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Beantown Express 2.0

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Beantown Express 2.0

  1. Thanks but I think I will have to pass on that great offer from you, our website overlord. Also, I am guessing there are lots of McRib stains all over the seats. An Acura TL was actually the first nice car I ever bought. Loved it back in the day.
  2. Bumping this thread as my kid turns 16 in Feb and is expecting a car and was looking for some insights from the Surl. I was going to get something used with low miles but apparently the used car market is crazy right now. I went to a Hyundai dealer in DFW yesterday and they said everything new is at least $5K over MSRP just cause. Not to mention they had like no inventory. They did have like a dozen Palisade SUV's and the salesman said we ask $15K over MSRP for those. I looked at him and said, "based on the dozen Palisades sitting here it doesn't look like you are selling a shit ton of them at that price now does it". I want to get my kid something that has all the latest safety features like forward collision assist, blind spot assist, etc...Is it crazy to go with a new car at this point versus a used car since the used car market is so crazy? I was looking at spending like $15K but now I am in the $25K range apparently (if I can even get something at this point). I was thinking this car will be his HS and college car and then he can do what he wants. Thoughts on Hyundai Elantra or Kona? Any other ideas? He is not a pick up truck kind of kid and I think he wants a sedan but a small SUV seems a little safer I think. Let me add I want something that won't kill my insurance rates also. I know they will go up crazy just by adding him but guessing a small sedan//small SUV will be better than a sports car.
  3. This is Abbott’s master plan right here. Bring Polio back in a big way so everybody ends up in wheelchairs and then he will be like everyone else. Except more experienced at using a wheelchair. 5D chess.
  4. He only made it an inning in his start. Erod did the same before making it 5 tonight so both of them are at best hit or miss. It’s the Sox pen that scares me. They don’t have a closer really. Barnes imploded and guys like Brasier and whatnot are not very good. Whitlock looks like the real deal however.
  5. I would argue the Red Sox lack the pitching on top of being the worse hitting and fielding team. It really shouldn’t be close next round but like you said, it is the playoffs so I guess anything can happen.
  6. Why would you walk the guy that has been hitting lasers all series when you only need a sac fly….oh wait, now I get it.
  7. I can’t believe this Red Sox team made it to the ALCS. Fully expecting the Astros to sweep them pretty easily but it has still been a good season for the Sox.
  8. What does the below record scream? 6-5-1 6-6 7-5 6-6 9-2 Overall 34-24-1 That is Nick Saban at Michigan State. His LSU record wasn’t unreal either but he did have that 13-1 National Championship season. Once Saban got to Alabama and was able to get unreal recruiting advantages over everyone else suddenly he is a genius. Listen, Saban is a fantastic coach but college football is a sport where you can be a decent coach and still have success (See Mack Brown, great recruiter and good not great coach but with the talent he amassed he was able to win a lot) Sark may or may not be the guy but your comment of “which season in this screams he’s gonna break out” is idiotic. I am guessing you would have been screaming at LSU when they hired Saban with the above record that he shouldn’t have been hired. Is Sark going to be the next Saban? I doubt it but if he could figure out how to load his teams with 5 star players at every position every year I think he could be great.
  9. Sark’s ability to win here will be based on one thing and one thing only. His ability to recruit, especially O line and D line. I am pissed about yesterday but I don’t blame Sark at all. This is a Herman team at this point and if you look at the players on our O and D line it is Texas Tech level. The main reason our offense is good this year is because Sark is a good play caller in spite of the O line and also we happen to have a running back that is a mix between Emmit Smith and Barry Sanders in the backfield. He makes plays that most if not all other RB’s in the country would take for a 2 yard loss because there are 3 guys waiting in the backfield because of poor O line play. Think how bad this offense would look without Bijan. Same issue with the defense. PK may suck but the guys he is playing are about as effective as if they put me out there. Guess what, if you are not fast enough and strong enough you won’t be able to tackle the guy that is bigger and stronger than you. Our D line gets absolutely swallowed up almost every play. No pass rush, can’t set an edge, can’t shed a block. It’s not because they haven’t been taught correctly or the coordinator isn’t calling the right plays it’s just that they aren’t good enough. We could have won yesterday in spite of this but OU has better players and they played to their level after the first 5 minutes of the game. I don’t follow recruiting as close as others on here but if Sark doesn’t have the commits yet he needs to hit the portal and bring in every possible lineman that can help this team asap and let the new recruits on each line develop for a few years. Then maybe I can go back to not having to kick my dog every Saturday night out of rage that the UT football team ruined my weekend.
