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  1. I'd acknowledge the decency that has kept him from voting for Trump. Personally, it's been the line that I've drawn the past 9 years... one side is decency, the other is Trump. It sounds like he's chosen the right side of that line. I would say that these people aren't working for Kamala, as much as they are working for America... as I also believe she is. I don't know if you're trying to change his heart and mind (if such a thing is possible), but this may be a path to that... or just a way to help him deal with his cognitive dissonance.
  2. The good people who were pulling each other down in 2020 have decided to rally around one of those people. We all had our favorites in that group, and now everyone in that group supports Harris. And just lukewarm, hedging your bet support (that's what I felt Biden's supprt was). This is full fledged, and unfailing. If she's good enough for Pete, she's good enough for me.
  3. This. It just opens the door to a bunch of whataboutism that may not even apply to the person that brings it up. The payoff just isn't enough. Unless... you have some idiot that says Trump is Godly. But you'll only see those idiots at the Thanksgiving table, and we all know it doesn't matter what we say to our Step-Uncle.
  4. You mean to tell me, the guy that ran off every somewhat qualified person in his cabinet wasn't able to choose a decent VP candidate? Where's that list of all the people Trump ran off? It's going to look like that Cleveland Browns QB jersey.
  5. We need to stop using Reagan as some example to shame Republicans. He was as much a piece of shit as Trump. I don't know what Republican would actually make the point... maybe Eisenhower?
  6. Biden should challenge him to a match in April. Tell him that they'll both have time... unless Trump is in jail or house arrest.
  7. I think the past 8 years have taught me that most golfers and people associated with golf are pieces of shit.
  8. How are you going to, "Willie Horton" someone when you are Willie Horton?
  9. Nobody hates their own like a person that believes they can reap some perceived benefit from it.
  10. Are these people ridiculing KH for blowjobs? Is that really happening? That's just full incel, isn't it?
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