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Beantown Express 2.0

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Beantown Express 2.0

  1. Meh. We don’t win conference championships now so it really won’t change things. I mean we have won 7 since 1980, 2 since 2000, and zero the last 12 years. The SEC may be our only chance to be able to build a team that can win conference championships.
  2. It could be because Card has kind of shown he does terrible with pressure when the OL sucks (See Arkansas game and even his one pass yesterday). Maybe Sark is “protecting him” from getting destroyed mentally and physically since our OL can’t pass or run block. I think Card must have looked good in practice over the Summer against our defense but when he played other schools during the season he looked overwhelmed with his reads and throws. I really have no idea but I am pretty confident that if Card played a few series yesterday or the rest of the game it wouldn’t have made a difference in the final outcome.
  3. It really is amazing that over that 10 year period we couldn’t have one OL drafted in say the 4-7 rounds at least. You know, maybe they are a jag at best in the NFL but at least they are on a roster. I don’t see any OL talent in the current OL and that is why we can’t run or pass which seems kind of important when trying to run any kind of offense.
  4. Sark is as good of a play caller as almost anybody in the country. Lincoln may be better but Sark knows what he is doing. PK has been a more than solid coach at UW. Flood is a more than solid coach for the O line. Bo Davis seems to be a good D Line coach at UT in the past and at other stops including the NFL. The others I really can’t speak of as being good or bad. Don’t know enough about them. Now let’s talk about the players. There is zero talent on the offensive line right now. The WR’s other than X are not very good. The QB’s are mediocre but would look much better with a good O line and good WR’s catching the ball. Do you disagree with that?
  5. I actually agree with you that he may be fired in 4 years and he may not be a great coach. Where I disagree is in the second half he tried to run (O line got blown up every time). He tried to pass (O line got blown up every time). I can’t blame him for that.
  6. How bout you answer the same question. Name the good players on O and D for UT? UT was lucky to be up in the first half by the way. OSU’s receivers dropped a ton of passes that would have been first downs. Also, Gundy could have just run it every time and scored every time against our shit D. Worst part of this is OSU is a mediocre team and will still choke against OU later this year like the do every year.
  7. Unable to answer huh? It’s easy to blame the coaches who have been good at other stops but magically suck when given the talent we have isn’t it? Sark can call a game but for some reason when he called runs or passes in the second half nobody on the offense seemed to execute. That is not on the coach at this point. Sark had some questionable call but so does every coach in college or pro that calls plays. There are always head scratchers mixed in. There is not one coach in the country that can overcome the lack of talent on this team right now. NONE.
  8. Apparently not. The line gets blown up every fucking play. Run or pass. They miss blocks, end up blocking air or get pushed around like a rag doll.
  9. Did you answer my question? No you didn’t. Name the players that are better than the ones on OSU or OU?
  10. Name the players on O and D that would start for that OSU team we just lost to. I got Bijan and nobody else. Am I wrong? If so how many would be better than what OSU just started against us?
  11. OK. Tell us the players that are good on the offense and defense other than Bijan? Show me the guys that would start for OU or OSU on our team? I will hang up and wait for the answer.
  12. Re posting this from the other Sark thread. I am not a Sark apologist but the talent on this team sucks, period. You could have Saban, Meyer, Swinney and Belichick all on the coaching staff and guess what, the O line would still suck, the WR’s would still not be able to catch the ball or break away and the QB would be mediocre at best. Bijan would still be incredible no matter who the coach is. It is hard to call an offense when you can’t run or pass block. I have watched plenty of Patriots games over the last 20 years and even Belichick and Brady at QB looked like shit when the O line was horrific. The Horns line is the worst I have seen in my 30 plus years watching this team. The D is just as bad when it comes to talent. Maybe just maybe they can’t tackle or take good angles not because of the coaches but because they are slow, weak and not that talented overall. Show me the players on D that would start at any Top 25 school in the country? Show me the offensive players on this team that would start at any Top 25 school in the country. Bet you can count the number on one hand and if you take Bijan out of the equation there may not be any. Think about that for a second. Not a handful of players that would start for any other top teams but we expect Sark to magically make them good? Now if Sark doesn’t bring in better payers in the next 12 months then yes, he sucks and will be fired after 3-4 years.
  13. Herman sucked as a coach. If he was so good or worth keeping why didn’t one of the 1000 colleges in the country hire him? Because he sucks, that’s why. I am not a Sark apologist but the talent on this team sucks, period. You could have Saban, Meyer, Swinney and Belichick all on the coaching staff and guess what, the O line would still suck, the WR’s would still not be able to catch the ball or break away and the QB would be mediocre at best. Bijan would still be incredible no matter who the coach is. It is hard to call an offense when you can’t run or pass block. I have watched plenty of Patriots games over the last 20 years and even Belichick and Brady at QB looked like shit when the O line was horrific. The Horns line is the worst I have seen in my 30 plus years watching this team. The D is just as bad when it comes to talent. Maybe just maybe they can’t tackle or take good angles not because of the coaches but because they are slow, weak and not that talented overall. Show me the players on D that would start at any Top 25 school in the country? Show me the offensive players on this team that would start at any Top 25 school in the country. Bet you can count the number on one hand and if you take Bijan out of the equation there may not be any. Think about that for a second. Not a handful of players that would start for any other top teams but we expect Sark to magically make them good? Now if Sark doesn’t bring in better payers in the next 12 months then yes, he sucks and will be fired after 3-4 years.
  14. They need to bench Thompson. He is rattled. The Oline is awful also but he is making bad decisions.
  15. Foot on the gas and on their throats right now would be nice.
  16. I am fine with giving the ball to Bijan 3 straight times to see if we can get a first down.
  17. That is what this team does. Next time Casey will throw a perfect ball but a WR will drop it. Bijan will have a great run but the OL will be called for holding. Always someone fucking up. It’s infuriating.
  18. In all honesty why is it so easy to get a 3 and 9 plus converted against this D? It’s not like some trick plays or anything. It’s simple pass or run plays and we are not even close to stopping it, ever!
  19. 3 of the 4 on FOX picked TX. Lone dissenter was Bag of Dicks Stoops.
  20. I agree it was a bad call but didn’t they say that batter was lifetime 0 for 17 against Max? Why did they not Pinch hit for him?
  21. I don't know about that but I shot my best couple of rounds in a while (a 90 and then a 86) wearing these Sqairz shoes. If I could hit a 4 foot putt those scores would have bee about 5 strokes better. They help me with the pivot of my back foot on to the toe for some reason as I am usually really bad with staying back on my right side, also lining up my shots and the stability on the ground. Then again it probably has nothing to do with the shoes and I will go out and shoot 100 next round.
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