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Posts posted by atomheartbevo

  1. 12 hours ago, bad_teammate said:

    It's astonishing the stuff that American conservatives give a shit about. Just pathetic.

    It’s astonishing that people still admit to watching beauty pageants.  It was fine if you were a teen before the internet and your dad didn’t have so much as a playboy stashed away. 

    But then, these are probably the same mouth-breathers who watch American Idol or The Apprentice. 

  2. You all are in for a treat if you ever do any DNA tests and you find yourself related to, and contacted by, African-American descendants of slave-owning ancestors. 

    And even better, if you had ancestors who were slaves. 

    It’s not as awkward as it seems, unless there is evidence that your common ancestor was a slave-owner who may have raped his slaves. Even then, it’s not that awkward for most. 

  3. 8 hours ago, MaybeACoordinator said:

    Jesus, none o' y'all gonna admit to having slaveholding ancestors? Were they Yankees or just poors? 

    There is no personal shame for us in what our ancestors did. Guilt, but no shame. 


    If we are generous and say each generation is around 30 years, most of us have 500-1000 direct ancestors (3rd or 4th great-parents and beyond) who would have been alive during peak slavery years. Now many of us had ancestors who came later on from other countries or who came from religious backgrounds that condemned slavery (we let shitloads of bog jumpers in for instance), but even if they came after the Civil War, they could have easily married somebody who had slave-owning ancestors. 

    And slave ownership was much higher than many white Southern Pride types would like to admit.  Arkansas had the lowest at around 20% - it had been a part of Indian Territory and many Indians and whites who intermarried lost their slaves when they were sent on the Trail of Tears.

    But South Carolina and Mississippi were rocking over 45% slave ownership. 

    The 1860 census showed over 30% of white families in the South had at least one slave. 

  4. 9 minutes ago, Lurch said:

    Maggie was responding to this one. She knows something

    Trump’s constant and daily witchhunt and no collusion tweets means he knows something as well and is trying to prepare his followers to go on the offensive against fake news. 

  5. 8 minutes ago, MaybeACoordinator said:

    I bet Trump is the kind of football fan who believes that if he was the coach, his guys would run the touchdown play every time they touched the ball. 

    Trump is the Bud Adams of Presidents. 

    • Like 1
  6. 33 minutes ago, LongestHorn said:

    My neighborhood pool will be closed for the second summer in a row.  Shipe.

    I will be sending a harshly worded email to my rep, Kathie Tovo, whom I would smash.

    If it makes you feel any better, the city would rather close your neighborhood pool and make you drive over to Mueller or up to Northwest Municipal. 

    Which would probably cause you to take the kids swimming even less.  

  7. On 6/3/2018 at 6:22 AM, NotActuallyALonghorn said:

    Amazon has got to get their counterfeit problem under control if they really want to take over retail. Even ordering directly from Amazon they have too many fakes with the same SKU thrown in their product bins. That should be a simple fix, but it is still a huge problem.

    Not just counterfeits, but when different companies are selling the same product from the same factory, just under a different label.  See this all the time, but it drove me nuts when looking through getting a cheap fishing rod-and-reel, and I’d see the same combo from different companies, and one offering has great ratings, the other shitty ratings, and then trying to figure out what ratings were fake, etc.

  8. Our neighborhood pool opened yesterday for the summer. 

    Once again, as in the past, regular visitors aren’t allowed in until noon. Opening at noon to the general public is a good way to depress the numbers if you want to shut down neighborhood pools. 

    Throw those doors open at 8am or 9am and a ton of people will have their kids there. 

    Noon?  Many parents who would take their kids to the pool at 8 or 9 have already had their kids at the park, etc. and are not up for going back. Kids are eating or napping, it’s getting hot and sunny, and many parents don’t want to deal with sunscreen.


  9. On 5/30/2018 at 6:43 PM, Sbbruin said:

    Social media, and new media in general, allows the spotlight on these behaviors to blaze like wildfire.

    Watching social media take down white supremacists after Charlottesville, and seeing them lose their jobs or being kicked out of school has been amusing.  In this day and age, you have to be aggyesque to think parading around with torches while people take your photo won’t lead to you being identified  

    Hell,  with Daniel Six Figs, you didn’t even have to wear khakis and carry a torch. 

  10. 11 minutes ago, Nice Guy Eddie said:

    Wouldn't the Manafort news imply that at least someone else is cooperating with Mueller?  

    As far as the Sessions situation, could you imagine having a boss that publicly announces in dept meetings that he regrets hiring you?  Is he staying around because God is telling him to do so, or only to spite Trump?  For the latter, Sessions is indirectly helping the Mueller investigation.  If Sessions resigns and Pruitt takes over as AG, Mueller would be gone within hours.

    I think Sessions is sticking around to spite Trump. 

    Jefferson Beauregard Sessions VII strikes me as one of those proud Southern lawyer/prosecutor/Senator types who does not appreciate a liberal from New York shitting all over him, both publicly and privately. 

    Especially when Sessions was basically the first well-known Senator to risk his reputation in order to support Trump early on. And this is how Trump repays him. 

    Trump is accustomed to using and disposing of people when they are of no longer use to him. Sessions does not believe himself to be disposable. 

    • Like 2
  11. 11 minutes ago, Tuco said:

    It's always good to note transition points.  For the last couple of years, the controversy was over whether it was unAmerican to show disrespect for the flag.  Now the Trumpsters believe it is unAmerican to show disrespect for the President.  Fuck these fucking fuckheads.

    It’s good to note that in his head, he equates himself with the national anthem. 

  12. 4 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

    Well...the rub is the word “voters.” At our turnout rate, not many of either group is “voters.”

    Might get out a lot of single-issue voters (gun control among the younger crowd, racial or immigration issues, etc.) thanks to Trump and the GOP here in 2018. 

  13. 5 hours ago, relapse98 said:

    The fuck?!? How are there this many crazy people in this country?

    And aggy is hell-bent on giving college degrees to as many of them as possible. 

  14. 1 hour ago, BigDHornfan said:

    We don’t need a Boba Fett movie. Lucas butchered the character with the prequels.

    Any Kenobi movie better have McGregor or its gonna do way worse than Solo. He’s the logical person to do it IMO.

    1234.  He’s the right age for Kenobi as well being one of the few highlights from the prequels. 

    Plua he will pull plenty of women in. 

  15. 18 minutes ago, Patrick Bateman said:

    9 should do huge numbers, but what then?  That's what Disney is shitting themselves about..... We just took arguably the franchise's favorite character and Kennedy delivered a giant bust.

    9 will probably come close to 7.  Too many people will go just to see how things end  

    If the TV  show(s) bomb, it could take down their new streaming service, and Disney is betting a massive amount on that service, more than any single movie. 

  16. Disney is not shitting themselves over Solo bombing, as IX should make up for it. 

    Disney is shitting themselves over the idea that they have 1-2 Star Wars TV series planned to help launch their paid Disney-only streaming service (they own a chunk of Hulu) with Kathleen Kennedy in charge. 

  17. 49 minutes ago, DougO said:

    Rogue One was light years better than VII or VIII.

    Rogue One was fairly tight on the subplots and the ending was neatly wrapped up, much like A New Hope.  VII/VIIII had too much going on, just like the prequels  Ending multiplier effect stuff from Red Letter Media reviews or whatever. 

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