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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by SmokeyTheBear

  1. Back and settling in for the night with some Trainwreck and some fine mezcal.
  2. Haven't been murdered yet. Got some Del Maguey waiting for me to sip on tonight.
  3. Taking fam to Enchanted Rock to hike, reflect, and mentally prepare myself for the heavy drinking and anxiety building into an election result.
  4. So even the caravans were a projection
  5. Do you think we need to make adjustments that we can control so that the food and water systems we rely upon can be minimaly impacted by the climate changes? Changes that are happening at a rate faster than previous historical climate phases. Changes that will push major cities to become underwater at some point and displace a large population worldwide. Even if it is just a natural event, we should do what we can to mitigate the negative consequences....don't you think?
  6. For your confusion https://www.forbes.com/sites/jackbrewster/2020/10/14/trump-promotes-baseless-qanon-endorsed-conspiracy-theory-alleging-obama-staged-bin-ladens-killing/
  7. Why isn't any of the media you follow making a bigger story out of the FACT that Bin Laden hasn't been killed???!!! That's the biggest outrage so far. That Hussein Obammer lied to us and the media isn't doing anything about it!
  8. Or make pipe bombs or send chemicals thru the mail. Crazy things that could never happen here.
  9. I bumped because of the obvious parallels in strategy that the Trump/GOP are manufacturing scandals to sink the Democratic Candidate. The whole idea of Hillary being a corrupt bitch is so deeply seeded in the brains of snowflakes, purely from these previous tactics. Yet with all the might of the Trump administration ready to act on that corruption...... crickets. And here the idiots keep parroting their attacks. Maybe it was because we voted in a damn black man and then we wanted to cram a woman down their throats. Or maybe they were just grifted. Either way, yay no Hillary, now you get to enjoy Biden and probably Harris. Congrats.
  10. Now that we have "but Biden's emails", I was wondering when the Trump Justice system was going to finally arrest the Clintons for their corruption.
  11. Oh, just Gaetz hanging out with a terrorist organization as they apparently provide security. Nbd https://weartv.com/news/local/proud-boys-provide-security-at-pro-america-rally-in-milton
  12. Cancel culture alert: Sirius is owned by an ultra conservative company who donates lots to Trump
  13. Why won't the media talk about all the extreme lefties out there trying to kill people? You know the ones with pipe bombs, mass shootings, and gun clubs taking to the streets???
  14. Imagine Trumps innate response to a person with down syndrome coming up and trying to hug him.
  15. You know what should get you votes and power? Doing your job and legislating for the people. Instead, it is party first - ALWAYS.
  16. I'm certainly drinking more right now. About 6 fingers into Talisker 10.
  17. With the back drop of his own son admitting that they are financed by Russian money.
  18. Dip shit came back out to do another photo op.....no mask
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