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Beantown Express 2.0

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Beantown Express 2.0

  1. Fixed it for you. And also, we have sunk that low. Trump fans out front should have told you.
  2. If it says Rolex its not understated unless you get a Rainbow Rolex. My boss is cheap also. He throws around dimes like they are manhole covers.
  3. Yeah, well I’m going to Applebee’s for the rib dinner this weekend so we are kind of equal.
  4. Exactly. Want to get pissed about a $350 plate of food then stop watching Fox News because everyone of those motherfuckers have probably eaten at a steakhouse in the last few weeks and dropped $300 on a 4 oz Wagyu filet and then add in the bottle of Opus One and whatnot and there meals are over $500. I’m taking about Hannity, Tucker, the Murdoch’s et al. And you know what, they can afford it because they are stealing money from the idiots in this country that follow them.
  5. And at the end of the day the Republicans are responsible for the recall and waste of all that money and peoples time that could have been used on actually solving some of the problems this world faces. It’s just like the republicans are primarily responsible for the drain on our healthcare system and all the money we are wasting because dumbasses won’t get vaccinated because of what they heard on right wing media. Party of fiscal responsibility is literally costing this country billions, maybe trillions of dollars.
  6. Republicans suck and Trump is a piece of shit. Wait, what was the question?
  7. A friend of mine just said her father died from Covid last night. He was fully vaccinated but was probably in his 70s maybe even over 80. Not sure if he had underlying conditions but I would be so pissed if one of my parents died from Covid and I would probably blame the unvaccinated idiots for allowing the virus to mutate and continue to spread.
  8. Like there is not a coincidence that MD Anderson is located in Houston, TX right now? If you are going to be the top cancer hospital in the country you may as well set up base where the highest pollution is. It’s a profit deal.
  9. Isn’t it obvious to everyone that 4 million people from Tijuana illegally crossed the border, voted for Newsom and then went back to Mexico. You people just can’t see what is right in front of your face.
  10. This right here. Dan Quayle saving the country is so unrealistic it makes you wonder who is in charge of this timeline and how stoned they are. I mean Dan Quayle? The guy that couldn’t spell potato 30 years ago and has not been heard of for decades that I know of and is somehow involved with Jan 6th? If this was a TV pilot or movie script it would be thrown out for being unbelievably dumb yet here we are.
  11. I am in Orlando for work and went over to Davidsw who has every Rolex available (for a price) just to try it on. This was a brand new model with the stickers still on it and warranty card from May I think. Guessing it was flipped immediately by a buyer or the Rolex AD themselves. The rose gold on this model doesn’t show up correctly in photos. In person it has a almost copper tone color. Not sure it’s worth the $22K they want for a $15K watch. As far as GMTs I was trying to get something that was different than my VC Overseas blue dial and something like a Batman is kind of similar where this would be different. I did try on the Batman and Pepsi while I was there along with a hulk submariner. I figured the rose gold would make this a little more dressy option than my VC even though the VC is a much better watch. I had a rose gold day date a few years back but got rid of it as “it just wasn’t me” is the best way I can describe it. I swear that being addicted to watches is as bad as being addicted to crack.
  12. Pretty sure I have asked this before but is this a good looking or ugly watch? Is it too flashy with the rose gold? Just tried this on and deciding if I should buy it. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. That last play was something we ran in middle school PE class. Crazy MNF game that was.
  14. Card seems like he would be a solid college QB as long as he is surrounded by a good OL, good skill position, etc…. I am guessing in practice he looks good because our horrible OL is going up against our horrible DL. Casey seems the better QB for this current team because he can move a little better behind a Swiss cheese O Line. What is worrisome is that Sark doesn’t see this.
  16. Why was he a good hire? He has proven that when he has a offense full of 5 stars and a huge talent advantage over the other teams he can put up otherworldly numbers on offense. Now he just needs to figure out a way to get that kind of talent advantage on his Texas team.
  17. Show me the really good players we have on our D front 7?
  18. That’s because he is not a great coach. He was a good coach and a great recruiter. He lost games throughout his entire time at Texas that he shouldn’t have lost based on the talent he had on his team versus the opponent. He could have won many of those games he lost if he didn’t have Greg Davis and the crap D Coordinators he kept surrounding himself with.
  19. I think they know their line sucks but what do you expect a coach to say? “Hey I have bunch of weak, non talented mofos on both my offensive and defensive lines. We would be lucky to be able to push around some of the better high schools in this country.” Sark knows what he has. The question is can he get the right players in via recruiting/portal that will make a difference. Now that you mention it, Herman may have been delusional enough to think he actually had a good O Line.
  20. Like the players we had in the early 2000’s that were really good. Hmmm. The only thing that held those talented Horns teams back was the shitty coordinators we had.
  21. Exactly, it’s all about the offensive and defensive line play. A serious question to all of you that follow our players really closely. Who on our offensive or defensive lines will be playing in the NFL? Not starting in the NFL but maybe 3rd string on the Bengals roster type of player? I don’t see any talent on either line and until we start getting good players it don’t matter who our coaches are. Oh, and not saying Sark doesn’t deserve blame but Saban couldn’t coach those players to be good either. He would take all their scholarships away over time as he replaced them with better players.
  22. You should really think about jumping. You don’t want to be the last one on the cliff.
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