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Everything posted by uoftorange

  1. Took the kids into the lions den today. Honestly most Dodgers fans weren’t bad. We even got a small “cheater” chant going with Mookie. Was actually really funny the Dodgers fans just nodded and laughed around us. Then we ventured to the upper deck and the fans were a lot bigger set of dicks. Though most shut up when I pointed that their local “cheater” had most of their runs. Got a little more riled up when I called their 2020 title a bigger asterisk than 2017. But it was mostly in good fun. Ventured back down to the field level where my seats were behind the Astros dugout That was my last of the classic stadiums and it didn’t disappoint. Much like Wrigley and Fenway it’s a dump. But an awesome dump. The views are better than anywhere save maybe PNC or Oracle. And they are spectacular from the top deck. Dusty made that game stupidly difficult and I blame base running issues on the manager. It’s his job to get the team in the right place for that. Not to mention refusing to pinch hit for Maldy (or better not playing him at all). And resting Altuve was just dumb.
  2. If our lineup allowed was optimized for it daily that would really help
  3. I think most people care pretty equally, probably you included. If we win it, cool, that's great. If we don't, oh well. And Stanford is a cheat code in it anyway because they play every damn sport, and public universities can't really do that
  4. WTF is going on with Tucker. He would have caught that ball 8 of 10 the last few years. Didn't even try there
  5. Be super careful there. The net has never been high enough for the design of the lower deck behind it. Balls come in freaking hot. Saw a girl take one off the shoulder the first time I was there. Saw another ball slam into an empty seat and bounce back ten rows. Though those were close to straight behind home
  6. Wait are we not in the trust tree? Never kink shame...
  7. Lance's deal is almost definitely covered by insurance. As was Verlander's. If a guy is in the first 3 years of a deal it is very likely, from everything I've ever seen and heard that, it has an insurance policy. Maybe not to cover the whole amount, but likely with McCullers being young it does. So the time he's on the DL they are likely getting insurance payments. Insurance payments don't count against the cap either, so unless it's hugely prohibitive they have them. It's part of the reason that the Giants and Mets wanted to renegotiate with Correa. They couldn't get insurance at rates that made sense unless they took money from his contract to do it. The Astros have made money hand over fist. Abreu and McCullers deals will not effect winning in any shape or form based on money. They will hurt because they are two previously good players that aren't contributing. The Astros could easily afford to pay into the top tier of the luxury tax, and I think they've been managing money accordingly the last few years because on the outer end of the window they know they will have to. Crane is not going to allow this team to not be playoff competitive unless he has absolutely no choice
  8. If I'm the only one in line, or maybe 1 person behind me I do the same. I couldn't care less about you trying to game your stats. Especially if I didn't have a special order of any kind
  9. That's because it was. That little "Estimated Ump Zone" and the fact that it's based off the error range the MLBUA uses makes it almost always worse than what they say. It's a good viewpoint though. Basically says that he's 85% of what is within the margin of error. Not he's 85% of correct based on the accurate zone.
  10. That take is soft AF. It's completely out of touch with reality. No real person gives a shit about that tweet by the Astros. And those that do think it was funny. The best part is there isn't a single reply to this on twitter that agrees with him Clanton did it right...again: https://twitter.com/adamclanton/status/1663892156967157763?s=20
  11. I know he’s had some bad moments. But Montero really hasn’t been bad on the whole. It’s just that when he’s been bad it’s been egregious.
  12. 104 MPH pitch and he got around on it??? ooooo
  13. Altuve is completely done. It's sad to see...
  14. Tropicana, Wrigley moved theirs It's part of the reason Oakland Col and Tropicana are by far the two worst stadiums in baseball
  15. As another friend said, his form is consistent:
  16. Medina has some nice pitches. Kid has some potential for them
  17. Is the ball just not carrying today? I'm usually a very good judge off the bat, but that's like the 4th ball that seemed gone today that wasn't really that close
  18. His plate discipline is absolute garbage for a guy who has been damn good as a hitter over his career. He can't catch up, but guys are still throwing him tons of breaking balls. Just sit on those period. Get yourself out of the funk and then try for a fastball here and there. I saw him hit 95+ fastballs in Spring Training. It makes zero sense for him not to be able to do it now. Maybe he's just pressing horribly, but seems like he just sucks now.
  19. When the "best team that didn't win the WS" thing was going on a few weeks ago, I kept seeing that the Astros that year were "soft". I don't understand that at all. We sucked as a BP in the WS, but the team was absolute killers all year long pretty much top to bottom. I didn't think there was a single soft thing about it
  20. Again, incorrect. He parted ways with the GM without a plan you liked. He had a plan to promote some guys to AGM, and be a stop gap between taking his time and finding the right guy. And it was the right guy. I just don't see what he could have done differently. Most teams that fire a GM don't make the playoffs and therefore have a few months. We, luckily because we have the best sports owner in Houston history, didn't have that option. Complaining about him firing and taking a reasonable time to find a new one is basically shaking your fist at the sky. At the time yes, but in retrospect the Montero deal was under/or at worst at market. Brantley was injured, it was a one year flyer that would be covered by insurance if he didn't play. There was no salary cap constraint on the Brantley deal.
  21. Jesus man, this is a beating of a continuous take, especially for a fan of a team that's been to 4 WS in 6 years. That's simply not what happened. Crane did not decide he didn't need a GM, he decided that his current GM had run his course. He either had to get rid of Click OR extend him, there was no in between. So if he wanted a new GM, (which he clearly did, and so did a larger percentage of all of us) either he actively shopped and interviewed a GM during the season, during the WS run, which would have been utterly idiotic, or he did what he did and worked to find the right guy for the long term. And in between business can't just stop. Crane has said over and over again that he felt rushed when he hired Click, a guy that none of us really loved, and some of us downright loathed. And if he didn't have a GM that didn't mean that nothing could happen in the meantime. Including using the 2 Assistant GMs to help out. There was literally nothing wrong with the Abreu deal given what we knew at the time. Go back and look at the 90% of people on this board who thought it was a good deal, save maybe it was a year too long. The Montero deal was a massive overpay at the time, and maybe you let the guy walk, but it wasn't a huge deal in the scheme of what relievers got. We could all argue against it, because relievers are cyclical (see one Maton, Phil) but it wasn't technically a horrible deal, again in the scheme of reliever pay this off season. Brantley deal was hopeful, but it wasn't horrific or team cap altering. But my biggest issue with all of this is simple: Every single one of the guys any of us wanted is shitting the bed horribly. And don't any of you say Yuli, there was maybe 5% of people that know a thing about baseball on this board that thought we should re-sign him. He spent some money, but not team hampering money.
  22. Yeah, I want to see the MPH on that one. Seemed almost harder than the first home run
  23. I'm saying that he should have tagged up, clearly the right thing to do if you think it might be caught. But I think his option was, if I'm wrong, and it's not gone, I need to be ready to score if it hits the wall, not to tag up. And if it's 10 rows deep, most guys are already jogging home on that, not getting ready to tag up
  24. It seems like every at bat since Altuve came back there is one or more pitches way inside. Kind of horseshit that guys are using an injury to get in his head when there is a real chance they could hit him again.
  25. I'll give him a bit of a break on that ball. It looked 10 rows deep off the bat and just didn't keep carrying for some reason. They are also both better defensive CFs
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