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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by SmokeyTheBear

  1. He's not a God, my dude. Debate ideas and theories. Let us all read the debate and add our context. It all helps us find the truth.
  2. Name the sites. Genuinely curious what these safe-havens look like and how they differ from this site.
  3. Thanks. I sometimes like to see the world some of yall live in.
  4. Wasn't a rhetorical question. Really curious on the source of some of these.
  5. My point being that Antifa's primary goal is to be anti-fascist. But then you are warning about the left wing fascists in recent history. I don't understand the warning, because if their ethos is truly their goal, then it doesn't matter where on the spectrum the fascist is, they are against them because they are fascist. It seems they are left leaning only because the GOP and Trump are exhibiting all the signs of an organization that is headed towards fascism. I'm not pro antifa per se, but I am pro organizations who put checks on extreme ideologies (as long as they do not become extreme themselves to accomplish their goals).
  6. This first sentence presents a conflict with your line of thinking on what antifa is against.
  7. Bro, you are trolling hard. What words are you looking for? All you'll do, regardless of what I post, is reply with one of a handful of far right mantras.
  8. I think we have to assume that they will never budge, no matter what. If they push through and help Trump to get reelected, they become king makers and never have to run for office again. The playbook has been shown in Russia and China recently. That's our path unless some real, unprecedented interventions happen. Like others, I wish I was that optimistic, but I've been on the ledge since election night and to this point, all my fears of this administration have largely been realized.
  9. Lol meant Daily Texan threads, but touche
  10. Check the DT thread. They are the snowflakes who freak out when you tell them that Trump may very well be the worst leader ever and semi responsible for how recent events have resolved.
  11. Who owes you any explanation on why they feel Law Enforcement has a systematic problem with racism? What does it matter if they have felt that pain personally or if they have been activists before? A confluence of events have happened to rehighlight (again) the problems with Law Enforcement. It's a problem. Just because you don't feel it, doesn't mean it doesn't impact a significant portion of our society, so needs to be addressed.......for the greater good of the society. And is your contention really that they shouldn't be protesting and protesting is bad, but you can't have a voice in this if you haven't protested before?
  12. Finally broke that 39% line! It only took an authoritarian statement and response.
  13. Uh oh, a black person from sports talking politics
  14. Not fox news, Ben Shapiro, and proudly so
  15. Not when shunned or purposely overlooked due to them being done in situations inconvenient to the likes of you. Just because you don't want to accept them, doesn't mean they are not valid. And those who protest during times where there are lots of eyes on them (sports) do it because of there are eyes on them and do not owe you an apology because it doesn't fit within your specific guidelines.
  16. What do they think the national guard and local police will do when these limp dicks show up with their gucci guns?
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