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Beantown Express 2.0

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Beantown Express 2.0

  1. I hate the freaking MOB. I attended the UT/RICE game in Houston when we lost to them for the first time in like a bazillion years. I had the flu, it was pouring rain and my seats were right next to the MOB. Might be the worst experience I have ever had at a UT football game and sadly I have been to way too many games like that for the Longhorns but that was the worst.
  2. Cheating didn’t kill it. It didn’t help but it wasn’t the reason the SWC ended. It was the TV money plain and simple. Once Arky left it was just a TX conference. Not a lot of money in that for the TV networks. Plus schools like TCU, SMU, Rice and Houston were a drag on the conference as far as being small schools with limited resources. Texas and A&M could carry the state of Texas for the tv networks on their own so there was no need for the conference really. Merging with the Big 8 made sense at the time just like joining the SEC makes sense now. Sadly I still have a SWC championship ring from when I was in school. Doesn’t fit my fat fingers anymore so it sits on a shelf in the closet. In Philadelphia it’s probably worth fifty bucks.
  3. I just went to Texags and feel like I need to pour bleach all over my iPad to clean it now. Those yahoos are delusional. They feel that almost all of the schools will vote “no” in letting OU and UT join the SEC. I think they really believe it too. Kind of sad.
  4. All I know is if we join the SEC and had the opportunity to pay 100 million dollars to the SEC to get them to boot A&M out it would be worth it. Those would be glorious tears.
  5. Sitting at a light behind this stooge. I don’t think he is grounded in reality. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. Is he just asking questions, acting like he is a doctor when he really just refills the vending machines at the doctor’s office building and talking about how great the carrot is at Bob’s Steakhouse?
  7. Wait GR was crowd sourced? I must have missed this. He is one of like 2-3 people I have on ignore. Did he post something even more stupid than his past posts?
  8. Definitely a sock. GR, Chrispy, maybe that Donkey dude. Just asking questions, dumb questions but questions nonetheless.
  9. I read the Daily Bugle or the Daily Planet for my news sources but they might lean left. Whose sock is that with the both sides crap?
  10. Yes. Since I am a hoarder I still have them but worthless since they were played with.
  11. RIP. I saw him wrestle Hulk Hogan in Miami in the mid 1980's. What was great about that match was a fight broke out in the crowd in the first few rows and Hogan and Orndoff stopped wrestling and leaned on the ropes and watched the fight in the crowd for a good 20 seconds. You could see them talking to each other and kind of smiling at each other while they watched two yahoos go at it in the crowd.
  12. This is ridiculous since we all know Elvis didn’t really die but he left Earth to go back to his home planet. I know a lot of crazy people will blame Biden when Trump dies but Grimace, Ronald and The Hamburglar will have played a much bigger role in his demise.
  13. So I am out in Vegas and just had dinner with a couple of big clients of mine and their wives. Somehow the topic came up about masks and Covid. One of the guys wife goes off on how wearing a mask is ridiculous and doesn’t do anything. She then goes on and on about the Delta variant and how it was really caused by all the people that got vaccinated and the vaccinated people somehow shed this new variant and it is hurting all the unvaccinated people. She kept going on that if nobody got vaccinated then we wouldn’t have these variants and the world would be a better place. Her husband is a big client of mine so I have to just sit there and smile but I can’t begin to tell you how badly I wanted to scream at her “You Fucking Idiot”.
  14. Well now that you posted this I just read it on the internet so it must be true.
  15. Dammit! I just bought tickets this morning for tomorrow’s game against the Aussies, landed in Vegas and now I see they may cancel the game. Was really looking forward to it also. Shit!
