries to help with mental health are no different.

    I know some of the "red flag" laws are trying to address this, but we are going to have to take a long hard look at access to firearms for those with a history of mental health issues - it would have prevented some of the past shootings if family members of those being treated were flagged/not allowed to buy firearms for the time being, or have them present, until that person is out from under their care/roof.

    We already ban felons from owning firearms, and you would have to be a real dumbass to buy a firearm if you're living in a household with a felon, or to even have a firearm in said household - unless you take some very serious precautions and can prove at any time that the felon has absolutely no access to the firearm, not only could the felon be in a world of shit legally, but you as well.

  2. 22 hours ago, NotActuallyALonghorn said:

    You do realize that the Republicans and Democrats passed the Fix the NICS bill as part of their budget omnibus that Trump signed into law, right?

    You do realize that Fix the NICS was more about forcing federal agencies to improve their reporting and improving cooperation with states.  It doesn't address the other issues (which some states are trying to address through their "red flag" legislation).  

  3. 12 hours ago, Goo Punch said:

    It’s gotta be whichever movie has the most complete compilation of the following criteria:


    1) Reboot of old movie franchise 

    2)Fourth or fifth sequel of said reboot

    3)Based on a comic book

    4)Not actually a great movie, but tons of hype and hoopla


    If that’s your criteria, you’re gonna have to wait a few years for D.C. to pump out more movies.  

  4. 25 minutes ago, TexArcher said:

    I said this on election night, and I still think it's right: in 25 years it will be impossble to find anyone who admits that they voted for Donald Trump.

    Well no shit.  They'll all be dead of old age.

    • Like 1
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  5. The Republicans and the NRA are playing a stupid fucking game of chicken that they will not win in the long run.

    At some point in the near future - next week, next month, next year, two years from now, we are going to have a school shooting that is live-streamed on Facebook, Periscope/twitter, whatever, and we are going to see victims being killed in real-time.  We are going to see kids being executed live.

    And then we will see the nation respond in a way that we have not before now.  Whatever happened at Parkland as far as awareness/social/political activity will be dwarfed by what comes out of a live-streamed shooting.

    And the Dannie Goebs of the world are going to whine about schools having more than one door to get in, and probably whine about kids having access to cell phones.  And the Republicans are going to keep on taking NRA money and flipping the middle finger to everybody talking about gun control.

    And Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi are going to be quietly writing gun-control legislation, or rather pulling out legislation they've been thinking about for years.  And if Nancy and Schumer aren't in a position of power to push it through, they will be within an election or two.

    And then the Republicans will whine and say "we want a seat at the table to discuss gun control since we like guns!"

    And Nancy and Chuck are going to say "get out your fucking shine box and sit in the corner, because you had your chance after Sutherland Springs and Parkland and Santa Fe and all you did was voice your continued allegiance to the NRA and bitch that there were too many exits or entrances to schools."

    And Nancy and Chuck are going to bend us over and run a train on all of us, whether it's those of us with a handful of rifles and shotguns, or the guys who think they live in the American suburbia version of the Korengal Valley.

    And there is absolutely no guarantee that whoever is the President will side with us, and there is absolutely no guarantee that the Supreme Court will also side with us.

    But there is an absolute guarantee that the NRA and Wayne LaPierreLafontaine are going to get a whole lot richer.

    • Like 1
  6. It makes perfect sense that Dannie Goeb thinks we should have fewer exits and entrances in school.  After all, the only place he's ever had to escape from was a mental health hospital.  Little does he know that school shooters would love for there to be far fewer exits for the victims.

  7. Make sure and slightly misspell your name, slightly screw up your age/birthdays (including everybody in the house) and invent a phantom kid or two (or leave some people in your house off) so that 72 years from now, your future descendants doing genealogy research curse your name. 

    • Haha 1
  8. TIs been interesting watching this play out over the past several years.  The Chinese government had done a good job of keeping their little war on Islam fairly quiet.  They are still having some serious problems in outer areas, but they’ve been ruthless enough you don’t see the ME groups going full jihad on Chinese interests. 

  9. 4 hours ago, triplehorn said:

    If it's him, It doesn't mean he didn't have to have a change of heart at some point, but if he did before getting hotboxed by investigators, at least for that, keebler's golden.

    Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III has a helluva lot of Southern pride, and not just any Southern pride, but old Southern Attorney Pride.