  10. If you had a Aggie boss (former corp member) that you fucking hate and you know you will have to listen to him tell you how great his school is come Monday you would understand my hatred for them.
  11. So Aggie is going to win this game and Bama is still going to win the National Championship so Aggie can claim they beat the national champions. This is just great.
  12. Your an idiot. Mack losing to OU by 50 points is deserving of being fired not games like today even though I am furious right now. Sark might not be great but the team played well for most of the game. This loss is on Herman actually. Look at the players we have on D. They are absolute dog shit. Brockemeyer has no business starting for Texas Tech let alone UT. Nick Saban himself couldn’t make these players good which is why he would pay every five star defensive player out there to come play here ASAP. Hopefully Sark can figure out a way to get actual talent on both the O and D lines. We have no plus talent in the trenches and the LB unit is even worse.
  13. That’s what I figured. How illegal should it be for a judge to make money off of sending people to prison. Kind of a conflict of interest, no.
  14. So I read the thread but not the article. Does the article by chance say the proportion of black kids to white kids that get jailed. Curious if this is a racial thing or something else. Also, to me the whole detention center just looks like a business for the county. Is there any way the judge and all those involved are making money with this thing or are they just doing this for god.
  15. It sucks getting matched up against a team that's really fucking good at baseball. Of all the shit luck. And near the end of the season no less. Just when I thought that the Red Sox were finally in the clear! The Rays are the better team but it would be nice for the Red Sox to hit some of these lasers not right at the Rays players. Also, all I know is no matter what happens tonight or if the Sox get swept over the next week I can go to sleep knowing the Yankees were eliminated from the playoffs.
  16. NBC literally just did a story about how Wall Street hedge funds and private equity are buying up the housing market throughout the country with cash offers well over asking and then renting the houses out. They showed some neighborhood outside of Nashville where like 35% of the houses were Wall Street landlords. I am guessing Zillow might be doing the same thing. The whole story was how regular people can’t afford to buy houses with all of this PE money being used to snap up all the houses on the market. They showed one firm that now owns 81000 homes nationwide and rents them out which means the home equity wealth people try to accumulate now goes to the rich guys on Wall Street I guess.
  17. The guy dropped out of high school at 15 but yes he is crazy smart. He now lives in a house worth close to 2 million on a lake here in DFW. You gotta be willing to keep your equity in each house you owned and most people need that for the next house but yes, his way was the right way if you can do it.
  18. I don’t know how the Zillow buying houses works but my friend in DFW just sold 3 houses to them in the past 6 months (he never sold his old houses but kept upgrading to a better house and renting out the older ones over the last 15 years). He finally decided to cash out. He said Zillow offered him way more than he was going to price them at and it was really easy to deal with them. For what it’s worth.
  19. Following up on this post. Going in mid November. Staying at The Iroquois Hotel in Midtown. Seemed decent enough and I’m too cheap to stay at the Plaza. Booked 2 shows. Jagged Little Pill and Moulin Rouge. Any good places to eat before these shows that are near my hotel or the theaters? Also, what would be the rec for a 25th anniversary dinner on a non broadway show night. Wife isn’t a foodie and doesn’t eat out of the ordinary stuff. My hotel is near Butter? Not sure if that is good. Lebernadin seems too upscale for what she is looking for and she would freak out at the prices I am guessing. Also, is a place like Patsy’s worth trying one night or does the food suck?
  20. This exactly. It really played like a two hour series premier, and if it was we could look forward to a season of hour long episodes going deeper into the prequel stories of a young Tony and his rise to the top. Maybe some flashbacks going deeper into the relationships between all of the characters. There seems to be a lot of story to be told between Harold and the Italian mob and Tony. Also seems like there should have been more build up to why Junior was so mad at Dickie other than he laughed at him one time when he fell.
  21. How do you know what vampire piss tastes like?
  22. Fucking Euros always seem to knock in 20 foot putts like their tap ins when they play in the Ryder Cup. Pisses me off.
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