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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by SmokeyTheBear

  1. What do they think the national guard and local police will do when these limp dicks show up with their gucci guns?
  2. They have been quiet for a long time. Hope what they bring about is legit.
  3. Curious what the coronavirus stats look like in a couple weeks.
  4. This is going to escalate from local police forces to the military. And if the military comes in hard, what we see now is going to be playground antics compared to the what will come. Trump needs all this distraction to find ways to change the scope of the election cause everything is riding on it. If he loses, he is going to spend the rest of his life fighting criminal charges and litigation. If he wins, he becomes Dear Leader, and our republic is officially gone.
  5. Only if it's an icon of a snowflake
  6. Banh Mi with beans and broccoli in a fish sauce caramel
  7. Joined Shaker and Spoon, just to give it a try. Pretty impressed so far with the service, you use your favorite liquor and they provide the components. First cocktail is tasty as fuck.
  8. yes, if that is the ONLY change to be made. it has to be several things at once. but i dont see a need for a power structure to be unchanged for a lifetime. provides for the ability to be deep rooted in the system and enact bad legislation. wouldn't be nice if mcconnell wasnt around and his philosophy of obstructionism?
  9. Get rid of gerrymandering and citizens united and patriot act. Enact term limits for congress. Find all the levers of government that limit opportunities to vote and destroy them. *Pigging backing off @brickhorn, properly fund our education system.
  10. He shouldn't have even been a viable option in the primaries. Yet here we are, because greed and selfishness is the cornerstone of American Exceptionalism.
  11. One could argue that a society that elected him in the first place, does not deserve to go on.
  12. I have. I wouldn't drink it straight but love the complexity of it in cocktails.
  13. Got any absinthe recs? Looking to buy a bottle.
  14. Been looking to incorporate a port into a cocktail since I love a good tawny. Made a port old fashioned with: 2 oz Rumble 1 oz Port . 5 oz maple syrup 4 dashes of bitters I dig it. Tastes like Coca-Cola
  15. Duck theme carrying over to breakfast with sous vide duck eggs over toast
  16. Followed by homemade cookies and cream ice cream
  17. Been a while since cooking duck. Had some delivered from https://countrysidefarmproducts.wordpress.com/ (highly recommended). Made duck breast with red wine and honey sauce, duck fat fried potatoes, and squash/zucchini
  18. https://www.chinasichuanfood.com/chinese-eggplants-with-minced-pork/ Here it is. As long as you have the ingredients, it's pretty easy to throw together.
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