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Everything posted by uoftorange

  1. Does anyone have a logical reason Singleton hasn't been called up? There is *no* way that you he could have been be as bad at hockey hitting as you are our bench is at golf hitting!
  2. Damn Chas, don't knock yourself out on the slide
  3. We got very, very spoiled in 2019 and think that every roster has to be as good or better than the 27 Yankees because that one was
  4. I've been really lucky, I've been at 3 of the Astros no hitters: Scott in 86 was a birthday present. Lowell Passe was my next door neighbors father and he got us the tickets (we were way too po to get those ourselves). Also gave me all the paperwork from the booth that night and got to meet a bunch of players and Milo. Kile - Absolute master class of a game The combined with the new guys from Toronto, right before Sanchez was broken for good. It was a strange game because the Astros scored so much it almost made you forget that there were no Toronto hits for a long while
  5. I’m pretty damn handy and we’re doing a lot of upgrades to the house. One of our issues is the dog kennel takes up too much space. So I’m building them one under the stairs. It’s going to look and be awesome I’ve already cut the space out. Wife starts with I don’t think the opening should be higher To which I said: it’s as high as it can go. Fifteen minutes later… Her: I’m trying to visualize this. I really think you shouldn’t go higher Me: yep. It can’t go higher anyway so we’re good. The stairs start at that point so it’s what it is Fifteen minutes later Her: do you think we should make it a bit taller Me: do you hate me???? I’ve already told you twice that’s the opening and, not only is it not changing, it can’t change. Her: why? Me: for the same reason I told you earlier She then proceeds to climb in so she can verify that her husband, who she knows is very capable knows what he’s talking about… God I love that woman or I’d have to run away
  6. I live in Houston and have 0 issues with my AC hitting 73/74 in 105 degree weather. Now my electric bill is scary, but still
  7. If we trade more than a top 15 guy I will be pissed unless they pay 2/3 of his salary over the next 3 years. If it's a salary dump a bucket of balls should do it with that insane contract. We already stupidly agreed to take on Greinke's continuing payments.
  8. When that list of best teams that didn't win was going around, the idiocy that 2019 wasn't 1/2&3 was crazy. By far the best team to not win. Like I said earlier, it could be the best team assembled ever, much less team that didn't win.
  9. It's not really fair to compare those. That 2019 team was one of the 10 best teams ever constructed. It could have been the best or 2nd best based on your criteria. I also contend we lost to the Nationals because the team knew they were getting investigated for 2017 and it mentally stunted them.
  10. My ex wife would add a "you always have to be right" after that, and that's a big reason she's my ex.
  11. Diaz is 24 and in great physical shape. Maldy is, well, not. He has shown he is better at every facet of actually playing the position. At the very least he should do 3/5, but really should be at 4/5 with Maldy getting spot starts with any of the guys (except for Hunter because he has no idea what to call for him). Framber and Javier really need a change of scenery with catcher more than the other guys. Maldy's a wonderful game planner and researcher of hitter tendencies. He's shown this year that he has very little feel for what his pitcher can actually execute in the moment, something he was great at previously. He can do all the things is good at from the bench with Diaz and the pitchers pre-game and in between innings. He should be a coach of ours next year and I'd be very happy with that. Asking aging players in any sport to admit they don't have it is just not happening. It's been proven over and over again. They know what to do, but physically can't do it. Part of being a great player is having irrational confidence. And that never goes away, no matter what your physical ability devolves to.
  12. I run an office of tech consultants. We have been having tests on coding to hire new people but the test doesn't allow you to go to another site or cut and paste. I contend that it's idiotic because I expect people to give me solid, working code. Not to have said code memorized to the nth detail. So if you can write the code from scratch in 2 hours, but find it and use open source in 10 minutes, shouldn't I prefer option 2 as long as you can also explain what that code does and why?
  13. If I could pinpoint one thing in my life that makes me the most upset, this is almost it. Which to be fair means I have a pretty good life. The only reason this isn't 1 is because my wife asks me these every day, multiple times a day. She comes to me because I know things, or know how to find them and she doesn't. However, if I just give a random piece of info that I happen to know, I'm being a know it all. So which is it, do you think I know enough to have answers to your questions only, but not to stuff I actually do know?? The amount of times she asks me for something and I give her the answer, that she then asks me "how can you possibly know that" is incredible. And if she meant it rudely or mean it would be a problem. But she really is just asking me to explain my info. Which just annoys me, because then that gets questioned too. So either I know shit or I don't. But don't bombard me to cite my sources lol
  14. The Dusty situation reminds me so much of the Cowboys Switzer years. Jimmy had that team made in his image and set up for a long future with some smart moves. Barry won with his talent then drove it into the ground. Now Barry was an asshole that cheated every step of the way but had some coaching smarts, as opposed to Dusty who is a wonderful human being that simply has never been a good manager, but has had bursts of decent at times. Don't get me wrong, I'd much rather have Dusty than a Barry type, but it still has many of the same team altering effects. The right move for the Astros was to tell the league to fuck off and keep Luhnow and Hinch after their suspensions. Of course they were never going to do that. It's one reason I was happy about the Click to Brown move. I think Brown has way more ability to be a great GM than Click did. Time will tell. But this Dusty/Switzer shit has to stop.
  15. Respect the anonymous shot haha That's actually a really good point. But if it's an arena like said before, I'm assuming it's not a huge one and assuming they all have to fight. Lots of assumptions here since the parameters aren't set. No trees, and a very large arena, I think you might be right. A real world environment and I think advantage goes back to cougars, same if there are trees and hiding areas for the cougars to go.
  16. I'll take that bet. He won't be back. Dana says what he needs to say, but he isn't re-signing him.
  17. Except it's not an overpay. It's one of the more reasonable trades done this season so far. Helps both teams pretty equally. And being the best team in baseball and having some luck is how you win a WS. Plenty of teams (see Miami Marlins) won WS with one seasons worth of performance.
  18. But both were done, we've lost Springer, Correa and all but Altuve and Bregman from 2017 and kept the window open. It can't stay open forever (I guess unless you are the Dodgers with endless money). Even the Yankees have found that out.
  19. Yep, everyone is so focused on "keep the window open" that they forget the goal isn't the window, it's the WS. The window is great, but not if it's not going to result in a WS. Ideally both happen
  20. That's because our farm system is way, way down. Korey Lee isn't a good player. He's not likely to ever be one. The fact he's a top 10 guy in our system is because we traded other guys away already. This isn't the Dodgers or Rays trading a top 10 guy away.
  21. Say what? You trade him because they agreed to give you someone that you want for someone you don’t.
  22. Some of y'all act like y'all haven't seen Korey Lee play in the majors. He hasn't been good in admittedly limited at bats. He was the heir apparent and couldn't do it, so got passed by Yanier. He has some potential still, but his trade value wasn't super high.
  23. Wolves won with people voting. In the real world absolutely not. 2.5 inch claws and 650 pounds of biting pressure, plus the wolf has to bite to win. The cougar can slice it up. A few wolves on one cougar sure. But 2 to 1 where the advantage goes down with every wolf killed? Nah
  24. The cost is the cost. Everyone agreed upfront. No you are not wrong. If someone had to cancel would you be eating their part alone? Yep. So they should be splitting it too
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