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Everything posted by Burt

  1. We're about this far ---> | - | away from FoxNews being state-run media. Think about that.....we're getting closer and closer to being no different than NK, China, Saudi Arabia and Iran.
  2. Its tough to scam a scammer, but its not impossible when Scammer #1 is a narcissistic douche who feeds off adulation and praise.
  3. Fucker is coming here July 5th.
  4. We need to arm our journalists!
  5. Past practice says its exactly how it works. That was an exact quote from Mitch McConnell.
  6. The American people should have a voice in the selection of their next Supreme Court Justice. Therefore, this vacancy should not be filled until we have a new President.
  7. The American people should have a voice in the selection of their next Supreme Court Justice. Therefore, this vacancy should not be filled until we have a new President.
  8. I occasionally post on the Donald Trump 2018 thread. I also write sternly worded posts on my Facebook page once or twice a month. I'm doing my part.
  9. "I always had a rule, if a restaurant is dirty on the outside, it is dirty on the inside!" I use the same rule for a president.
  10. I wish that fucker would have gotten swept down the Yellowstone all the way into the Missouri.
  11. Just biding his time until we all forget about him.
  12. No "Town That Dreaded Sundown"? What the fuck kind of list is this?
  13. He's like a one trick pony....except he doesn't know any fucking tricks.
  14. Naw, those dudes are black.
  15. Trump isn't smart enough to do it.
  16. Pretty impressing seeing as how it wasn't on TV nor is there any record of a video.
  17. I know if FEELS like he's running in 2018 with the way he's campaigning, but you wont find him anywhere on the ballot.
  18. With Riley's latest injury, anyone think he'll be called up (baring an injury to someone on the big league roster) before rosters expand?
  19. Are we who ingest this fake news the fools who are promulgating it?
  20. I know, I know.....I'm 3 days late on this. But fuck, I just cant keep up with this AND have a full time job.
  21. You know who has never been swept in the NBA Finals? Larry Bird Michael Jordan Julius Erving Steph Curry Kevin Durant You know who was on the broom end of the last two sweeps in the NBA Finals? LeBron James
  22. I've said it a hundred times and I'll say it again....Col Morris Davis is a great follow!
  23. 18 months later and still more presidential than the shit bag we have now.
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