    Time and time again, Trump, a liberal New Yorker (Yankee) shit all over him publicly and questioned his competence.

  10. 4 hours ago, sugar said:

    It's a common occurrence in America. I'd describe it as "epidemic". And for that, I despise the NRA and those people who so perversely worship guns, they disregard the well being of schoolchildren.

    NRA is going to fuck themselves really hard over this stuff.  I said it on Shaggy after the church shooting and the Parkland shooting, and I'll say it again (and it's probably already been said in the thread): The Republicans should have passed some gun control legislation - any kind of legislation - limit on magazine sizes, perhaps raising the age limit, pushing through funding for more mental health-related issues, cleaning up and improving background checks (and tying those together), etc., etc., etc.

    Those things may not have prevented many of the shootings, but at least the GOP could say they did something.  Instead, they stood firm with the NRA and told everybody else to go fuck themselves.

    At some point in the near future, we are going to get a Democrat-controlled Congress, and they are going to go in dry on us.  And they could very well do it with Donald J. Trump in office, because we all know he's easily influenced by people he talks to.  All it takes is a bunch of kids begging him to do something, and him thinking he's their last hope and seeing a great photo opportunity to make himself out to be a hero (perhaps nudged on by Melania) and the next thing you know we have some really serious gun control.

    At that point it will be decided by the Supreme Court, and that's the equivalent of letting yourself get down by several touchdowns in the first three quarters and then praying that your team can somehow pull it off towards the end of the fourth quarter.  And if you lose in the Supreme Court, that's it, there's no do-over, there's no "oh well, we'll be better next season".

  11. 12 hours ago, Pato del Muerto said:

     Agree on the Vietnam thing. Doubt this can resonate with the ME vets in the same way. 

    It's a very different environment here in 2018 versus 1980.  Shit, two of the most popular shows over the past 20 years have portrayed the military in a positive light (JAG and NCIS), we've had numerous movies made about both wars, not to mention numerous documentaries.  It's not a big deal to see the military portrayed in a positive light and/or to show combat vets that aren't psychopathic killers, unlike the late '70s which saw two huge fucking movies that weren't too kind to Vietnam vets.

    I'd like to see a few more season's of Fox's The Finder long before I watch a rebooted Magnum P.I.  Unfortunately, Michael Clarke Duncan is dead, and it wouldn't be the same show.

  12. 4 hours ago, relapse98 said:

    Kinda, sorta.

    Where the content comes from can affect the cost. If its coming from a local caching server on the providers network, it may be cheaper than content coming across internet links. Of course the most expensive portion is the last mile, but still, where packets come from can make a difference in cost.

    These companies are not losing money because of data in and of itself.   Bandwidth is insanely cheap, especially for the largest providers, but it’s cheap for us peons who run small and medium websites as well  

    These companies feel they lose money because somebody drops $90 worth of mostly shitty channels in deliberately designed shitty tiers in favor of $25 spent on Hulu and Netflix.   They deliver shitty and unwanted products at a high cost alongside the products we actually want. 

  13. 1. He's no Tom Selleck, not even close.

    2. CBS forgot that a huge part of what made Magnum P.I. so popular, was that it was the first truly mainstream positive portrayal of Vietnam Vets.  Hell, it launched just a year after Apocalypse Now hit theaters, and two years after The Deer Hunter.  That was a Big Damn Deal to a lot of my dad's friends.

  14. 6 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    They’re aggies, all of them.  Straight huff and puff bitches just like Trump.  It’s all just a game to them in the end so who cares if they lose?  They’re used to losing.

    Hillary lost, so therefore they consider it a victory they can plaster on Pyle Field.

  15. 2 hours ago, jimmyjazz said:

    If you don't think this ends in something that approaches civil war, you're not thinking hard enough.  I don't know that it's an outcome which should be overly weighted in the calculus, either.  The other option might just come down to authoritarianism, and that's worse.

    The batteries in those Rascal scooters don't exactly last all day, so their mobility will be hampered.

    Plus, we lived through 8 years of Barrack Hussein Obama stealing our guns and converting our children into atheist Muslims who flocked to Chicago to organize communities, and they didn't do jack shit.  

    They aren't going to have their jimmies too rustled if a draft-dodging serial adulterer from New York City who used to count the Clintons as close friends of his is exposed for who he really is (something many of them have an idea of in the back of their minds).  2016 was as much about defeating Hillary Clinton as anything else.

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