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Everything posted by uoftorange

  1. No such thing in soccer. It's all been done before. It's whether you have the personnel to achieve your goals with it now.
  2. If someone told you before the season that Maton, Dubon and Hunter Brown were absolutely killing this season, what would you have predicted the season record to be right now?
  3. In some cases they are below replacement level, so not really. I mean Brantley not playing means we have a replacement level player out there
  4. He did the exact same thing last season in the middle, then made a big time big league adjustment. He's probably not Playoff MVP at the norm, but I think he very well may be September Pena. We'll see if he makes the adjustment, he simply just stop swinging at those pitches for most of 3+ months last year, I think he can again
  5. Chisos finally had stock again so I grabbed them. These boots are absolutely fantastic. They feel like they are made better and are more comfortable than my old hand made Luccheses
  6. I believe that is correct. I also believe that is the norm across the league for a starting catcher but could just be the more elite defensive guys. I know Molina and Realmulto have been said to do that
  7. Not disagreeing with that at all. But that's more on Dusty not playing anyone over him. Did anyone else notice how much that conversation went down as Vazquez started to prove himself? He's a very solid defensive catcher, and he is very involved with the pitching coaches on the game plan. My sincere believe is that's where this myth comes from. Nevermind that the pitchers stats haven't really changed when he's not the catcher
  8. I'm still firmly in the: Brantley is going to still be able to hit camp I'm also still firmly in the : I like Maldy as a person and as a teammate but don't think he had a damn thing to do with how good the pitching staff is. Catching is more about having a good conversation and game plan for players. And at the MLB level a catcher being super involved is great, but the pitching coaches and the analytics team in 2023 have way more to do with the game plan. He has way too many pitches that have been getting away from him lately as well. Stuff he used to catch. I will say his arm strength and pop time are still up there. Diaz has a lower pop time and just as strong an arm. And he has double the upside as a hitter. Having a rapport with someone is why the guys love Maldy. But it's not possible to create a rapport if Dusty doesn't play someone else. I'm still dumbfounded we chose Maldonado over Vazquez. And even more so over Contreras
  9. Salazar part was definitely sarcasm lol. Should be Korey Lee and Diaz splitting time and Maldy "coaching" them
  10. Hoping this is the funk ender for the guys. That and Dusty realizing Chas and Hensley need to be in the lineup. And he should see what Salazar and Diaz (mostly Diaz) can do
  11. Fair, and would make a lot of long term sense too
  12. Diaz should be starting at catcher 2 of 3 games and DH the other game. That's not going to happen anytime soon unless Maldy gets hurt. Hensley should be the everyday 2B. He's a competent defender and will get better the more reps there he has (unless Leon is healed up all the way and looks like he is) No one else on the roster should be playing there. Chas should be the everyday CF. If you need a late defensive sub, fine. But I really think Meyers takes bad routes way too often and uses speed to cover it up. LF I don't know what's best there when Yordan doesn't start in the field. Maybe Hensley if Leon is at 2B. Julks certainly looked good last year, and also looks to be seeing the ball a bit better today. So maybe that's the route. But I agree with everyone else that it makes no sense to keep running Dubon, Meyers and Maldy in the same lineup EVER Oh, and Dusty's "confidence thing" is super dumb. He's trying to install confidence in guys that shouldn't be playing. Makes no sense
  13. Oh Lord, just realized it's CB behind the plate. A few of these calls have been stupid, like that one to Abreu
  14. That was a damn good inning by Javier. Looked filthy
  15. I'm not sure what the Astros could have done to address depth in pitching other than sign someone to a long term deal that didn't make sense economically, like Verlander or DeGrom. One on the DL, one that will be soon and was terrible this season so far. The Astros quite clearly upgraded at the GM spot IMO, so a few off season issues here and there long term are likely worth it. The move that should have 100% been made is Contreras or at the very least bringing back Vazquez and thanking Maldy for his service. Honestly should have been upgraded before last year but he was the only real hole so keeping him for continuity was fine. The problem with Dubon is that he's actually a really good utility player. He can't hit, and always puts the ball in play, which leads to lots of double plays. But he plays quality D pretty much over the whole diamond. He just gets massively exposed because Dusty has a hard on for defense and Altuve is hurt. I don't blame them for not giving Conforto a long term deal (also been garbage so far). I still think the Brantley signing was a good one. Time will tell. But the "he's done" stuff is silly. The docs cleared him and we've known pretty much all along that he wouldn't be ready at the beginning of the season. His contract didn't stop us from doing anything else.
  16. I mean, Profar's hitting .091 through 11 ABs and a .258 OPS and he's had a negative dWAR pretty much his entire career. In 15 ABs Dubon (who sucks shit through a straw to be fair) is hitting .200 in 15 ABs with a .450 OPS and has had a positive dWAR every year of his career.
  17. Love that Bregman went to a 4 inch chokeup like he was 8 on that hit
  18. Should have been a grand slam. Idiotic that wasn't overturned
  19. Damn, I truly forgot how much of a beating this thread can be. There was literally nothing wrong with the Brantley signing. It wasn't huge money and the guy is a real legit hitter. His power wasn't there, but people forget he was dealing with the shoulder for quite some time when he went out. There were a handful of guys they could have signed, but no one for only one year that has the upside he possibly has. Bregman has spent his entire Astros career sucking ass in April and May. He was 1 for 38 to start his career. He does this almost every year. Sometimes he has a good first week like last year then sucks for months after. He will be fine. We all make the joke every year that he would be the greatest player of all time if the season started in June Pitching went up against a healthy, very good Sox lineup that wasn't infighting with LaRussa like last year. That is one of the best lineups in baseball. Like someone said, if Pressley has a normal Pressley outing, we're 3-1 right now. I'll reserve judgement on Julks till I see more than 12 ABs. He hasn't looked great, but plenty of you have wanted to give up on guys that have been pillars of this org in their first few games. I bet more than a few of you on Bregman Altuve is going to be fine. It's a broken hand, not an arm or muscle issue or lower body. Yeah he'll wear a protector and get at bats to get going, but it's not like the guy didn't play a lot of the WBC and hasn't proven himself year after year. Let's get off the ledge being 2-2 against another solid team. PS. We won the freaking World Series last year
  20. It's shockingly aggy, it's their very own "Saw Varsity's Horns off"
  21. Me too, and it sucked even though I sat next to Neil Smith's mom and sister and got to meet him and Joe Montana after the game. But it's crazy to me to think that anyone thinks that loss was more soul crushing than losing a 35-3 lead.
  22. I think Rockethorn knows the rules, I just think he's incorrectly applying them here based on "that happens all the time". Happening all the time and being correct is completely different. Brock had a clean box out, then the guy jumped over him, not straight up (that's laughable), and basically pulled the chair out from under brock. But it was the offensive player that caused the contact and therefore should have gotten the foul
  23. They can see things differently all they want. It's either the right call or it isn't. In this case, it's clearly not the right call.
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