  16. Well I hope she at least had fun storming the Capitol before she got shot. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  17. I have that fuckstick GR on ignore but since you quoted him I am guessing he was talking about me. I may have to add "The Vengeful" to my real name at some point. I kind of like the sound of that. Oh, and I have no problem with someone in this world making a choice and dying from it. It was their choice. Want to go swim with sharks and get your arm bit off, OK, your choice. I do have a problem if it hurts the rest of society however. My beliefs aren't just about covid either. You ride a motorcyle and choose not to wear a helmet then I think if you crash you shouldn't get medical care if the helmet would have prevented the injuries. That non helmet wearing asshole costs all of our healthcare to be higher just like those choosing not to get vaccinated for Covid are costing all of us whether it be variants spreading or the healthcare resources they are taking that could be used for others. So yeah, choose not to get vaccinated then I have no issues letting those fuckers die.
  18. I know that these people not getting vaccinated hurts all of us with variants and whatnot but at this point if they refuse to get vaccinated we really should refuse to treat them at the hospital if they become sick. I know its a terrible thought to be so cruel but maybe its time for hospitals and doctors to send someone really ill that chose not to be vaccinated back home and tell them to take some Tylenol or pray to their god or whatever and hopefully they get better.
  19. That messaging was an Italian person dressed as an Native American crying on my TV for most of my youth. If that commercial was done today you would have the GOP and its followers saying its their freedom to throw shit out of their window onto the highway. You would have the TX GOP passing laws saying you will be arrested if you DON”T pollute the highways at least once a week. You would also have channels like Newsmax or OAN telling its watchers that there are studies that show pollution is good for the earth and if we stop doing it all the plants and animals will die and the evil Democrats and Bill Gates of the world are stopping pollution in some world domination plot. Freaking irritating just thinking about it.
  20. I agree that this type of background movie would have been great if it was released years ago around the time of the winter soldier type movies. Giving background on a character we won't see anymore isn't a great idea but I thought the movie was fine like I said in a earlier post.
  21. So I booked Park City and heading out there next weekend. Any more restaurant recs or recs for anything would be much appreciated. Not looking for really fancy meals or anything like that. Just good food.
  22. Just curious but all those people that argue it was about states rights, what exactly is the states right in question other than having slaves? Did the South go to war because they wanted to grow cotton but the North wouldn’t let them? Was the North putting a ban on biscuits and gravy and making them eat scrapple for breakfast? It’s such a bullshit argument but our population is just so stupid they believe it.
  23. Just saw it. First time at a theater since the pandemic hit. The movie was entertaining and worth seeing but not one of the best Marvel movies in my opinion. Not sure if I want to watch it over and over again like I do with Thor Ragnarok, Infinity War or Captain America Civil War but then again I can watch Scar Jo in a tight outfit all day long. Oh, and I apparently really missed overpriced popcorn covered in butter/coconut oil flavored like butter.
  24. With the Lightning winning the Stanley Cup last night I thought it was interesting that every city Tom Brady lives since he was a kid seems to win lots of championships (not just the teams he QB's for). Seems like a unusual stat and not that common if you ask me. The Tom Brady Effect Year Brady's location Team Success 1980 Northern California Raiders Super Bowl 1981 Northern California 49ers Super Bowl 1984 Northern California 49ers Super Bowl 1988 Northern California 49ers Super Bowl 1989 Northern California 49ers Super Bowl 1989 Northern California Athletics World Series 1994 Northern California 49ers Super Bowl 1995 Michigan Red Wings Conference Champions 1996 Michigan Red Wings Stanley Cup Champions 1997 Michigan Red Wings Stanley Cup Champions 1998 Michigan University of Michigan National Champions 2001 Michigan Red Wings Stanley Cup Champions 2001 New England Patriots Super Bowl 2003 New England Patriots Super Bowl 2004 New England Patriots Super Bowl 2004 New England Red Sox World Series 2007 New England Red Sox World Series 2007 New England Patriots Super Bowl 2008 New England Celtics NBA Championship 2011 New England Bruins Stanley Cup Champions 2013 New England Red Sox World Series 2014 New England Patriots Super Bowl 2016 New England Patriots Super Bowl 2018 New England Red Sox World Series 2018 New England Patriots Super Bowl 2020 Tampa Bay Lightning Stanley Cup Champions 2021 Tampa Bay Buccaneers Super Bowl 2021 Tampa Bay Lightning Stanley Cup Champions
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