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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by SmokeyTheBear

  1. What a weird road for being a Harris supporter. She was my first pick for Presidential candidate but was befuddled by her campaign performance. Glad to see her up there representing the future of the Democratic party.
  2. We'll have months of the dumb dumbs who believe the election was rigged trying to rectify this. Lots of work to do still, but fuck, this feels good.
  3. Going out in a bunker, a la Hitler? I'm down.
  4. Whoa boy. This is starting to be passed around by some extended family. This country is uber dumb.
  5. Wait, I was JUST told that Biden was going to lose Arizona by some betting specialist on this site.
  6. This. Regardless of outcome, for the first time in my life I'm wondering if I want to be an American anymore.
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