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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by SmokeyTheBear

  1. The anarchy! Wonder what art the far right made in their little march for haircut freedom.
  2. No, it's not one thing, it's that we shut him down quickly every time in ways he can't comprehend. He's admitted to prefer the feeling of his safe spaces much better than here. Yes EMAW, it's very comforting to be around those who think like you. It's called group think. Know why I like this place? Cause I'm a bleeding liberal and I can freely engage with the new Right (like you) anytime I choose, to challenge my ideas/beliefs/philosophy. Helps you grow as an adult. Try it.
  3. A real leader representing real people who all are fighting for real values. Not tag lines. Core constitutional values. Who can name Trumps values?
  4. You snowflake whiny bitch. I've tried to engage you on several occasions to understand your point and you do not reply. Your limited utility here is to randomly post videos to other people who think for you. Not everyone is going to agree with your shitty points. You may not have noticed, but society is tired of letting shit heels like you have your opinion blasted out while the good people remain silent. If you can't defend your position, that's not anyone else's issue. Get a thicker skin, listen, learn, get yourself out of your media/opinion bubble on YouTube.
  5. Damn. I thought if he died, our economy would improve. That's how all this works, right?
  6. I want the "best people" (that look like and agree with me).
  7. Better use that whale oil. Bring back all that old American greatness.
  8. Yuck. And I don't mean her, I mean this whole thing.
  9. It can't be a coincidence, so must be done on purpose. Add it to the list of shitty things he does to try and be Presidential. He'll say he has done more for African Americans than anyone else, including Lincoln; with the backdrop of the massacre. And he won't even get the irony.
  10. I saw a report that Trump was broke and molested young women. I think we need to ask questions around that. Maybe even investigate before we jump to conclusions.
  11. I'll pay $500 to someone to hit me upside my head until the image of Ol Ladybug on all fours is out of my head.
  12. SmokeyTheBear


    I hear you get a stronger reaction that way. Sounds like he did things right.
  13. Csb: when I was in Jamaica and Tucker Carlson had his whole family there for his kids wedding, the one thing I heard them say on the beach was trying to justify this exact point to some gay friends attending the wedding. "the Right is so much better than the socialist left. Look at the body count. Pol Pot, Stalin, etc!" "Democrats aren't tolerant, they wanted slaves!"
  14. From March : https://www.nytimes.com/2020/03/10/us/politics/russian-interference-race.html The Russian government has stepped up efforts to inflame racial tensions in the United States as part of its bid to influence November’s presidential election, including trying to incite violence by white supremacist groups and to stoke anger among African-Americans, according to seven American officials briefed on recent intelligence. In no way am I saying that the current issues are solely happening because of Russia, but it looks like they are trying to make it worse.
  15. SmokeyTheBear


    Storm hit about an hour ago. Wicked winds that I thought for sure would tear down some trees (we had 110 mph winds a couple days ago, had to sprint to the car on a hike when it hit. Trees falling everywhere). We now are getting a steady snow as the temp dropped to 22. We have seen all the possible weather events in the past 2 weeks.
  16. That's the thing, I don't think he is. And that's what piques my interest into his world.
  17. Maybe he'll go away after a certain amount of engagement that proves out his ideas don't stand a test here.
  18. Just watched it and I disagree with him. A minister who is disturbed by a flock of worshipers kneeling while praying for forgiveness by their God........is disturbing? Don't care what color anyone in those videos are, doesn't make sense. This is why we don't take you seriously. What are you wanting us to get from that? That sinners shouldn't ask their God for forgiveness of their sins? That you shouldn't kneel when you pray? Or is it that we should really care what this one black person says about something and if we don't agree, we are racist? Happy to have a dialog on this to get to your point.
  19. SmokeyTheBear


    Yep, right around that area. Been having a blast up here. Did the Trail Ridge Road to Estes yesterday to get some hiking and wildlife viewing in. My view off the hot tub
  20. SmokeyTheBear


    Where are you? Grand County area
  21. SmokeyTheBear


    Know what's cool? Sitting in a hot tub on the side of a mountain in Colorado, high, and watching a snow storm slowly roll in. A Texas stoner in Colorado is a dangerous thing. Been trying all the things from the local dispensaries before I head back in a couple weeks.
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