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Everything posted by uoftorange

  1. The cost is the cost. Everyone agreed upfront. No you are not wrong. If someone had to cancel would you be eating their part alone? Yep. So they should be splitting it too
  2. Easily Cougars. The strength discrepancies is off the charts. So is jumping and climbing ability
  3. He took BP in Colorado and has been running bases and the like. I think he'll be on rehab assignment in the next week.
  4. 100% me too, I'm very capable and handy, but I can't hold onto tools when I need to no matter what
  5. Lady in the middle is probably 55, but women aged different back then
  6. This is how I view it. If you snatch your glove like that, you didn't think it was a strike, so I'm not calling it. Catcher knows better than anyone if a ball is a strike or not. When I used to umpire HS and below I would warn the catcher : "All you are telling me is that you don't think I know where the zone is AND you probably didn't think it was a strike. So if it's borderline and you pull that shit it's getting called a ball." Framing is catching the ball and sticking it. This isn't framing, it's moving the ball into the zone. And Huckleberry is right, this is flopping, and I'd be fine if it was punished accordingly. Just don't know how to accurately do that.
  7. You are absolutely right. More was talking in the playoffs, but honestly that was more a fake memory. They were bad in Sept 11-16 that year. I guess I remembered it differently. How about the 2023 Phillies then
  8. It was really nice to see Kyle dive for a ball. I think it's like the third time all season he's done it for real. He has been supremely risk adverse all season and it's why his defense has gone from GG to bottom half guy. More of this and it would make a big difference for the season. He's always going to hit
  9. I simply do not believe that the non Seager/Semien/Lowe part of the Rangers is really this good. I think regression is coming. Especially to Heim, Duran and Taveras, with Jung to have a rookie drop off at some point. I do think it's a really well constructed roster and they have done great things in FA with Seager and Semien especially. I could be wrong though, lots of "we just got hot" young teams keep it together for a season. 2015 Astros were like that, then came back to earth in 16. More callups and FA signings put it fully together in 17. Rangers are going to be good for a while. And they still have money to spend. Their pitching is going to be the big issue. I'm still upset they signed Eovaldi and we didn't and he's going to be fine if he doesn't get injured. What's really crazy is the Astros have dealt with enough injuries that most teams would be 10 games under .500, but the heart of a champ has turned that 20 games the other way. Altuve and Yordan healthy along with Urquidy would make this a real race. Frankly having the time off for all of them could be really good given the miles put on their bodies since most of them joined the league. The biggest change is going to need to be lineup construction. I get exactly what Dusty is trying to do, see who actually can contribute in the playoffs. But we're not leading the division by 10 games like usual, so costing us wins to do so is not the way to go.
  10. A number of adult men could kill a German shepherd (much much more couldn't) A chimp would fuck one up basically immediately, even if the dog bit down. It can crush the skull of one
  11. Not really. We won the fucking World Series last year and have been 4 times and to 6 straight ALCS's. The Astros could fuck my dead grandpa right now and I'd still love them
  12. That's the biggest horseshit ever. He has at least 15 this year. And another 20 he just hasn't caught that hit him right in the glove that luckily just didn't allow a runner to move up so no reason to score them
  13. Dumbfounded this thread isn't full of how awful this umps zone is. He is skewed a few inches to the left hand batters box. Missing strikes inside and balls outside all damn game
  14. 0-2 against us, with a chance to go 0-3. Framber outpitched him both times before
  15. He's 3-5 all time against us in 12 starts
  16. I mean not really. In today's sound bite era, accidentally saying the wrong thing in English could get Ohtani in a ton of trouble back home. Same with Abreu here. If your aren't confident in comprehending the question or getting the words/sentence structure right I get it. I do think at some point Ohtani will start speaking English though. He speaks pretty well, I think it's more comprehending questions properly.
  17. Feel like Chas should have been sent there
  18. Pena is a 2nd year player, this shit happens to most of them. See Julio Rodriguez
  19. Like, she like, needs to like stop that shit. Like now FIFY
  20. This may be the wife statement that drives me the most nuts. We is only used when it's me that has to do it. Luckily my wife has learned that's a hot button and says "I would appreciate if you would" instead. Makes a huge difference in my attitude. I would still do it with way one, but way two doesn't agitate me and put me on the back foot.
  21. It definitely seemed that way, but Pujols' career numbers are better than his numbers against the Astros. He just happened to play in our division for most of his career
  22. uoftorange


    I worked in a dry cleaner for a short time in high school. This above is correct. There are different dilutions of the starch you can use or make. You can also simply put more or less on.
  23. Clearly, since he's causing him to throw homerun pitches every game
  24. Why in the fuck to mid 20s players like Chas and Julks ever need a single day off? Every single Astros "fan" that defends Dusty in this is being a dumbass. Bligh should be a guy brought in after you've had 3 injuries in a game. It's inexcusable that Dusty ever starts him over Julks, much lest Chas. Same goes for Martin over Diaz. You are in a "something big is going to have to go right" season and you are wasting Diaz's development behind the plate.
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