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Posts posted by idigTexas

  1. 4 hours ago, wood said:

    If we we do that without her getting the benefit of today's training knowledge, nutrition, etc, then yeah, maybe. Give her those same advantages though, and she'd still be an absolute beast.

    This is the same argument we always hear about past athletes, and it's extremely weak, imho.

    This is extremely weak as well.  There is no way in hell to know whether she would be a beast compared to taday's athletes, even when given the same advantages.  There is no way to compare athletes from different eras, because they can't compete against each other.  It's like every sport that is decided by judges.

  2. You are touting the hiring of Mike White as an example of what needs to be done for the soccer program.  Mike White has not achieved anything here yet, though it is looking really good 6 games into his first season.  Carts, horses, chickens, roads, eggs hatching and shit. 

    Kelly has the soccer team on the rise.  Who gives a shit about reputation.  Give me results.

  3. I don't like the "dominance with respect to their peers" perspective.  It assumes that all variables have evolved at exactly the same rate over time.  Past athletes had considerably fewer peers, and the disparity of training resources and environmental factors was much greater, making it easier for a good athlete to dominate the competition.   

    I think we are now arguing the merits of the argument itself, which for me, is as pointless as comparing athletes from different eras. 

    Oh look, there's another windmill over there...I'm going to go attack it.  Carry on if you wish. 



  4. 44 minutes ago, JimmyHoffa said:


    Speaking of, I would love for them to do another All Star season with as many past winners or top 3 chefs they could get. It's been 8 years since the last one. 

    I've been thinking the same thing, but the last All-Stars did not feature any previous Top Chefs.  Would love to see an actual competition with just winners.  I can't imagine it ever happening.  Too much to lose.  

  5. 12 minutes ago, Goodman said:

    You do not see the improvement of our softball team? That is all my point is referencing, dramatic improvement. In softball(ou has won 2 of last 3 nc) like in basketball (rapeu)we have a true, year in year out national contender to beat in the conference. In soccer, like in vball ..not so much. 

    I'm not blind.  Yes, I can see that the softball team appears to be much better than what they have been, but how far they can go remains to be seen.  You seem willing to assume that challenging for national championships is a foregone conclusion.  I hope you are right, but I want to see it.

    As for soccer, I think they have shown a great deal of improvement over the past two seasons, in spite of the disappointing finish.  I expect them to be even better next season, but we'll have to see how it goes. 

  6. Eddie goes home for making a great plate of food (somewhat fitting considering he had the only Ali fight that was a loss).

    As for LCK (winner who returns is revealed)...



    Eddie goes home for making a great plate of food. 

    I would have loved to have seen what he could have done the rest of the way, but it shows when you don't have an emotional connection to your dishes.  I'm not only surprised that Eddie got eliminated, but also that they did not make us wait until next week to find out who was back in the main competition.  I was pulling for Eddie, so we'll see who fills that void the rest of the way.  Right now, it feels like "anyone but Sara."



  7. 13 hours ago, Goodman said:

    Watching what Mike has done with our softball program gives me hope that CDC will bring in the right coach for our next hire, we should be a soccer power.

    All indications are that Mike will turn out to be a great hire, but can we let him coach a full season or two before making that declaration?  He has done well taking advantage of the transfer portal, so that's certainly a promising start. 

    I do agree that there is no reason why we shouldn't be a soccer power, but am definitely not convinced that Kelly can't get us there.  She has improved the team enough that she should still be getting the the benefit of the doubt, not already feeling the heat.  

  8. 24 minutes ago, Cajun said:

    I still need to get over to Whitfields.

    Anybody tried Studdard's Q yet?

    Been a few times.  It's been meh to great.  May or my not be on par with WF cup o' meats.

  9. 4 hours ago, Patricio Swayze said:

    I’m gonna respectfully disagree that one does not go to Valentina’s for the brisket. I have been a few times and the brisket was excellent, as good as I have had at any of the supposed top joints.


  10. 6 minutes ago, Onboard 2.0 said:

    Jackie would be the late 20th c. Babe Didrikson.  A solid choice, but she was only track and field I believe.

    Serena is only Tennis.  Lindsey is only skiing.  Jackie was a basketball star at UCLA before focusing on track, and it is not as though she was only a runner.  She competed in the heptathlon.  If the discussion is for female athletes who are still competing, then sure, cross her off the list. 

  11. Here is a good discussion about whether it is Serena. 

    Here is a cool ranking thingy, that seems to think it is Serena.

    Of the two options in the OP, I would certainly give the nod to Serena.  I think there are other worthy contenders, Jackie Joyner-Kersee to name one.

  12. I agree that Sara was excessively whiny.  Adrienne was on point.  If you don't want to be called out for using a box mix, don't use a box mix.  The only time a Top Chef should use a box mix is when it is a required product placement challenge. 

    It was funny watching Eddie not know what to do with himself.  I thought for sure there was going to be some twist involving him.  Nope. Eddie Money gets a day off.

    Michelle made the fatal decision that a lot of Top Chef contestants seem to make, trying to make a dish that can't be done well in the allotted time.  Once the challenge of "game day food" was announced, she was making ribs come hell or high water.  If they only had 5 minutes to cook, she was still going to make ribs.  She does not have the creative flexibility to be Top Chef, but she may get another chance.

    In LCK, Michelle knocked out David on another "game day food" challenge.  She apparently learned from her mistake, and opted to make pasta with chili in 30 minutes instead of more ribs.  I know when I think "game day food" pasta chili is always at the top of my list.  David made meatballs.  The curve ball was that there was only one knife for them to share, with a 30 second shot clock controlling possession of it.  The other spin was being forced to use Hidden Valley Ranch Dressing in their dishes.  Michelle's reaction to hearing that was pretty funny.  I'm surprised it wasn't cut.  

    LCK finale is next week, so the winner between Michelle and the loser to be named later will re-enter the main event.  Interestingly, Michelle said that she wanted a showdown with Sara.  I hope she gets her wish and sends Sara home for good.     

  13. 19 minutes ago, Cajun said:

    Man, I'll tell you what, it's not always this way, but about 80% of the time down at the Wm Cannon Whole Foods whoever they've got on smoker duty is on point.  Got it timed where I get there right when they put it out fresh at the food bar.  

    Grab all my the best bits, burnt ends, fatty, bark ridden, etc.

    Obligatory it's not Franklin, Mueller, Blacks etc, but blows doors on the next tier down from there.  No wait, just grab and go.

    Shit, they're even doing dino ribs lately.  One note - DO NOT EAT the sausage unless you just really miss hot dogs and wanna scratch that itch.

    My small haul for lunch today.(and yes, it's in a cup.  Learned it from The Jerk)......


    ...and what time is that?

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