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Everything posted by uoftorange

  1. Echoing others, but almost definitely a GFCI. Literally just go room to room, no matter if it's nearby or not. Heavily check bathrooms, garage, kitchen areas. And even outside sometimes
  2. Does anyone else get agitated with Julks and Meyers refusing to get helmets that fit? Meyers at least usually stays on. It's just stupid and dangerous. There is a reason you wear a helmet. And it's dangerous not only to him but other players with it flying off all the time. PS. Not as agitated with that as I am with Dusty not playing Diaz.
  3. That would definitely seem like you found the problem...
  4. She lived not far from me, our kids played baseball together for a bit. Was married to Roberto Clemente Jr for a good while until he cheated all over town on her. Too much info, but she started gaining weight and in weird places a while back. Turns out they ended up removing the breast implants (and replacing it seams) and one was covered in mold. On her way back to her old self from what I've heard.
  5. He is so long and has a bunch of strength. Guy hits balls most humans can't
  6. I'm pretty much done with Maldy as a catcher. I was done with him being in the lineup last year. But he just can't catch, and he gets these innings where the sequencing is fucked
  7. Maldanado already has a passed ball for the game. Why can't he catch all of the sudden? Good thing Javier is absolutely filthy so far today. 3 up, 3 Ks
  8. Yep, that plug likely has a circuit flipped somewhere else. Usually outside stuff seems to be connected out in a garage for some reason. Probably just easiest to tie it in. Could also be a GFCI somewhere else outside. Easiest way is to literally just go room to room and look at every single outlet. Trip any GFCIs and reset them. You probably have a plug somewhere you just don't use/don't see and it's tripped.
  9. That was a big FU to Trout there. Come hit it... oh, nevermind you can't
  10. I had to go look, because I remembered Abreu actually being exactly what we would want him to be in Spring Training. And yep, he was really good. I just don't get it. It's not like he's missing 99 MPH fastballs, he's getting a steady diet of 93-95 and just can't hit it. Not even good fastballs a lot of the time
  11. Can we get Abreu a bat that weighs half as much??
  12. Probably high on the Montero deal. Compared to other reliever deals it really wasn't bad. And probably "I understand why" on Abreu. Let's not forget pretty much everyone thought it was a good deal, maybe a year too long. Also Abreu has started his seasons like this in his career, just like Bregman. He's the one guy I've been okay with Dusty letting keep go out there, unlike Maldonado and Hensley.
  13. It was a weak sauce call in every way. But it's Phil "I like to be the center of attention" Cuzzi, so not surprising.
  14. I don't know what the actual stats are specifically, and I think I've said it before but... It seems like every game Maldonado has called this year, the starter does really well (maybe save an Urquidy start) but has that one little league inning where the pitch sequencing is absolute garbage, gives up runs when they were previously cruising AND Maldy whiffs on a catchable pitch to move runners up. I know for sure it's happened 4 times. He just doesn't have whatever he used to have behind the plate. He's not as athletic, he's even slower, pitch sequencing goes in and out and his hand eye coordination with the glove is utter garbage (for an MLBer). I just do not understand how this team isn't having it's player leadership tell Dusty it's time. And I have zero sympathy for Seattle on that Tucker pitch. Seems like those "bad call then a big hit" has gone against us a lot more than for us over the last 5 years. Luckily the team has been outstanding over that time.
  15. Pic makes me sad about Ken. Should have had multiple GGs as an Astro. Finally got some with SD because back then you had to be a great hitter to get one. I think it's one of the reasons that he started roiding. Of course the crack use was great either
  16. I don't believe you are serious...
  17. Utterly ridiculous that Maldanado keeps catching. Every game he catches our starters get one inning of bad pitch sequence. And that would be fine if he could hit his weight
  18. First Home sweep of Atlanta since May 2021
  19. Here's hoping that strike zone stays that big for this half of the inning
  20. Thank God we aren't batting him here
  21. I really like Maldonado the person, seems like a good dude, good family man, great teammate. But it's beyond absurd that Dusty keeps playing him
  22. How many balls are they going to hit just past an outstretched glove???
  23. 414? My ass. I still think Stat Cast struggles with balls like that
  24. Every year I ask the same thing, why is a guy that is such a piece of shit to the teams and such a bad umpire in Bucknor allowed to keep his job?
  25. No such thing in soccer. It's all been done before. It's whether you have the personnel to achieve your goals with it now.
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