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Beantown Express 2.0

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Beantown Express 2.0

  1. I saw the Beastie Boys/Run DMC show twice that year. Once in Miami and once in New Orleans. It was pretty great. The following year Run DMC played at our Grad Night in FL (where they open up Disney World after hours to graduation seniors). The played Mary Mary for the first time before any of us had ever heard it. Also pretty great.
  2. So my first business trip since the pandemic started is going to be Vegas in mid July. Going with a bunch of clients and staying at the Encore. Any recs on restaurants I should take these folks to at that part of the strip or in the Wynn/Encore? I went to Sinatra's in the Encore years ago and remember it being pretty good Italian food but not sure what is still open at this point.
  3. So if this beach club would take “a token” black person or two as members then this would be OK with everyone? Then it would basically be just like another exclusive club he is a member of…. the United States Senate.
  4. I don't play in hardly any competitive tournaments as I am not that good (16 on the GHIN) but I play in a neighborhood tournament once a year with about 20 of my neighbors. It's match play Ryder Cup style so they try an pair people up to make it kind of fair. The guy I got paired against last year hadn't participated in this tournament before and he said he was a 25 handicap and never plays golf. I end up giving this guy strokes on a ton of holes and he goes out and shoots a 81 on a very difficult course. Hits his drives about 300 yards and was chipping balls to within a foot of the cup out of the sand, 40 yards off the green, etc... draining 10 footers like it was nothing. To say I was pissed would be an understatement. Sandbaggers suck.
  5. Blue is never too shiny. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. I grew up down in Miami around the time this was built. I have no idea what happened with this building but let’s just say that there were always rumors about the shortcuts taken in building many of the high rises on the beach in South Florida. My friend and his family are in the iron workers business down there so they used to build a lot of these things and he used to say, “wait until a hurricane takes a direct hit on the high rises on the beach and you may see some fall apart”. I am not sure how you do shortcuts on buildings to save money but I guess there are ways. Now this wasn’t a hurricane and who knows what caused it but this is probably not the only poorly designed high rise in South Florida unfortunately.
  7. The Chyna deal was pretty good but just plain sad. She really spiraled downward pretty quickly. Anybody watching the WWE lost treasures shows that are on A&E where they try and find old collectibles from the wrestlers? Last nights was a Ric Flair episode and it was really good as they show a lot of stuff from Ric’s whole career. One thing I learned was that Conrad guy that did the interviews on Dark Side of the Ring Confidentials is married to Ric Flairs daughter. He is the big heavy guy with the beard that interviews the two guys that make Dark Side. I never knew who he was but apparently he is a huge wrestling collector and also part of the Flair family. It seems he out kicked his coverage with marrying her.
  8. I think the lady I am talking about puts it on MLS and then puts the sign up but she has someone ready to buy it already "in her pocket" so it is all for show really. Like I said, the people selling need to agree to the price they are getting even though they could get more from a better realtor. Here in DFW we are in a hot market the likes I have never seen before in this area. I have friends that have sold in the last few months and gotten 10 plus offers on their houses in the first 24-48 hours (one went for $140K over asking which was stupid) so I think it is strange to accept the first offer within an hour of going live on MLS versus waiting say a day and seeing what other crazy offers may come in.
  9. I know in this case her daughter is one of her agents. A few years ago we were looking to move to a house with a view in the neighborhood so I reached out to her and she said she had one coming soon but it wasn't on MLS yet. She took the wife and I to look at this house but we never contracted with her. I am pretty sure her goal was to have me as the buyer already to go when the house went live. We didn't care for the house so never went forward but I am pretty sure her goal was to get the full compensation as the buyer and seller agent. I think she offers some deal that if she does both she only takes 5% not 6% or something like that.
  10. This is exactly what this realtor does in my neighborhood. We have a lot of people in my neighborhood that move from a cheaper home to a more expensive home within the neighborhood so they just want to get out of their house quick so they can get the nicer house and she flips em quick which helps her but hurts the home values of everyone still living here. A lot of people are pissed at her about this and others don't realize what she does. At the end of the day in ten years she went from a new realtor to worth millions with multiple agents on her team. I wonder if she uses the agents on her team to get around that dual agency rule.
