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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by SmokeyTheBear

  1. What kind of doctor was this? *nevermind, that's what I thought
  2. Submitted without comment https://www.cnbc.com/amp/2020/08/24/texas-am-professor-accused-of-collaborating-with-china-amid-nasa-work.html A Texas A&M professor was charged with conspiracy, making false statements and wire fraud on allegations that he was secretly collaborating with the Chinese government while conducting research for NASA, the Department of Justice said Monday. According to a criminal complaint, Zhengdong Cheng, 53, a professor in the College of Engineering at Texas A&M and a NASA researcher, obscured his affiliations and collaboration with a Chinese university and at least one Chinese-owned company.
  3. While rage eating Burger King and doing blow off the constitution. Murica
  4. I for one welcome his followers to chase this cure
  5. If this was the only way you framed your argument, this statement would be correct. We all agree that the IC has done wrong things. Any system that involves people will fail in some way or another. But you make it THE issue in every conversation. All the while still deriding those who want to still believe and lean on those systems to hold accountable the rampant corruption we see in front of us.
  6. The irony in all this that is lost on Anastasis is that he's peddling in his own conspiracy theory regarding the deep state and IC that now is supported by Trump. He and Trump are now aligned in a conspiracy. Must feel good to have that company, huh Anastasis?
  7. You know exactly what I'm talking about. You're shtick is a bit cute but way played out. You were much better poster when all you did was post gifs.
  8. Difference is (since all you do is bring this up) that after more info comes out, those who were pulling on that thread stopped as they saw it was not truth or relevant. Yet you want to beat it over everyone's head ad nauseam in some pathetic way of both siding the argument. Who is still out there in mainstream news, or hell on this site, still forcing that issue? No one but you now.
  9. Trump's only response was that the NRA needs to move to Texas. Not railing against the Dems or anything like that. Of course he may be tweeting at 2am that its time for the NRA patriots to rise up, but right now he is almost punting on it all.
  10. Maybe so. But justice should be done regardless of political issues. When we stop justice because of politics, we become the Trump administration. *also, hoping that this will open up if/where money was funneled from and/to within the NRA. Which could include the GOP and Trump officials.
  11. NY A.G. files lawsuit to dissolve the NRA https://www.npr.org/2020/08/06/899712823/new-york-attorney-general-moves-to-dissolve-the-nra-after-fraud-investigation
  12. Silent majority is really pissed off that black people want equality.
  13. I only see "cock he blu" NTTAWWT
  14. What happens when Trump jokes about his people needing to guard polling places during the election? You know those fine Boogaloo or Proud Boys with their ARs playing as Patriots at polling places.
  15. It seems too much for it to be just pure stupidity on Trump's part. He has help around him with the Miller's and Pompeo's, but I think big stuff is strategic (lack of pandemic response, send in secret police to cause chaos in liberal cities, etc) which might have help from Putin. Regardless, Russia uses their troll farms to amplify anything that is going on.
  16. Wait, so his supporters can vote from home but others need to go to wait in line for hours to vote during a pandemic?
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