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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by SmokeyTheBear

  1. Cancel culture alert: Sirius is owned by an ultra conservative company who donates lots to Trump
  2. Why won't the media talk about all the extreme lefties out there trying to kill people? You know the ones with pipe bombs, mass shootings, and gun clubs taking to the streets???
  3. Imagine Trumps innate response to a person with down syndrome coming up and trying to hug him.
  4. You know what should get you votes and power? Doing your job and legislating for the people. Instead, it is party first - ALWAYS.
  5. I'm certainly drinking more right now. About 6 fingers into Talisker 10.
  6. With the back drop of his own son admitting that they are financed by Russian money.
  7. Dip shit came back out to do another photo op.....no mask
  8. Yeah, when he climbed the steps for his photo op, you could tell he was laboring to breath. However, it looked like he started breathing thru his nose after.
  9. 1. https://www.foxnews.com/us/mississippi-father-son-assault-teens-atvs-hate-crime 2. https://www.foxnews.com/us/ohio-driver-surrenders-after-gunfire-during-pro-trump-parade-reports Who would have thought that Fox News would be a source for documenting far right crime.
  10. Are we going to have a Weekend at Maralargo type situation coming up?
  11. Attacked by China?! Then we better go to war with them ahead of the election.
  12. I'm starting to rethink this whole atheism thing
  13. He will be so proud for the ratings of his funeral
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