  11. Shit, we have a realtor in our neighborhood who lived here at the very beginning like me so she has become the "realtor of choice" for the neighborhood. She does lots of stuff like sponsoring hot chocolate during Xmas or shit for the spring festival in my hood. Sounds like a great person, right? That being said, my hood is now thousands of homes versus the 10 homes back when I moved in 13 years ago and she sells 5-6 homes a month out here many that are over a million in sale price or close to it. She also does that "pocket listing" thing where she barely lets her homes go live on the MLS because she already has someone ready to buy it. Other realtors in the neighborhood tell me she is doing that so she guarantees she gets both ends of the 6% as opposed to having another realtor get it by bringing a buyer to one of her houses. I will give you an example from just last week. A house on my street that was her listing went live on a Saturday and was listed as pending before the open house started at noon. She took $40K over asking and she had the buyer in her pocket. I am not sure that was in the best interest of the seller as they could have waited 24 hours and gotten a dozen offers in this market (like other neighbors have gotten) possibly for more money and yes I get that the seller has to agree to this but something just seems wrong about the situation where the realtor represents both the buyer and seller. There is zero way they can do what is best for both parties as one should want the most money for their house and the other should want to buy the house for the lowest price possible.
  12. One of my good friends growing up (a white guy) was always into rap music and all black culture and when he went to college he joined Alpha Phi Alpha. He grew out dreads and still has them today down to his ass. He was even in charge of the step shows for his chapter and they used to compete with other chapters around the country or something like that. He is the only white guy I know that has joined a black fraternity but it was his thing and he loved it. Strangely, after college he became a reggae DJ that was quite popular as he would get flown to gigs around the world and he was super excited when Shaggy called him out on one of his records.
  13. Pre Covid, I would be flying all over the country on a weekly basis and the second I saw this thread I was going to post the Rick Bayless Torta in H/K at O'Hare with chips and guacamole is the best meal you will find. You can hit up some expensive places in DFW and Miami like a Abacus/Shula's but those Tortas in Chicago are fantastic for a quick meal. In Philly I always go to Legal Seafood and grab some fried whole belly clams and a cup of clam chowder or if you want the cheap cheese steak experience there is a Genos in the food court in Philly. Also, I got food poisoning from that sushi joint in the middle of the concourse at Charlotte Airport so my vote would be a hard pass on that place. Worst airport and worst food in the country (talking about major airports) easily goes to Kansas City.
  14. Since he is building a wall, can this fucker also build a roof over Texas so I can get some shade in this 100 degree heat!
  15. I wish someone could explain this to my wife. I have watches that have increased in value and are actually good investments. I have a watch right now that if I took it to Philadelphia it would be worth fifty bucks. The trips we take are great for memories and all that but that money is gone forever unlike the watches I collect.
  16. Whoa, whoa, whoa! what do you mean that wrestling is fake.
  17. The answer to your question is “all of them” he needs all the loans. Also, nothing to see here. Both sides do it. Why just last week I took out a 800 billion dollar loan from Freddie Mac at unbelievable terms. You all should be doing this too you bunch of educated, elitist, Democrat libtards. Now let me go back to my double wide and hang my confederate flag next to my front door that has a giant Q painted on it. One issue I have with the article is the following line below. WTF does his sister’s features have to do with any of this. Just thought that was a weird thing to put in the article. “Meyer, who shares her brother’s slight build, porcelain features and dark chestnut hair, lobbied Freddie Mac in person on behalf of Kushner Companies”
  18. I say the same thing to myself about a lot of the posters on Surly and how much they post. Where do they find the time?
  19. Listen, I know that is “the rule” for tuxedos but there are no rules when I wear my powder blue tux, white ruffled shirt and white patent leather shoes.
  20. I posted this on the old site but you saying I shouldn’t be wearing my father’s old diamond/onyx watch with a tux? It gives me that seventies vibe. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  21. Man, there are some sensitive bitches up in this thread that sound more like a whiny little bitch than Bill Maher did on that episode. I watched it last night and didn’t really see him being any different than he has been since his Politically Incorrect days years ago. The only change I have seen in him is that the Trump years made him nuts with paranoia about the possible fall of our Democracy but he ain’t alone in those thoughts. Not sure who said it in this thread but the most accurate comment about that episode is that lady on it was annoying as shit. I would hope she is never invited back. Reiner didn’t speak as much because she was basically begging for the spotlight the entire show and wouldn’t shut up. On top of that I didn’t think she really said anything that interesting.
  22. So which Omega do you like? Seamaster (dive watch)? Speed master (chrono)? Do you want something in the 40 MM range or something bigger? What color dial (black/white/blue/green)? Rolex will be an issue because of the absurd price and scarcity of their models. Best you can get is a date just but even those are difficult now and really not worth the gamesmanship to get one. I agree with ChiTown that Panerai is great in that price range. Omega also along with IWC. Not a fan of Breitling.
  23. This is classy and cool but not obnoxious. It will look good with a Gucci suit. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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